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Posts posted by CraigS

  1. Redfan I agree with you . This forum has become more of a competition between adults than a learning tool to help the kids . Play Ball and let any diffrences between any teams in the area be decided on the softball diamond were the kids show sportmanship why cant we ???

    BAG - This is NOT an attack on YOU or anyone inparticular, just an overview of MY opinion of where things went south on this board!

    1) GTS Gold was attacked for anouncing tryouts when we did! Obviously we defended ourselves!

    2) GTS was accused of recruiting, and disrepecting ALL other GT coaches and programs. As I've said before, I can't speak 100% for everyone involved with GTS, however, I feel that no one, made direct phone calls, e-mails, or PM's contacting players (parents) to offer them a position on our roster! Even the ones we did talk to, were from the player or parent making initial contact with US!

    3)GTS (I) was accused of breaking up Terror, by our announcement, it caused some to get excited, voice their desires to try and play for GTS, I KNOW some of them went out and talked to others about joining them, as would any kid attempting to move to another team, they usually try to convience their friends and/or some players they feel are good, who doesn't want to bring other GOOD players to the team they desire to play for!

    These are just a few things that were directed at GTS. As would anyone involved with a program we did defend ourselves, against the attacks! There are many other behind the scene (off the board) actions (recruiting by others) that was taking place while these attacks took place in public! There seemed to be a double standard being set, THE PUBLIC ONE, and the PRIVATE ONE!

    1) Public bashing of our program, yet PM's being sent asking various people (involved with GTS) for help in the recruiting process for their children! (which, we don't mind, we have answered and sent all information ask of us, despite the attacks)

    2) Public bashing of our program, yet players being hand picked and recruited DURING NATIONALS! (as a note: I did notice someone posted a list of names earlier, we'll see how close to true this statement is) If it's WAY OFF, I will publicly apologize to ALL involved, as well as apologize in PERSON, for making this statement!

    At NO point did any one with GTS get on here and DISRESPECT the Crush organization! Everyone involved with GTS highly respects the Orange Crush Coaches, players, and Parents! (I'm not including any other teams, due to the obvious, this has become OCG -vs- GTS)

    Again, this not an ATTACK on anyone, just laying out why I feel this has become what it has become!

    Now, this part may seem more like an attack, but it is what it is! EVERYONE within the GTS organization and the Crush organization have repected each other and have had some pretty competitive games against each other, gaining even MORE respect between the 2 organizations! UNTIL, b-a-g fan, Osue200, BreakerCoach, and #1 Cheater became involved with the Crush organization!

    I apologize CC, this still does not change the amount of RESPECT I have for you, your organization, your coaches, parents, and especially your PLAYERS!

    Like I said, IT IS WHAT IT IS!

    Good luck to EVERY player in the Golden Triangle, I wish you well!

  2. If you (tiger ) think my post was to him (RVerde) then why not let him respond to it (the post) . you(tiger ) seem to know what everybody(everybody) is thinking and who all(more than one) post are adressed too , that is impressive  ;D But you are mistaken I just was adressing the conflicts  that the people have on this forum over a game A GAME..

    I'm glad you (BAG) have finally figured that out.......things should go MUCH smoother now!

  3. I made a statement ,it couldn't be more clear . The resposes to this statement are exactly what I am talking about , people wanting confrontaTION.  The topic we discuse is softball ,softball is a game and only a game . Yes it can be a route to getting our kids an education on someone elses dime . But our kids make the game not vise versa . Instead of takeing everything someone says as a challenge take it as for what it is a opinion. Put your opinions and experiences and knowlege of the game on here for all to learn from if they dont ,it is on them but if it helps just one person in a positive way ,that is a great thing . I by no means want to call anyone out or chalenge someones integrity just to express my feelings to the miss understandings and confrontations that have seem to be taken over this forum . Things have happened in the past couple of weeks that have hurt peoples feelings in diffrent ways . lets get past all this and move forward "It is not that serious"

    You missed it.......all RV was saying IS.....don't use the term "some people", if you mean RVerde, say it.......if you mean Tigers12, say it, etc. etc. etc. That way there isn't any misunderstanding about WHO you are addressing. It would help eliminate "others" getting offensive due to misunderstanding!

  4. T12.  You are unbelievable.  I'm assuming your remarks are directed to BC's post, and if you are, without knowing what that family had to go through 2 years ago.  You would not have made comments like that.  

    Wasn't directed at anyone in particular! My comments were along the lines of where I stand now, and from the beginning! It's JUST softball, I agree. The point is we ALL go through adversity at times, some more than others (no disrespect to Richard or his family at all) Once you get to a point in life where your decisions are to "get back into softball" then do it with all you've got to offer, just as you would when facing the tougher times in life! 100%!

    If I offended BC, I truly apologize!

  5. As usual RV, you speak wise words!

    I too have had to face adversity within my family and home over the last 2 years. I agree there are ALOT of things more important than softball, ALOT! My (and my entire families) softball completely shut down after Rita destroyed my home 2 years ago, as some of you know, we as a family have dealt with life altering decisions in the past few months. What does this change, NOTHING, our home is still our home, and our family is still strong as ever! Maybe even stronger for working through these things as a family!

    The decisions we had to make were: Are these situation putting us as a family in a position to give up softball or not! If so, then that's ok, if not, nothing changes! If you decide that your situations in life aren't so important, that you are are willing (or find it necessary) to give it all up, THEN you persue softball 100%. There isn't an in between! You either CAN or you CAN'T!

    My belief as is many on here, is that if it's worth doing, it's worth doing without any reservations! If you find yourself second guessing your decision, then maybe, you didn't make the RIGHT one!

    Again, I speak of those that have decided to persue their dream to the fullest. Don't look for ways you can't, look for ways you WILL!

  6. Funny you should bring this back up. I just off the phone with Ken Delcambre, Head Softball Coach AND Athletic Director, from Galveston College. I spoke with Ken about the debate going on here in the GT. I ask him to give me HIS opinion of the senerio, being the HEAD softball coach,and also the AD! Ken said he would try to be here HIMSELF (his assistant may come) Saturday to share with any and all who are interested in his take on the subject!

    I think ALOT of you will be very surprised as what he will have to say from a college Softball Coach AND Atheltic Director perspective!

    I could paraphrase our conversation, however, I don't want any of you to think I've added, or left out any part to support my opinion. I feel everyone would be better served if you could hear it yourself!

    Hopefully some of you that are interested in a little exposure, and words of wisdom from a little higher up will join us this weekend!

  7. Here we go again..........it was NOT challenged!

    Just stating the fact that if someone were to specialize in something they would be better than one that generalizes!

    Like the family doctor -vs- the brain surgeon! The family doc is still a doctor and probably a good one........BUT if you need brain surgery........I'd rather a BRAIN specialist!

    Same goes for multi-sporting........no one said they couldn't or even be good......but take the same abilities and specialize in SB........THEY WILL BE BETTER!

    edit: and no one has said they can't do both and play for GTS, we said we rather SB be the priority if there was a conflict!

  8. DISAGREE! That is only true of the "team" a player can and will reach their potential through their own work ethic!

    Softball/baseball is the only "team" sport that recognizes "individual" effort as far as stats. It takes a team to WIN......but NO ONE can get in the batters box for you, NO ONE can catch that fly/ground ball for you, NO ONE can hit that spot or make that pitch for you!

    You will get better if you increase the amount of time you spend doing it! It was once said, even is a player that has horrible mechanics, but spends countless hours hitting, they will become a better hitter! (not to be confused with being the best they CAN be) just better than if they didn't get in the cage at all!

  9. Doing multiple anything WILL affect the other. You may be good enough to do both, but then that is subject to the opinion of the one doing the judging!

    No one is saying that ANYONE has to do anything......just stating the FACTS, if you focus on ONE thing, YOU WILL BE BETTER AT IT!

    Now if it is your goal to just get there, then that may be ok with you! If your goal is to reach your HIGHEST potential, then you may want to focus more on just that!

  10. wish there could be a truce but iam sure not all feel this same and on behalf of bc iam sorry for the trash talking that occured before and to an extent i see where revenge trash talk is wanted. but in the end the scoreboard and wins and loss columns are all that matter.

    You are correct, which is all the more reason BC doesn't need to talk the trash....BC is deserving of their rep.......but recent comments have not been becoming.

    Good Luck Mr. Bolton......Truce from the Tigers!

  11. Whatever happened to good sportsmanship when you win or lose?  I wonder where some of these kids get their attitudes and smart mouths from.  We adults could lead by example, and show more sportsmanship and less trash talk.

    I agree, and I'm sure MOST Silsbee fans don't approve of me doing this. However, just trying to prove a point......Silsbee, for the MOST part (me included) never talks trash on here or anywhere else for that matter......

    BUT......up until BC lost, you couldn't shut them up......

    I even posted some VERY egotistical smart A$$ BC comments.....from all over this forum......from bragging about the streak.....to BC isn't challenged in this district, to buy a lottery ticket, you'd have a better chance of winning that, gotta get out of district to see how good we really are........etc....etc......etc.....

    You aren't wanting to hear this NOW, just as we didn't want to hear it THEN......so if BC want a truce.....I'll agree to that! Let it be a lesson to all! No one wants to be on the short end of ragging or bragging......just support YOUR team with a good luck to ALL!

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