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Posts posted by griff

  1. ::a Man you guys are good one sets us up the other knocks us down. Ok no more crying WOS and Lumberton kicked our butts fare and square. The point is NO ONE CARES scrimmages don't count!! Goodluck next week in your games.

    Oh' date=' but you DO care, and so does your buddy Jody...and the scrimmage DID matter. See, if BH would have won, you and Jody would still be posting about how they beat WO-S. But since BH was soundly whipped by WO-S, Jody goes into hibernation for a week and you try to create an excuse that we used our 1st string for three quarters? If you recall, we had a LOT of players wearing white helmets. Those players are from our JUNIOR VARSITY. So you see, that is more than the equivalent of a 2nd or 3rd string. Plus, this "scrimmage" (except for returning punts and kicks) was played in real game 4-quarter situation.

    So, to you and Jody, I say...

    33 - 7

    Amen brother!!! :):):)

  2. You think so?

    I feel like we will do a lot better than even expected. Not to be disrespectful to our new opponents.

    Hey bronco1, consider your source. Jody is wrong about 99% of the time when it comes to high school football. He picks every team to beat WO-S for no other reason than just sheer disdain for anything relating to the school.

    It's possible. Dayton may win against WO-S, but don't take Jody's word for it. Rational people have legitimate reasons to believe this. Dayton definitely has respect from WO-S fans, coaches, and players. We're looking forward to a good game and helping to break in that beautiful new stadium. It'll be nice to play some good competition for a change. :):)

  3. Griff I am just a onlooker from the outside' date='but it looks like Jody is on your mind all the time..It seems that you are obsessed with him..If he knows he gets to you he is gonna keep trying..[/quote']


    You're not a mere onlooker. I see you here plenty.

    Let me explain something. This guy has been talking crap for months, but it was only last week that I decided to respond. Everyone knows he will continue his moronic posts indefinitely. As for me, I will eventually return to ignoring him. My intent was to challenge him on his comments and to expose him for who he is. Jody has made a fine representation of himself today (see "Jody's Bigger Problem" thread). The point has been made and I will move on. There are more interesting things to discuss.

  4. Griff' date=' I'm not clueless---------

    WOS is great, I'm not a BH fan, but------------

    I think Jody should get SETX message board MVP-------------

    He talks trash, gets beat, eats crow, and comes back for more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote']

    I was referring to your "whining" comment.

    You're right about the rest. He needs a fishing buddy.

  5. Jody wrote: "I was not aware that I was banned from the WO-S site."

    Yeah, right...remember your username "Gasilla 2"? :)

    Jody wrote: "I (al)ready know what WOS did in 1986, so why read it all over again."

    Good memories are fun to relive. I'm sorry you resent them. Right now, we're all talking about the present and the future. You see, we got off to a nice start this weekend. :) This year's team looks good. Plus, our Freshman team won 5 - 0 and our JV won 2 - 1, even though our opponent was given about 20 more offensive plays than we had in a controlled scrimmage. :)

    Also, thanks for showing the entire setxsports.com audience what WO-S fans already knew about you from your past posts and PMs at wo-s.com. Phrases like "p&8cks" and "a finger to go with it." Those are beauties. Tell us what you really feel, Jody. :lol:

    Now everyone can see why you were banned. Coop, it looks to me like Jody's trying to continue his hot streak of banishment. :)

    You're a sad case.

  6. No question about it. They played like it was a 3rd playoff game and we did not. No real suprise at the outcome' date=' but I was dissapointed in what I saw from BH. WOS looks to be a good, well coached team, but I still say they loose 2-3 games this year.[/quote']

    Piratefan, are you really serious about asking Jody that question? Nothing he says is based on rationale. It's all bitterness. I know it's hard to believe someone can be this way, but he is what he is.

  7. The only bright spot in Saturday is it puts us one step closer to having a fire coaching staff. I figure 3 more years at the longest. Do they suck or what?

    Sorry, but the WO-S coaches aren't for hire.

    All the coaching widzardry in the world wouldn't have changed a thing Jody. This is the response we expected from you. Your team was manhandled and you're in denial.

  8. It's funny how I expose YOUR hatred for WO-S football and their fans, and you want to say the hate is from me. :roll: Sorry if you don't like what you see in the mirror. I haven't made racial statements about WO-S and sent hateful PMs to WO-S fans. That distinction is all yours.

    This is the wrong poll question. It should be,

    How does Jody view WO-S:

    a) With jealousy

    B) With envy

    c) With hate

    d) All of the above

  9. Jody,

    Everyone makes mistakes in life, but not many of us have experienced what's it's like to be WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING. So, what's it like?

    Jody's recent quotes:

    "Barber's Hill has the better defense hands down."

    "WO-S is overrated every year."

    “30 Hours Till A Thumpingâ€

    “…sit back and enjoy my in-depth knowledge of WOS football.â€

    “We need to revisit these accurate quotes periodically.... â€

    “It's on tomorrow, get ready for some real competition..... â€

    “…it is a close one to call. I have to go with BH just because I think they have a better defense than WOS.â€

    â€Should be a good game. BH by 6.â€

    “I think WOS is in for a suprise.â€

    “WOS might just be over-rated.â€

    “I am missing a spearfishing tournament for the opportunity to see WOS get beat...... â€

    “…my PROFESSIONAL analysis....

    “Most Over-Rated Team…It would be too easy to say WOS, so I won't.â€

    “…you need to feed those WOS folks some facts......their in another world..... â€

    “(WO-S) Can show signs of having trouble stoping the run.â€

    “I may not be a football goo-roo...â€

    Oops...sorry. You did get one right.

  10. Jody has made a message board career of talking down WO-S. When someone responds to him, he comes back with the typical, "Aw, shucks...I'm just kiddin'. It's all in fun." This guy is NOT kidding. He has a serious hate problem with WO-S. He's sent past private messages to WO-S posters saying mean spirited and hateful things. I hope everyone outside of WO-S (including other BH fans) can see him for who he really is. Remember that every time he says something...if he ever speaks again. I kind of like the silent Jody, though.

    It's not good for your blood pressure, Jody. You need to let it go.

  11. Rookie? How childish. You find so much self esteem in being a frequent poster, here? Good grief. Like I said...get a life.

    Jody wrote: "If you would spend less time checking grammer and spelling and more time watching a real football team like BH, you might one day be as smart as me."

    This will mark ten consecutive years you've watched WO-S play, right? There's always room in the corral for more outsider fans like you, so make yourself at home. You can be an honorary Mustang.

    I expect a competitive scrimmage tomorrow. What I also expect is that IF WO-S roasts BH, you'll still talk crap as if it never happened. Dementia is a serious disorder.

  12. Jody wrote: "What's 'amazing' if you take the time to respond to someone who is "Ignorant" and "Just Plain Retarded."

    You sound a little testy. What happened to the cute and cuddly "I'm just funnin'" Jody that we all know? I'm just trying to educate you, son. The word "if" should be replaced by the word "is" in your sentence. Keep working on your grammar and remember there's still room for you at the WO-S elementary school system.

    Jody wrote: "For your information, I have not missed a WOS game for almost 9 years."

    My, my...you really ARE obsessed with WO-S. You must like us as much or more than BH. It's nice to be envied by someone who thinks we're "overrated every year". I'm not sure which is harder to believe...that you've watched us for nine years or that you truly have seen the Mustangs play that often and you still regurgitate such stupid opinions.

    "Amazing" is this...you have something to say about many things you know little or nothing about...football in particular, and WO-S specifically. I've posted here a little more than 30 times compared to your 400+. Get a life, man.

  13. It's amazing how obsessed you are with WO-S. From the perspective of WO-S fans...after the scrimmage with BH, we won't think about Barbers Hill beyond tomorrow. But, you'll still be on here rattling off idiotic predictions about a school that BH has no history with and one you've seen two or three times in two years.

    Ignorance is bliss, so enjoy it.

  14. Jody wrote: "I am so glad to see you finally developed a sense of humor. Now that is a funny post..."

    Glad you found that funny. You've had some hilarious moments of your own. Remember these classics?

    "BH has a better defense than WO-S hands down"

    "I seem to be the only one who knows they (WO-S) will lose 2-3 games this year, including the Bridge City game"

    "Last year's (2005) Barbers Hill team was one of the best teams I've seen in a long time"

    The only problem is you don't know the difference between a sense of humor, as you call it, and being flat out retarded.

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