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Posts posted by Wildcatter

  1. Please do us all a favor and figure out a way to put people on the floor that at least have a clue as to how to call a game.  Thus far this season you have been a JOKE with the majority of your chapter.  I have kids in the chapter who are doing a better job than the majority of your varsity officials.  I will personally send you the game tonight from the OF/WOS game so that you can see what a pathetic excuse of a crew that you had tonight.  Beginning with the opening minute where the short white official blew a call up until the call where he called a charge on the wrong kid he is a disgrace.  I have watched him call at least 6 times this season for various schools and he has yet to have a clue what the heck he is doing.  If this is the best that youu can offer then you should not be a cease as a chapter and we should try another source for refs.  You are not there to take a over a game, your job is to officiate it.  I hope to find the name of that crew so that all might see the level of incompetence. 
  2. Bluedove, if my aunt had testicles she would be my uncle.  Why not just say as I did on our loss that on that night your kids lost the game.  They did not execute, got into foul trouble, made poor decisions with the ball and lost the game.  Otherwise just go ahead and layout the reasons that your are going to lose for the rest of the season and that can be our predictions.  The same kids that played really well in our HJ game are the same ones that did not play as well against BC and we lost.  While we could say that we led most of the game against HJ the bottom line is that they won and we lost, not a moral victory still counts as a loss in district.  I cant believe that 2 weeks later we are still talking about subbing in that game.  You had 3 kids foul out because they tried to block shots all night as they did earlier in the season.  We adjusted to the fact that they were going to try and block shots all night.  I realize this will prob get me on the most hated HF list but it was just a game.
  3. Bleed, I like the varsity playing on the same night, my deal is with 3 games instead of 2.  Start one game at 6 and the next at 7:30 instead of 8:30.  Why not put the 3 subvarsity games in the other gym since most school are "unable" to have field 3 girls teams for some reason.  Our boys have had to be back at school at 630 am for our great offseason workouts so that we can at least have a couple of practices in a week.  Not about the parents on this, its about the kids. 
  4. Last night the refs at our game even blew the tip off.  HJ kid knocked the tip out of bounds and they missed the call.  How do you miss that one? No one had even moved and you can't get that one right. I have worn the stripes and I understand but it is just horrible this year.  It's the same ones over and over, you can't scratch every bad official or there would be none left it seems.
  5. Thanks for the comments as a sophomore he has a ways to go but seems to step up in the big games.  I have said from the get go that I thought we could compete for the playoffs.  We play really good defense which keeps us in the game.  You know HJ is gonna have the spurt so you just have to limit the damage and take care of the ball.  We did it most of the game but hurt us in the beginning of the 4th. 
  6. Have not said the kid was not good, as a fresh I think he did good job.  The original post was that HF should be pushing al up the floor and I still hold that with 3 kids 6"5 your strength is a half court set no a small guard rushing up the floor with no one there.  He did make some good passes but again, he needs the bigs in order to make his game work.  Not sure why if just voicing opinion it has to get jumped on like I am breaking down the kid, you are obviously closer to program, just don't understand why you all continue to jump on way program is ran.  Once OF got HF into foul trouble coach had to do what he had to do to give best chance to win.  As for aau, what would you like to discuss?  Realize the exposure element and agree you have to play in Houston with the Primetime's, MAYB, etc if you are going to be seen as no one is coming to the Triangle to watch basketball.  The game has definitely evolved with aau and in a good and bad way as most coaches will agree.  Great for for the kid not as much for the coach as he has to fix alot of the bad that goes along with aau.
  7. Grew up playing it with the elite in the country, ever heard of the old dust bowl in Lexington Ky?  Players like Rex chapman, Kenny Sky Walker, some of the best players that had good nba careers as well would be there every Sunday.  Played major D1 myself so understand the game.  Travel every summer in houston as well and get to see good bball across the country and Friday saw aau from the pg.  Not a knock on the kid just don't assume that you have the market cornered on the aau ball.  Just think if HF is going to win it will not be on the talent of pg scoring but using the bigs that are on the floor which is HF strength.  How many pts did he have Friday night vs assists?  Basketball basics are the same no matter where it is played, pretty simple, utilize your talents over the opponent.  Your pg can't take over a game, the bigs have advantage with match ups vs most teams.  Not trying to get into a contest just saying what I saw.
  8. On the coaching side of team vs last few years, you have a very cohesive group this year who work their tales off.  The biggest knock on the group that is gone is that would not work together or play hard on both ends of the floor.  This group is also a young group  with 3 sophs plying alot of minutes so they are still getting better everyday.  I will say it is a much more fun year than the last several.  Great job getting the most out of a group right now, just have to keep getting better.
  9. I dont think an up tempo game is your strength.  You dont have the guards for it.  I agree with bball, your best opportunity is the size factor.  The fresh has to learn to get his bigs involved as opposed to looking like aau.  He is good player for a fresh but the game changers are down low and he needs them if he is going to effective at all this year.  Also, the exchange kid needs to learn to use the size and take advantage of the mismatch he creates as opposed to standing outside. 
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