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Posts posted by Wildcatter

  1. Do you think that Doty could play at Lamar right now?  I know it is "just the Southland" conference but still don't think he is anywhere close.  I agree that he is a good player, but not D1.  It's hard to make up in one summer on the aau circuit.  First thing is he has to already be able to work at the 3 or whatever position.  If you are talking about trying to get an offer just don't see that happen.  Maybe he could walk on but most kids are not gonna do all it takes without getting something back.  As I said think he is a good player just not good enough for the next level.  Will keep an eye on this onew.
  2. Absolutely no chance.  Not even JUCO as it sits here today. Not being disrespectful to the kid but no way he makes the transition to the 2 or the 3 which is what he would need to do.  Most PG's in div 1 are 6'4 and could you imagine him going up against even top pg's in this area?  Never gonna happen, do think he has a chance at fb.  Just part of the issue is tha most kids and parents don't realize how much talent it takes to be a div 1 player.  I watched KY play this week and they have 2 Mr Basketball players sitting at the end of their bench.  That is the top player in the state, not just a good player in a 4a district.
  3. I have not really seen anyone that is ready except for DC.  That being said, he still has a lot of work to do.  Most kids and parents have no idea what to expect at that next level. Kind of like the football kid from Silsbee coming back home.  If is sometime easy to get caught being a big fish in a small pond and when you realize that you go from the king of campus to the end of the bench it can be tough for kids to handle.  I was talking to a baseball kid the other day that signed with Texas last year and he was kidding that he wanted the coach that recruited him back instead of the one that yells at them all of the time.  Just a different world out there now and most kids around here are just not prepared for it.
  4. Having seen all of us play I think that this year could hold a lot of surprises on any given night.  I have seen every team have its share of difficulties score on some nights.  I think OF has the better defensive team because they have been able to hold some good scoring teams to a low number but still has problems offensively.  The hope would be that the shots start falling and then you have a solid overall effort.  This is a totally diff team from last year and we are very young.  Because of that I have not hit the panic button because of the great effort by everyone on this team.  It should be a very interesting district this year.  As they say, on any given night you never know what might happen.
  5. That would explain why ours was so bad, we had the bottom feeders.  Some of the worst officiating I have seen in a long time.  Will not use names but basketball officials should be able to run up and down the floor and there is one in particluar that can't seem to do it yet consistently makes a call that is not his.  He should not be allowed to call High School games.
  6. Kind of goes back to the universal stuff, why should a head coach in another sport make less and still have to do football? why not let them have the non football kids and let them work on their own programs.  As far as a comparison towards pay vs the big city, if they were that good let them take the trip.  Also, I see kids taping the basketball games and such yet football has a coach doing it, we have 37 kids in basketball and only had 56 in football for all levels yet we only have 3 coaches for all of basketball.  Some things will never change. 
  7. Since I am not from the area I will just say that where I am from the position is separate.  That way you have a vested interested in all sports.  I think it should be an administrative position.  Does Jasper have it as a separate job?  I think you could have alot of young coaches that could grow into good coaches.  My opinion is that it should not matter if a program is good or not, can always fall back on that as a reason not to do it.  That being said, don't think it will ever change.
  8. To your point about the off season,  so we played tonight, have to do a circuit builder program during the period, lift after school and then play thurs, not much time to make corrections before next game.  I Love Football Coaches!  Most idiotic thing that I have ever heard of.  Time to build an academy.
  9. Not a guru but do have a couple of opinions, first with no disrespect, if a kid gets a letter at this age I used to call them an everybody letter, just add a kids name and bulk mail.  Even going into senior years kids will continue to get them.  As I am sure you are aware it is when the money starts coming for the scholarship is when the letters matter.  Those letters for Div 1 are few and far between.  Granted there are alot of schools out there but most kids think if a Lamar comes calling its a joke and they are way to good for that.  Reality can be a strange thing.  Was watching KY play tonight and and their 9th man was the former Mr Basketball in Kentucky.  Now barely plays.  The next level is something that most kids do not have the dedication for because of a couple reasons. First, if they are really good then they are not really used to getting coached aka yelled at, cursed at, having to work harder than they ever have.  In college sports they own you, plain and simple. There are not alot of one and done's out going to college.  Second, as long as football coaches are the AD basketball will always be 2nd or 3rd or whatever.  The reason this does not and will not happen at an HJ is because of the success of the program.  Could you imagine the fb coach going to Sutherland and saying, not gonna have your kids to day unil they get that work out done.  Believe me, it happens mnost other places.  Get rid of the FB AD and make it a separate position.  On the other hand, good luck with the year.
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