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Posts posted by Wildcatter

  1. You are forgetting that a football ad is the guy who is going to be doing the hiring.  We had an opportunity to hire a really good basketball assistant last year, everything checked out on him etc.  Then, at the last moment, a good football assistant opened up and we instead had a new assistant bb coach who had never even played the game. I just think that a true bb coach is going to have trouble here due to the fact that the fb coach is not really interested in building a solid program, he wants to build "athletes" which means better football.  JMO
  2. If it goes there you are in worse shape.  The part you are missing is that your coach actually loves basketball.  You have an ad who could care less about it. So what happens next, first they will not get rid of the coach because in the ad's eyes he's happy, he has football offseason, do you think he is gonna go hire someone with big ideas of making basketball king at HF?  Will never happen.  been there done that.  either accept it or move to Houston.
  3. Should be about winning, scoring isn't the whole deal.  Its like I ask my kids after the game, how many rebounds, to's, assists?  Too many kids/parents today worried about the name in the paper for scoring.  Just saying going at it all wrong.  I agree with the frustration of not being able to do what you need to do to get the program better, but basing everything around one kid scoring the most points is not right.  Would you be able to quote how many pts his man had while he was in, how many to's etc? Not defending the coach just can't always be about pts.  If you lost by 40 doesn't matter if he had 12 or 20, was not a game changer.
  4. If you honestly think that all this will make a difference then pm me and I will share a couple of stories with you.  The part that you are missing is you assume that they care what you think around the program.  By that I mean this is a football district with the exception of Silsbee and HJ wh have developed solid enough programs where an AD would never be able to do some of the things that other programs do.  And until the community decides that they want it otherwise you can scream, cuss, run down the coach, it does not matter.  You can even run for the school board, it does not change things.  Throw in the fact that the AD was just hired, he is there for the long run.  On a side not about the transfer, you can bet that if you have rubbed people the wrong way there you can bet that if you transfer anywhere you will be taking that drive to Austin to explain the transfer for athletics.  That is the reality.
  5. My whole point which apparently worked is that rather than say OF played a good game it always turns into that HJ played down or beats themselves not the fact that OF usually plays HJ well.  But seeing how quick it got to you was worth it.  I think HJ has better team this year without a doubt, but saying each time that its a matter of HJ playing down gets old real quick.  I was simply going along with all that you would normally say but with sarcasm around the 1-6.  You are right we have not played up to potential but I think you were also saying that HJ could win district and we should contend for playoff spot.  We were both wrong.  And if your looking at the score of the games and making a comparison to Silsbee then I guess that makes us even.  Notice, I didnt say HJ was terrible or even a bad team, just don't make excuses when a non contender team gives them a good game.  Good luck in the playoffs.
  6. I can't believe how poorly OF played in this game.  To let a mediocre HJ team off the hook for the second time this year is just amazing to me.  I mean I realize that HJ is better coached, has better athletes, better facilities, better fans, better tradition and the list goes on but for some reason we just continue to let HJ beat themselves.  I hope they don't have to play themselves in the playoffs or watch out because it will not have anything to do with the fact that they are just not as good as they think this year.  I realize how the record looks but everytime you have had to play a good team the results have not been that good. Yes they have ran rampant upon BC and HF in district but they have struggled against a mediocre OF team 2 times and beaten by Silsbee convincingly twice.  The great thing about this district is that HJ is normally considered a lock for the playoffs but rarely exceeds expectations in district. Yet when OF plays them close, yes I realize a loss is a los, it has nothing to do with the fact that OF played well it is always that HJ played that bad or beat themselves.  My prediction is a short playoff run unless a better team beats themselves. 
  7. If in a baseball game the ball reaches the defensive players glove before the runner touches the base is he?

    a.  safe
    b.  out
    c.  don't know
    d.  know the call, but the kid hasn't had a hit, he runs slow but sure is cute so therefore I rule him safe as my interpretation of the rule.

    Why should it be any different in baskeball?  You are not there to interpret you are there to enforce the rule.
  8. My son just called with part of the crew from last night at a little dribbler game.  BTW, probably a good place for him.  He even commented that they just were not on there game last night.  How can a crew not be on their game?  You watch the game and officiate, just incredible.  Don't they evaluate in football after each game?  Should do in basketball, even if it means 2 man crew, better that than a guy who feels obligated to blow his whistle.  Get the best officials back on the floor.  Make them attend the training during the year, there is no requirement to even have to attend just so long as you pay the dues.  We have good talent in the chapter maybe we the leadership needs to do better job of developing the rest.  it is not gonna happen until the coaches decide that they have had enough.
  9. No, you have to use one or the other.  I was asked to join again this year as I have called basketball for years.  I get on my kids every week about calling the game right, not using an interperative rule book.  A travel is a travel, a foul is a foul, your job is to call it.  That's the only way that kids learn.  These guys go through a few clinics, pay their dues and then get a whistle.  A coach only has a limited number of scratches per year and then you are stuck with what is left.  It is a disgrace at what is left this year.
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