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Law Man

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Everything posted by Law Man

  1. He put judges in the bench in the last two years when we controlled everything but they couldn't come together on a wall.
  2. Democrats are not my President. Trump is the President. Let's not forget for the last two years we controlled the White House, Congress, and Senate. We can go on all day pointing.
  3. Mr. Hagar before the shut down essential (essential) Law Enforcement workers complained about shortage of staff. We really need more boots on the ground. What good is a wall if you don't have staffing. I am all for border security. I work in the field. We were burned out before the shut down. The President cut essential staffing by a lot in the last two years. There are plans to cut more essential staffing. The truth, is we are short on staffing and are required to do more with less. My issue is with prioritization. American men and women who swore to protect are being punished. Freezing pay, freezing locality pay, and shutting down Government for months or years.
  4. Early May of 2018, Coast Guard made "historic" bust of cocaine, intercepting at least three tons of drug on a ship 300 nautical miles off Central American country's coast in international waters. Among the detained were citizens of Columbia, Ecuador and Peru. The ship was not headed for a wall.
  5. No one can deny that trump has done great things. His biggest problem is his mouth. A loose mouth sink ships. He will not listen to his advisers and he cannot stay on script.
  6. Top Democrat asked Trump, " Why don't you open government and stop hurting people? " The President answered, " Because then you wont give me what I want, " The statement is satisfying with his base. This is why he is shouldering the ownership of the Trump shut down. He is proud of the Government Shut down. 62% oppose the wall. Only 34% support the wall. Muller approval rating stands at its highest level. Manafort investigation revealing more as days go on.
  7. Border is weakened at the aiports. TSA officers can not afford to show up for work. Terrorist point of entry is not the wall.
  8. You make it seem as if we are only missing one pay check. I can only assume you know when this will end. Many people live pay check to paycheck. Many people have maxed out cards and established new line of credit during the holidays. My question about how long can your household can go without funds was not a jab. I wanted to know under the circumstances how long can your family survive. Mind you, I can not apply for unemployment. Your Mortgage is due and you have kids in College. You must still find a way to work. If I could afford to fly I wouldn't do it now.
  9. If I had the money I would. Lottery is tonight and I am keeping my fingers crossed. I'm lying I'd be a 1%.
  10. How long can your household go without funds? Do you have knowledge of when the shut down ends? Was the shut down doing a major holiday?
  11. IRS workers will not be paid until after shutdown is over. Why are they being punished? Allow them to support their family’s. SMH
  12. Yes, never had a President shut the Government down 2 days before Christmas.
  13. He lied too. Shut downs hurt the voters not the Politicians. It's all about who blinks first. Honest hard working people are suffering. Someone has to be the adult in the room. The letter that we are instructed to give to creditors is not being honored.
  14. We controlled the White House, Congress and the Senate. No reason for this now.
  15. People who voted for him are really regretting it.
  16. His predecessor ran the Country for eight years. Trumps reasoning for the wall has been debunked. Yes, we need border security. You can watch the video it's FOX.
  17. It's been three weeks that Federal LAW ENFORCEMENT Officers have worked without receiving pay. Stevenash, please explain how it appears he is helping us.
  18. Other 8 agencies have nothing to do with the wall.
  19. [Hidden Content]. Watch the video with Sarah Sanders. Their is no reason to hold the other right agency's hostage. I'd vote for you as President. I am a Republican and always have been. This guy is a joke. He is not a President for all. He doesn't know how to Unite the Country. We all know he lies and yes all politicians do. Federal workers are Americans and some live pay check bro pay check. No, it doesn't appear he wants to help. Try talking to a local Federal worker Republican or Democrat and tell me if they feel he has helped them. I'll wait. (Watch Video)
  20. Chris Wallace is absolutely correct. No reason the other six agencies should be held hostage. This has nothing to do about votes. A true Republican sticking to facts not alternative truth.
  21. Let's not forget the "Bridge to Nowhere" Alaska.
  22. I don't know. Weapons are placed on satellites. Recently other countries have been launching into space. China is planning to launch its own artificial moon by 2020 to replace street lamps and lower cost in urban areas, state media report. This all sound fishy to me.
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