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Posts posted by bruno994

  1. [quote name="cantankerous" post="1288125" timestamp="1349120401"]
    BC was already making adjustments before the half.  Buna last scored with over 8 minutes left in the half. Buna was being shutdown long before halftime got there.  Defensive backs couldn't cover BC receivers just as they haven't covered receivers all year.
    I agree, teams can light us up when they go to the pass.   
    I also agree on the Patrick being our best overall athlete, and in a running offense, surely there is a Soph or Junior that can get the ball to Ford and Biddle.  Could not agree more.
    See, you thought I was going to argue with you and here I am agreeing.
  2. [b]But, Silsbee doesn't need to be "state title" good in order to take down Buna[/b]

    You are correct sir.  But this thread is almost as useless as the Newton v/s Warren thread from last week, do the Silsbee faithful really need to talk trash?  Probably not.  Silsbee is twice the enrollment of Buna, you should and more than likely will give us a sound beating, so, it's expected.   
  3. Was not at the game, had other committments, that is why I am asking for your point of view.  As far as passing, the passing QB could not play this year due to previous injuries, losing him has really hurt this team as far as not having to be so one dimensional.  However with that being said, I am taking nothing away from Patrick, I think alot of Glen and truly know he leaves everything he has out on the field every Friday night.  Breaking him and a number of others out every few series might help as the game gets into the 4th quarter, especially on the offensive side of the ball.  Once again not arguing your points, just getting your side. 
    Riding Solo, you just made my other point.  Your up 24-6 at the half...why not stick to the game plan, it's working.  Hats off to the BC coaches for making the adjustments that a team who is behind 24-6, should make.
  4. Not homecoming, say it ain't so...we haven't been a homecoming team for years...I guess that is our true welcome back to 3A (only been gone for 6 years ya know).  I may have to run to Wal-Mart during halftime to do our grocery shopping, nothing more boring than the other teams homecoming.  As far as Silsbee having 4A talent in 3A, probably a few on the roster are, but just because you have beat a few bad 4A teams, don't start making your reservations for Dallas in December just yet.  No doubt the Tigers will unleash some points on the Coogs, but no one in blue and white will give up until the clock reads 00:00, I can assure you that.  Go Cougars!!
  5. I'm still unsure as to what to think about EC after losing to HJ, but other than that loss, they have been on cruise control with Roberts grinding up yards.  Warren is much improved, but can they play a spoiler in the Bucs hunt for another district title?  Good luck to both teams come Friday night.  This district might very well come down to the last game, last quarter, last minute of the season.  We need a 10-2A Redzone channel just to keep up with the 4 games each Friday night.  Maybe AggiesAreWe can go to work on that...
  6. [quote name="puddleofmudd" post="1287863" timestamp="1349106040"]
    come on guys, I was kinda hoping for something like Anahuac will score 50 points on Hardin before the first half like most of you said last week against Kountze.
    I know this is kind of boring thread.  Where is Kvillecats when you need him?  Anyway...should be a good game, but Anahuac has proved so far they are still a factor in the playoff hunt within this very tough district.  Good luck to both squads!  There I go, being boring also....
  7. I think playoffs is a big word for Kountze at this point.  They are 1 game deep into district with EC, Woodville, Anahuac, Newton and Kirbyville still on the schedule.  Let's see what they look like against a team EC took to the woodshed in Woodville this Friday night.  As of Saturday morning, we'll know more about what these Lions are made of.  Good luck to the Lions and Coach Franklin (another Buna alum!). 
  8. There will be a working traffic light just as you get into Buna at the school, although both that one and the one in Mauriceville (62 and 12) will probably be flashing caution on your way back home.  Buna is proud owners of 3 traffic lights at this time, a Sonic, a Burger King, Cailiiers Cajun Snack Shack (great gumbo, burgers, you name it), Faustos, a DQ of course and a Subway for those wanting to eat healthy.  For visitor parking, take the first right after the light, park directly behind the visitor stands, next to the softball field.  Safe travels to all. 
  9. [quote name="bluechip" post="1279216" timestamp="1348345658"]
    Jasper will be fine. I see a very bright future for the Jasper football program. They are just getting started!
    X2.  Give Barbay time, he will and has already got this program heading in the right direction.  I think as many tough non-district games you can get is great, but I also think your team needs a few of the less challenging games to let them see what they can do and gain a bit of confidence, especially as the program changes hands and is being molded.  Jasper should take nothing but confidence away from last nights loss, they scored on a team that 4A teams haven't scored on.  They battled hard and minus the 2 big turnovers, were probably in a 3-0 game. 
  10. They were quite impressive last night, but outside of 3 plays, Jaspers' D was right there with them.  WO-S has some of the tools to make a solid run in the playoffs, but considering that they scored no more points than OF, Liberty or Kirbyville did on the Bulldogs D, the offense had better step it up come postseason or it will be hoops time by late November.
  11. Gotta like the Coogs in this one with its' 2 headed rushing attack.  Ford will hurt you and Biddle will blow by you.  This is the Cougars last tuneup before their reentry into 3A football with a potential playoff implication game against Bridge City in Buna.  Personally, I would work on a few things against Hemphill , not worry about a W or L and be ready for BC, both game plan and injury wise.  The battle for 3rd place in 21-3A will be between Buna, BC and OF.  GO COUGARS!
  12. Monday morning and we're already 5 pages deep on this thread.  Hey AggiesAreWe, what's the over under on this thing reaching 15 pages by Friday afternoon?...it's almost like 'Mid County Madness', maybe we can call it 'Neighboring County Madness'?  Just a thought, no matter who wins it should be a good game.  Jasper O v/s WO-S D.  Rootin' for the Dawgs, but mainly just rooting for a great ballgame that lives up to the hype.
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