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mustang mom

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Everything posted by mustang mom

  1. Anyone know who got 3rd and also who won the free throw and the 3 point contests?
  2. I'm just wondering why some of you that are SOOO against WO-S and the bus program are even on this forum posting. It is a SPORTS forum, therefore, most of the people that post on here are FOR athletics!! Manbe you need to find another forum since you are so against athletics and so for academics. Don't get me wrong! I'm all about the academics but at our place they both go hand in hand. So maybe you want to find another place to spend your time. This is a SPORTS forum!!
  3. I put together those $3 programs and I put in just exactly what is given to me. On the subject of programs, for the first time since I have been here, I have created a football memory book that is like the football program that has all of the team pictures, drill team, cheerleaders, band and then pictures from every scrimmage and game. Hopefully, I will have them by Friday and they will be $5. We take so many pictures at every game and only have four pages of football in the yearbook, I just felt that it was a waste not to let others enjoy these.
  4. I'm so glad to hear the positive comments. The parade is the Key Club's repsonsiblity and that was one of my added responsibilities this year. I was so worried because I have never done anything like that before. From my end, I thought it went well but I'm glad to see that the community enjoyed it. Next year we will have to remember to start earlier if it is after Daylight Savings time, though. Thanks so much to those who helped out and those who participated. I'm so glad it was a success!!
  5. I predict a really good game. Not sure who will win, but both teams will give it all they have.
  6. Was he injured Saturday night or was it just a cramp? He was a great guy when he was here at WO-S.
  7. This is "Mustang Mommy" reporting in. There was a SMOKIN' last night at WO-S Middle School when the WO-S JV beat HF 48-0. Freshman Britton Lindsey scored twice Thursday as the Mustangs JV routed Hamshire-Fannett 48-0. Reggie Garrett also threw for two scores and ran for another. Darius Mitchell and Earnest Williams also scored as WOS improved to 5-0 (2-0). There is also a picture on www.kogt.com under sports just in case anyone is interested.
  8. and I do take offense to the "mustang mommy or whoever she is." I am dedicated to my team as you are to yours and I don't appreciate your rude comments!! However, as a wise man once said, I will "let the silver helmet do the talking!" I'm done.
  9. And as I posted earlier, most of the players on JV had just finished playing HF's 9th grade, beating them 42-0.
  10. Actually HF DIDN'T smoke down WO-S' JV last year. The score was 21-14. I don't call that a smoking!! We had about 9 kids on JV last year and the other few that played had just been involved in a 42-0 whipping (or smoking) of HF's 9th grade!
  11. I heard from an AP at the WOS middle school that they didn't have much damage. Of course that was just word of mouth. Anderson and North are under water and I am sure that WO-S will follow the same as the other districts in the area, but we haven't heard anything for sure.
  12. Gas, when were you at BC Bait shop? could you see our place from there?
  13. From what I heard from someone who lives by WO-S HS and went to check, the goal posts are bent and we lost some fencing, but no water in the building. I am checking this info out again.
  14. if anyone sees, keep us posted. we are safe in shreveport.
  15. does anyone know about roundbunch closest to firestone? particularly house by drawbridge with goalpost in front yard?
  16. Not sure where SilsbeeD got the info. I was there...on the field...WO-S won the 4x1 with a time of 42.21 (that was with one of the boys with a stomach virus) WO-S won the 4x2 with a time of 1.28.52 (same boy with stomach virus, two bad hand-offs) WO-S won the 4x4 with a time of 3.29. We were also ripped off on the 100m, but that is to be expected. That just meant we punished even more in the relays. Haynes (with a stomach virus) took first in the triple-42 3 1/4 while Hypolite took third, going 41'11. Haynes also took third in the long jump, 20' 1 and Ronnie Dennis was fifth going 19'1. Eric Arnold got third in the shot, throwing 46'. FRESHMAN Philip Jones got third in the 110 and 300 hurdles (16.08, 43.2) Nick Reed got third in the 400m 51.37, Seth Thomas took 1st in the 200m going 21.99. I didn't stay for the point totals, but I would be surprised if Silsbee beat WO-S. Of course, it doesn't really matter until next week.
  17. Maybe we Mustang fans are just classy enough to NOT get on a stupid message board and post things about high school kids???? If you don't know the TRUTH about what is happening at WO-S with the players, maybe just keep your mouth shut! No matter who did what, the kids are the losers in this thing, whether they are from Silsbee or WO-S!
  18. I apologize if my comments seemed unappreciative. I do appreciate all that this web site has done and an extra team for a player to add to his list is always good. I understand that. I just questioned the comment and then the selections.
  19. I find this comment under the comments about Cory Bell simply amazing, since the only other Mustang defensive player to get on the team was Seth Thomas. Corey Bell LB WO-S- The leader of perhaps the best defense in Southeast Texas If it is the best defense in Southeast Texas, why weren't any other WO-S defensive players on the teams? Anyway, congrats to all of those players who were honored with these awards! (and it is ORTAVIOUS, not Octavious.)
  20. My understanding is that they are nominated by the local sportswriters, hence the "Sportwriter's All State Team." So it is up to the newspapers that cover those teams to nominate. The Orange Leader covers Orange County teams so that is why our sportswriters didn't nominate Rhodes. He should have been nominated by someone that covers Kirbyville, whoever that would be.
  21. From what I understand it is up to the local sportswriters to nominate the teams that they cover. The Orange Leader sportswriters nominated players that they cover but apparently the Enterprise didn't nominate anyone. The sportswriter that told me this also felt like Pierce Rhodes got the raw end of the deal.
  22. Three WO-S players on Super Gold Enterprise, Four on Super Gold PA and not the same players.
  23. I just don't see how you can say the first half was really bad against Coldsprings. We had the ball 17 plays and scored twice. They had the ball 33 plays and scored once. The interception was a very questionable call. I was right there, two feet away and the other receiver pushed Ronnie. Luckily, it didn't hurt us in the end, but I'm just not seeing how that was such a bad half, especially when you know that the Mustangs are a second half team.
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