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Everything posted by Justme

  1. Baldwin still cant give in huh. LB tie, dont think so Francis had 22 tackles and demolished number five at least four times. He got up but boy was it slow. Beard was a beast as well but i think francis had a better game. And by the way one missed field goal does not constitute a kicking problem. A 43 yarder and punts that averaged over 43 yards net and two touchbacks sounds like good kicking to me. Congrats ozen on a great win. Keep it up. And i love to see all this crow eating.
  2. Ozen ahs not had any punting problems this year nor last year.
  3. I like the debate about the positions. Beard is a great backer but i believe francis is his equal. So it comes down to the other backers and easily harmon is better than the whole rest of the lumberton crew. Kicker wise its not even close the panthers have 2. and their FG kicker has made a 49 yarder and others over 35 and hasnt missed this year. Number 5 is good ill give you that. The way i see it though if we went by what people thought we could just take a vote and give the win to the highest vote getter but that is why we play the game because it has to be done on friday nights not on these posts. And by the way as far as coaching nelson and his crew are fighting battles that lumberton would never imagine. Good luck to both it ought to be good. how bout that Real eyes
  4. If I remember right thats what they said last year and there sure are a lot of ifs. It ought to be a good one. Well see.
  5. I have been at the ozen games and the players are very classy and respectful. I cant speak so well iof the fans though but never toward the opponent. There behavior toward there own staff though leaves something to be desired. remember all of us are here for the kids. The staff and players of ozen the past few years have been respectfully on their P's and Q's though and Nelson seems to have them there as well. Good luck to both vidor and Ozen.
  6. To me if a player is good on defense and the defense around them is poor that doesnt mean they get more tackles that means that the offenses game plan for them and it would be harder to make the tackles they make.
  7. from what ive heard they already have their rides to Tech and UT. Wrong choice of words not hype their accolades are well deserved.
  8. always someone that wants to argue instead of just talk. Im not talking bad about anyone just seeing if there are kids ouot there not getting the notariaty that the others are. And as far as defenses go the francis and harmon kids are playing very well and the defense from ozen is very solid they are just ont he field alot with the new offense that is taking form for the panthers. NOT WANTING ARGUMENT JUST DICUSSION!!!
  9. Just wondering besides the lumberton Beard and the PA Middle backer who has good defensive stats but no recognition. I know the Francis kid from Ozen has 84 tackles and Has got to be one of the top players in the area. But the other two get all the hype.
  10. after watching film on the beard kid and the ozen kid i have to say that the ozen linebacker is playing better right now. Just my opinion. I heard he had over 70 tackles after 4 games and thats with their will linebacker making another 4 or so tackles.
  11. Kevin Dotson would have to be on the DL before all but Ball. Willie ray award twice and a great guy to boot. four years in southern arkansas.
  12. I know for a fact the hagen kid from SP is better than half of those.
  13. I agree with everything except the part about ozen coaches should teach the game. i know for a fact that Coach Thomas is doing everything he possibly can with what he has. The kids playing there are very young. not a senior on the team and several freshman getting lots of pt. Those players at ozen do not play the game like others in the district. And those that do play in summer leagues play in horrible low talented leagues and none of them play select ball or fall ball. As far as the game goes i dont think there is much either coach could do its just a sad situation.
  14. Dont know about bowser but the linebacker coach over their has been doing well in the past few years and the new core of backers seems to be their best yet. I know they need a new coordinator though and i think their secondary coach, coach strange is a quality coach as well. i think their scheme lastyear was what was wrong. Just my opinion not trying to ruffle feathers.
  15. not really the best info to share from the things i have heard. as far as football goes he is very qualified. but i dont think that is all ozen needs. and i dont think he fits the bill in that category.
  16. I think they need to start moving for both a good coach and in ozens case they need someone who can effect hte kids character. they are not developing as good young men. Sometimes our priorities are in the wrong place.
  17. your reliable resources are horrible they lied and i know cause i was there. And as far as hiring from within that is not where they got rison he came from outside of ozen. As far a VY he would be a great fit for the kids. By they way did you watch central when cinco was the QB. Rison called that offense and what kind of offense was that. SPREAD.
  18. ob were you in the box or something. remember if he did call some plays it was a s part of risons plan. and that game was pretty good till after half till the wheels felloff.
  19. verrill is great for the kids. active with them and does a lot for their futures after high school and he know the right people to put in the right spots. all the coaches there like him and the administration there to. seems like aperfect fit. he has also seem the last few coaches and what they needed to do better and hopefully he can learn from their mistakes.
  20. Little man with big heart. Prayers to the friends and family. God be with you.
  21. The post doesnt ask about the rest of this non sense it just says who will be the best back in beaumont and by far james white. He will also be the best in their district no knock on the livingston kid but hes not close. The two central boys are but i still think james is a head above. Third int he district last year and the two ahead both gone. 4th was distant.
  22. Yes I believe there should be a punishment for this crime. And it probably should come from the school as well as the law. But remember when you were young and all the things you got lucky you didnt get caught. Besides we are talking about a kid that made a mistake, though be it a bad one, should the rest of his life be ruined because of that mistake. There has to be a way to solve this without doing that. And to all you people wanting blood i just bet you probably like to see the failures of young men instead of their success.
  23. maybe you need to go back and look at who was bashing the coaches. By the way there is no degree to coach. Kenis is the closest and it is not a degree in coaching. If it doesnt apply let it fly. Im only stating that the coaches in place at this moment on the varsity level are moral, hard working and care deeply about the kids they are working with.
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