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Everything posted by TheRef

  1. Larry will not have to flood the field Friday night, called 3 Jr High games last night, can't run on that field due to your shoes getting stuck in the mud. And their is more rain forecasted Thursday night. I say low scoring game and a field goal wins it. You peolple in Nederland need to give Larry his turf Field!
  2. Joharr73, all three of those pass interference calls were defensive because that is a judgement call and that is what the backjudge saw. Your umbrella probably got in the way and you just did not see it right! Overall West Hardin has a pretty good defence, but on that particular drive the reciever that fell down as you say, had some help when the defender #45 nailed him in the back while the ball was in the air. But if you think the calls were bad, come on down and join the chapter on Monday and you can call the game in the cold rain and I will stay home and watch a movie. Fans always know more than the refs! Have you ever read a football rulebook? You might try it you might even learn the game! Congadulations to West Hardin, I have been calling your games for 12 years and have enjoyed every minute of it! Good Luck High Island, Same goes for you been calling your games for years. Good luck to both teams! An old football coach once said if your team cannot overcome a call by the Referee, they did not deserve to win in the first place!
  3. Bridge city getting hammered by storms today! I say they don't catch Jacoby all night long like last year! HJ by 3 TDS!
  4. AAW go ahead and make the reservations, the boys will be playing Saturday morning, I could see it in their eyes when they walked out on the court after Halftime yesterday!
  5. Carol I havehad the pleasure of watching you coach since the old Nederland Bulldog days when I was just a teenage boy. I was so excited to find you at HJ when I moved to the area. The only thing that disappoints me about your decision is that my daughter misses the opportunity to play for a great coach. But I understand that there is a time and a place for everything and this is your time to step down and enjoy life. You have touched so many young peoples lives over the years and will be missed. May God bless you as you finish out your career as a teacher at HJ and look forward to seeing you in the stands next year. A Former Student From Nederland
  6. I made my point Keny thats all that matters!
  7. Thanks AAW that info helps out, the boss kept asking and I could not find the info on the web.
  8. Does anybody know what the ticket prices are going to be? Will they be selling a tournament pass? At the 3a regional tournament.
  9. Ok I don't talk much on these boards till somebody irks me. So here goes! For all you Southerland haters out there, backoff. The man has two championship rings. So evidently he knows a little bit about basketball. You can't blame him or the refs for what went on in the win last night. You can however blame the players. I love these guys and watched them grow up in a little gym over in Nome Texas. But last night, the feet on the out of bounds line, the back court, and the pour ball handling (turn overs) is what hurt this team. There is no doubt in my mind knowing these players as long as I have, that they know exactly what they did wrong last night. They almost gave a game away that should have been over in the third quarter. And there is no doubt in my mind that these guys will come out Friday night and take care of business as usual. I love this team and its coaches. I stand behind them every step of the way. Coach Southerland I have but one thing to say to you. Go to Huntsville and show Silsbee why we are called the High Flying Hawks. Hawks keep doing what your doing because that is what got you here. Don't listen to the haters. You are the best. Now go out there and be the best. See you in Huntsville! GO HAWKS!
  10. I say HJ pulls away in the third and wins this thing by 13. Jacoby will go crazy in the third again. That boy is not a good loser!
  11. Decision has been made, HJ/Silsbee Double Header Wednesday Dayton High School. Unknown which game will be first, but first game is to start at 6 pm with second game starting immediately after. This is what I am hearing from the HJ players so don"t shhot me if this is incorrect.
  12. I can tell you it does happen. If a chapter is not used for a varsity game and numbers of officials are down due to hurricane ike, the chapter will fill the sub varsity games of the teams using them for varsity with full crews and the ones that decide not to use the chapter for their varsity games get what is left if any at all. Like you all said, it is hurting the kids. But it hurts the kids from the teams that do use that chapter for varsity games if you pull officials to call at schools that are not using them. Officiating is open to anyone who wants to learn the rules. So if you want to learn the rules and stop being a Saturday Morning arm chair official the come on down to the beaumont chapter and sign up. Otherwise leave these guys alone and let them handle their business. The Ref ps Not a basketball ref. HJ would have made more shots they could have won, the refs did not make them miss those shots.
  13. My hats off to Lufkin Hudson and their coaching staff. I have heard lots but never seen for myself. All I can say is good ball club and good game. As for HJ, I will hold nothing back this time. Pull your heads out of your rearends and start playing ball. You played like you were still at the Nome gym. Boys this is it, for a few of you this will be your last year of roundball. You know the game, stop playing around and start taking care of business. This is your year, make it happen. It will not get any easier so start playing ball like you know how to play ball.
  14. If Jarvis still has tonsilitis, HJ wins by 20.
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