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Posts posted by Dr_Hoops_08

  1. This is Mike T. from Ozen. Doobie and Skip were better than Albert and me. I personally learned a lot from Skip and Doobie. It do not matter who is better because both backcourts helped the teams win. I speak to Doobie all the time and he is the best shooter to come out of BMT and I played with skip when I was 7 years old.

    As a point guard I think team first and then myself. That team was special and Albert and I needed every person on the roster to be successful. I was just a good role player with some great players and coaches.

    I do believe that our team was the best team to come out of BMT. Out of 17 players 13 of us have college degrees and 4 playing pro B-Ball and Football. No team compares to that in BMT. That’s why that team was the best and so special. You measure a team’s greatness by their success on and off the floor.

    exactly  :)

  2. Well I know alot of people are making predictions about how and what certain teams will do next season. So it's time for my prediction now,

    In 1a I believe people, if you have the chance check up on the Brookeland Wildcats.

    In 1a they are going to be the real deal, with all but 2 starters returning and losing 4 seniors overall, but have many young players coming up...

    Good Luck to Coach Henson and Mullens. And to the Wildcats Next season!!!!

  3. Well the Doc is back from his long vacation in Bermuda, gosh it was hard grasping the fact that another high school b-ball season had come to a close. But I managed now, IM BACK!  8)

    Gosh, havent been on the forum, in what seems ages and the first thing I see. The Guru himself, gosh I knew there was something that kept dragging me back to this forum. The great intelligence (or for some, the great LACK of intelligence) of the people on this board.  ;D

    For real though, College you play with PRIDE and just like in high school, you can't say, well there is always next year forever. Your time is limited, so you go out and give it your all day in and day out.

    Now NBA were they play for millions, and play 82 game regular season. Players (now peeps dont get your panties in a wad now, some do this) can afford taking days off. The NBA game is solely based on the performances of individuals unlike College which promotes team work.

    Just to totally different kinds of games, the NBA and College ball are, like someone pointed out before. You can have a 12 ppg player in College and he can become a 20 ppg player. With this you can have the total opposite reactions too. Because College is so team oriented and is based on many offensive and defensive skeams. A player that may have scored many pts or was a great player in college may not prosper like some people would think. This is due in a large part to the coaches offensive system, and that player may have just fit in perfectly. But the system may be totally different from NBA

    now, how bout them JAYHAWKS!!! lol  ;D ;D

    nah, but College by FAR!

  4. Coaching is OVER-RATED.....Think about it...When is the last time one of your fav. coaches hit a free-throw , to tie things up. got a rebound and actually boxed somebody out, had a sweet no-look for an easy deuce, or actually stepped in and took a charge...Players baby and you have to hav em...If you don't you probablly, well______. You can't make chicken salad out of chicken ________.  I'm headed to the AAU circuit to find a few players who can actually play both ends of the floor, who show up every day ready to play, who put in extra time by themselves, who can actually lead a team to a few W's , who realize that it's only AAU and there are no promises, and that the best thing right now is that they still have elgibility at the high school level and get to play for the school they have been geared to [play for ,for the last ten years....    And if the coach yells at them, by gosh it makes them play harder and does not make them pout and want mama...Because if you have to do alot of COACHING.....you might not have any players..BUT on the other hand if you do a little recruiting...well then it's not over-rated!!!

    What?  Was anyone else confused by this post??

    Dont worry Bobcat, your not alone.

  5. Well good game Big Sandy...Had some "eyes" at the tourney this week....Just to say a few words of his input...

    McKinney was hurting BAD!!!! Its a disappointment after all the hard work to finally make it and not be 100% healthy...Not to take anything from McKinney or not to step on peoples toes. But he said that McKinney played the whole game on one leg. Putting almost 100% of weight on good leg. His elevation was not but a few inches. My "eyes" said McKinney actually (in his opinion) hurt BS more on the court then if he was not. But not to take anything away, and I cheered for McKinney all the way. Congrats to Big Sandy for the GREAT season!

    We are proud of you in Brookeland Town!

  6. Come On DR.THE C... :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Man I have to have something to talk about and pick fun with. You have bragging rights... My Brookeland team, caught a flat tire (EARLY)... >:(

    But I sure hope BS wins it...(Knock on wood)  ;D

    I dont know much about GRAFORD but the team we (Brookeland) played in the 2nd round (Kopperl). played Graford to 2OT's til they finally lost 40-36...

    We beat Kopperl 69-65 in OT.....

  7. Hey Doc, what is it that I said that makes me a bigot?

    Dickey-  Gurus NEVER have to ask whether something they uttered is or is not a word.

    Are the two of you voting for Hillary or B.O.?

    It was a joke..Please remove the stick from your rear, and the foot from your pie hole! :D

    :D :D :D :D :D

    oh and Stevie what kinda question is that. [glow=red,2,300]BARACK OBAMA BABY!!!![/glow]

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