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Everything posted by MrUmp1

  1. 643 you are assuming that every catcher in all situations had the ball securely in his possesion. We have all seen a fielder or catcher tag someone and drop a ball on a routine tag. Malicious contact can sometimes be one of the hardest calls to make and then sometimes there is no doubt. That's why we make the big bucks to make that call !!!!!! ( disclaimer .... the last statement was a dramatization of the actually facts regarding big bucks )
  2. If it is not malicious contact then it is the fielders responsibility to control possession of the ball.
  3. A runner never has to slide at any base. If he does slide it must be a legal slide. Either party may not intiate malicious contact which is strickly a judgement call. There has never and I repeat never been a must slide rule in High School Baseball.
  4. They changed it a little this year. If you are standing on the rubber do not go to your mouth period. If you are off the rubber then you can but must wipe fingers clean. It has always been an illegal pitch. Adding a ball with no one on is the change I think. Here is something right out of the book for this year. Going to the mouth while incontact with the rubber is a balk, not because the pitcher goes to his mouth, but because it simulates the start of the pitching motion. The umpire should have just called an illegal pitch not a balk with no one on, but that is just being technical be cause the penalty was the same with no one on.
  5. My apologies if it sounded like I have some sort of bias that is not what I meant at all. I was just stating the facts of what the records are at this point. Anyone who really knows me, knows I just call what I see and they have all had issues with me at some point and time. I have no stake in the outcome of any districts.
  6. One thing first, and I have seen the KFDM video, Camera angles can be deceiving. The plate umpire did his job and was on the line to make the call. Does not matter where the fielder is, but where the ball is when it is touched. A player can have both feet in foul ground but when he contacts the ball if the ball is over fair territory, then it is a fair ball. Most of the time when you see this it happens with a 3rd baseman making a play on a ground ball. Lets say the 3rd baseman has both feet in fair territory, he leans over the foul line and catches the ball where it is in foul territory. It is a foul ball. It is where the ball is not the fielder. No one argued that call when it was made so going back and questioning it after looking at film is a mute subject. Everyone is making such a fuss over one game, unless both of these teams lose 3 or 4 district games the rest of the way, they are going to make the playoffs. When 3 teams go to the playoffs, the only trophy that really matters is the one they hand out in Austin after the championship game. Next year, 4 teams will make the playoffs in 4A.
  7. Do you think I would make such a proposal and not know who Rhino is ?????? 643 you should know I am not a gambler although I have been known to do some calculated wagering lol. I'll buy the gas lol
  8. I'll buy the gas you buy the meals I know what I would be getting into on that one lol
  9. I just fired Scott Boras and I want to hire Rhino as my new agent !!!!!! lol
  10. Before I posted anything about this, we as a chapter first wanted to get clarification from the rules federation, and second, have a chance to talk to the umpires at the game and talk about the play. Everyone one of us that are or have been high school umpires has been put in this situation of having to make a quick call on an unusual circumstance. Sometimes we get it right sometimes we don't but we all learn from it so that if it happens again, we can get it right. If I ask everyone that has had an opinion about this play to forget who they were rooting for, and make the call in about 30 seconds, most would not get the whole thing right. The only thing that was done wrong was that the runner that started on second should not have been allowed to score. He should have been placed on third. Everything else was done was right. I hope this ends this discussion.
  11. You got the price for the Umps way wrong and I would not say the payroll either. After reading all this and i used to question my wife why she didn't want to go watch a baseball game. I should where a mike sometime, and if most of the people in the stands could hear what the PLAYERS were saying about your actions in the stands, you would understand that the most mature people at the ball park are the kids playing the game. Get a life folks and enjoy a great game for what it is. Entertainment and the great american pastime, not Mike Wallace and 60 minutes every week.
  12. Out of respect for my brother umpires, I am going to have to no comment on that particular play at the present. I will talk to them tonight when we have our weekly meeting to see what their thought process was. Right or wrong we all learn when things happen out of the ordinary at the games.
  13. Sterling 10 WB 0 Hunter Cervenka 1 hitter for Sterling, Austin Huff only hit for WB
  14. How man touchdowns did Tremain Thomas have ??? LOL
  15. First off, was the runner far enough down the line to be in the running lane? If he was, then most likely the home plate umpire was the only one with the best view if the runner altered the play by running to the left of the running lane. Remember the ball does not have to contact the runner for him to alter the play which would result in an interference call. Since I was not at this game or was the umpire making the call, it is hard for me to say what was the right call on this play. Judgement calls are just that and I cannot comment on what I did not see.
  16. High School athlectics are an extension of the classroom. Good sportmanship is a must. I bet if you really start watching, the teams that take care of their business on the field instead of worrying about what the umpires call and don't bitch and moan about everything, are the teams you see in the playoffs year end and year out.
  17. My question back is was this at a high school game? Most coaches take care of any players that get out of line very quickly. Almost all that I know tell the kids you don't argue let me do that. I can only speak for myself but I have no tolerence for a player arguing.
  18. Hope this isn't a fool and his money are soon parted........ lol But if I was in his shoes...... this fool would do the same thing lol
  19. Both are at Crosby.. Marcus is the head baseball coach. Michael is an assistant
  20. 643 has the best advice... never push anyone down. All anyone has to do to get obstruction or interference is to make contact or alter the play. I would think this would be rare as with no one on third a shortstop should be playing normal position not up near the grass. In a two man umpiring crew this one will be hard to see, The base umpire. contrary to popular belief, does not have eyes in the back of his head and the plate umpire will be watching the pitch.
  21. Here we go... The pitcher must pitch to a batter from one side the whole at bat. A switch hitter can move to the other side of the box if he wants to. The only time it would be for an advantage for the batter to switch is if a new pitcher is brought in then he would change sides. Most of the time a pitching change is not made in the middle of the count but it does happen. Batter may change, pitcher may not during an at bat.
  22. Guess I better watch out. As a big guy folks might think the Ump is on the ROIDS !!!!!!! They already know I have a mental and sight problem.
  23. You are correct Pants.... I would think it would be very rare that a ball could have been played by one infielder, passes him hits a runner, and another infielder could have still made a play. Of course the ball can bounce in some strange ways. I blame it on global warming.
  24. West End hit it on the nose. Once a fielder has had an opportunity to field the ball then the runner is not out if it hits him. This happened in an Astros game a few years back when Dierker was manager. He almost got thrown out of the game for arguing such a call. The hit ball had gone right by the first baseman when it hit the runner and the stros did not get an out and Dirk was livid.
  25. I have 4 tickets to Sunday Sox game. Section 105 row 39 field box. I have already been offered $300 for a pair. They will be going for a much higher price closer to game day. I wil sell mine around end of May unless someone just knocks my sox off with an offer. BTW they are hard tickets not a print out.
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