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Everything posted by biaplayer

  1. Its going to be a long night for the jags, PAM couldn't stop us and they have the best defense in the district. Vidor had no answer and they tried to hold the receivers. I'm not so sure why everyone seems to think that they can stop PNG in district. The Playoffs will be the tale of two tapes. I would love to see us make a decent run like last year, I love getting to see extra playoff games . Shug is very poised in the pocket and throws the ball on the run as good as anyone out there. They were very vanilla last night as for as going down the field. They were able to run on Vidor and move the chains, and throw vertical as well. To me Vidor seemed smaller than recent years, they made some good tackles and never gave up hats of to them, played a very good game. Haven't seen Central play this year but evidently their secondary can play I cant wait for the game Thursday, Ready to See Shug and company do what they do light up that scoreboard. As with every opponent I guess we will hear excuses like it was the refs, flags saved PNG, yada yada yada. I think yall need to get a lil more creative in the excuses department.
  2. Few may play but there may be a time where they might be called upon. I'm not saying they have to be out there all the time but if you are protecting a lead with a min or two left and your defense is tired and have already given up almost 500 yards of offense. I think I ask my offensive studs who will probably be defensive studs at the next level to go in there and have them play back deep and ask them to knock down a pass or make a saving tackle. I have to agree our offense can score quickly and put the defense right back out there with little rest. Hopefully our defense comes out with some attitude and confidence and makes some big-time stops.
  3. looks like the rain is here I hope it blows on thru gonna be a mudbowl
  4. i have an extra ticket but im gonna save it for someone who apprecieates the whoopin we are gonna put on Nederland lol
  5. Stattrax since when did you start hiring Defensive Coordinators, This past weeks game was one for the record books, you actually showed up to the game on time!
  6. the twins only played their senior year which surprised the hell out of me , they were fearless!!!
  7. its a false sense of doing something, PNGs opponents think they are doing something by having success moving the ball and getting a lot of yardage in stats sheet, then they look up at the scoreboard and realize they lost. I don't care how many yards they give up, well yes I actually do, just weather the storm make a few stops and let Shug and company do what they do Light up that scoreboard baby!!!!
  8. I saw the interview and about choked on my drink lol. I ok with him complimenting his coaching staff but damn does he really believe the words coming out of his mouth lol. No pun intended im sure the fella takes his job serious and works his tail off but all I can say is wow.
  9. we gave up 300 yards rushing last week and 200 yards passing , and yes we lasted 4 qts and won so what is your point, may have been the dumbest observation / question yet. The PNG Defense just needs to make three or four stops the offense will do the rest!!
  10. Exactly, well said, my exact thoughts. I believe someone said that the PAM defense would shut Riggs Down, how did that work out for you?
  11. I meant to copy his talking about 42-6 and well you get the point it wasn't you, lol
  12. Why would you say that how did you get hit with friendly fire lol
  13. well the stangs would be welcome at the reservation lol. I would attend that game whom ever they would be facing. But looks like the stangs need to get artificial turf to aid that speed lol
  14. that's what Im here for buddy, you going to game Friday, if so you riding with me?
  15. hes a newbie so I guess that about sums it up
  16. you and I both know who I was looking for, it wasn't yall and for the record I don't think I have ever picked on you (females), unlike someone I know (Stattrax) oh my bad did I just push him under the bus?
  17. well with him being a tiger fan it is obvious he has no real football I.Q. not to mention saying RJ isn't smart, isn't a leader, whatever probably some waterboy with a hunger to be heard. But in reality he is just making himself look like and A$$, with dumb in front of it . Oh my bad did I say that. oops
  18. I sure would like to meet you after the game so I can put a face to the stupidity! your sources obviously must be female and not know nothing about high school Ball, just saying, no offense to the females on this board that back the NDNs, I know yall know football lol
  19. hey its politically correct, straight to the point lol
  20. it seems to get my message across, lol
  21. I like the idea, but I don't mind playing on a neutral field either. We PNG fans make the trip regardless come playoff time. Hell I had a buddy of mines son played one year and we had to go to Jacksonville for a preseason game which he didn't make. I got all over him for not making the trip to watch his boy play. I think the last time we had a home playoff game we won 33-0. So yes that works for me I vote yes lol
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