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Posts posted by WOS95

  1. What are the expectations from the Mustang fans? You've got most of the State Champ track team returning to play football, you always reload well, you've got a young but very talented QB. What would be a successful 2009 football season? What would be a disappointment?

    imo i think a successful season would be getting past the third round of playoffs this year.  im not sure what a disappointment would be, the kids at wos work hard and as long as they do their best and play hard thats good enough for me.

  2. we have a football program back at LU and everyone is still complaining.  we havent even played a  single down and everyone is upset with the stadium.  i dont care where we play, as long as the team wins football games and championships, conference or national.  a lot of people read this website and putting down the program before they even play will not help bring in fans either.  im just grateful that football is back and lamar will now feel like a "complete" university.  sure i would love to have brand new stadium, but as long as we at least have a team im happy.  

  3. silsbee always plays wo-s tuff.the tigers could put the water boys in and it will still be a  close game still, this should be a head knocker

    yeah its always a tough game for the stangs.  when i was in high school in 1991 we beat silsbee at the end of the game when one of the mustangs blocked a silsbee last second attempt at a field goal to win the game.  then when i was jr. in 1993 silsbee beat us at hooks stadium.  silsbee had a tough running back named

    jay mcguire that year.  ahh the memories  ;D

  4. Speaking for myself, and I believe most other OF fans, I don't have any harsh feelings towards WO-S because of the game. It was the best team in the district against the worst team (record wise) in the district. WO-S could have scored 90 if they had really wanted to. They did put in some second string players in the 4th quarter and did wait until the play clock ran down to snap the ball to get the game over with. They are really clicking on all cylinders right now and I wish them the best of luck in the playoffs.

    Agreed!  The fourth quarter it seemed like WOS ran the same exact play every play and we still could not stop it.  Like someone else said on here what does WOS have to prove against OF.  We don't have a history.  I respect them and I think alot of WOS people respect us too.  I know Hooks and Morrison are good friends and speak all the time.

    a lot of of wos fans do respect orangefield.  i am one of them, every year i pull for the bobcats to make the playoffs.  8)

  5. What's funny is that teams always bring up the, "that's the only thing they are good at" topic on the eve of a game they are more than likely about to lose. Who cares if your the state elite in table tennis... football is king in Texas and 98% of all schools in Texas aspire to be at the top, including HJ.

    That argument is weak at best and retarded at worst.

    That's funny...if a particular sport were king then you would think that sport would have the most state championships and state appearances in a given area.  In SE TExas basketball has more than double the state appearances and state championships that football does going back over 40 years.....and football has twice as many state championships to play for.  Hmmmmm....so much for being king.

    football IS king in Texas.  all the other sports are here just to fill in the time between football season. 

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