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Posts posted by WOS95

  1. Why do some people think Lamar would get "a major name coach" ?

    My reasons why I can't understand some peoples thought process:

    1. We are talking about a small school. Sure Lamar has the highest enrollment in a while, however a lot of the enrollment is online. We are so small people get lost looking for us in Beaumont. I've actually been to a high school where the population was larger than at Lamar.

    2. Small budget. I know some people think that it shouldn't be about the money, however a person has to provide for his family and pay bills. My dad was a coach and I remember hearing people gripe about money. What they failed to realize was how much work goes into this "entertainment". These were normally the same people that would bash him (secretly) and then give him a hug when he did something great.

    3. Resurrecting a dead sport.  Why would a proven coach come to SE Texas and work his tail off just to hopefully have a successful season 2-3 years down the line (and that's hoping he can get great recruits). And at the end of the day, he will be ran off because "he's too old or his system no longer works."Lamar's "claim to fame" is when they defeated BAYLOR in the early 1980's. Think of the advances that has happened in the world since then. Communism fail, The Red Sox fianlllllly won the World Series, heck even Michael Jackson was still cool.

    4. Division 2 Football. Again, enough said.

    There's probably a reason why none of the "good coaches" aren't wanting this job.

    I am a Lamar Alum and I pay my dues. I am very proud of Lamar, but I am just more realistic. If the new coach is good enough for Tubbs, then he is good enough for me. Give the guy a chance. If the community really wants this to be successful, it doesn't matter who Lamar Hires. What has to happen is there has to be good recruiting classes (not just in setx either). A coach can only be as good as his players. He can encourage kids by camps, meeting the community, etc... However I feel it will be the same story as always in Beaumont. The good kids go to UT, A&M or LSU.  The rest go somewhere else. Lamar will get what is left over. Until Beaumont gets more "college centered" it will alwaysss be the same story.

    i agree with your post. 

  2. there's been a lot of posting about how much upgrades to the stadium will cost and how much a new coach will cost, but what about other expenses related to the football program.

    new football uniforms

    outdoor/indoor practice facility

    assistant coach salaries

    new band uniforms

    new band instruments.

    expanding the current lu staff to maintain the stadium

    new cheerleader uniforms

  3. the only hype im hearing about lamar's football program is from some of the poster's on this board.  i think the university is handling everything in an appropriate manner.  ive said it before, i trust that billy tubbs and dr. simmons  know what they are doing in getting this football team back on the field.  if they feel that woodard is a good hire, then i think we should give him a chance

  4. I like this guy. Go fast and far in as little time possible.

    "A big, fancy fieldhouse is not as important as a nice, on-campus place to play."

    Lamar must bowl the stadium.

    Here's a picture of FAU's proposed new 30K $62 million stadium:


    I'm ready to see the artist renditions for Cardinal Stadium.  There's no reason why Lamar can't have both a big, fancy fieldhouse and a nice, on-campus stadium for around $22 million.  I don't think Lamar will be bowling the stadium now, but they must expand it to 25 or 30K soon.

    Coach if FAU had picked you to design the stadium, it would look like High Island high school stadium.

    $62 million for this, Lamar is 1/3rd there. Now we need 10 donors to give $4 million or 20 to give $2 million or 40 to give $1 million then Lamar could have FAU

    stadium. Lamar would get endless fan support with this stadium.

    unlv, if you are referring to the 100 million dollar campaign for LU, that 100 million is not for a football stadium only.  and second u cant get me to believe that just because we have a nice stadium people will support the team.  maybe at first, but once the new wears off, then what?  i still believe the key to long term success is WIN!!! WIN!!! WIN!!!

  5. I don't think it'll be Stump. A high school coach restarts Lamar's football would be a joke here and all

    over the country. Stump will either be the assistant head coach to Jimmy or OC.

    what Jimmy r u talking about?  jimmy johnson, who coach the Miami Hurricanes, and the 1993-1994 World Champion Dallas Cowboys?  u r kidding, right?

  6. Do you all think stump has the job wrapped up? Here is my top ten list for he won't get it:

    10. He's a high school coach

    9. He's not the most qualified candidate

    8. What has he really done lately?

    7. He's a high school coach

    6. Can he mix with the high level donors as well as the regular joe schmoes? i'm not so sure he can.

    5. He wouldn't be able to bring in a top notch staff underneath him

    4. his name won't attract the big dollars we need.

    3. he's a high school coach

    2. we need someone who has already infiltrated the college ranks and has connections and I don't mean ten years in the past.


    There must be someone else??

    that's only 6, u said the same one 4 times.  ;D

  7. i would like to have a big stadium too, but who is going to pay for it?  and as far as SETX supporting big time football, for arguments sake, suppose we do join a conference with teams like U of H, Baylor and UNT.  and just suppose we are the celler dweller every year in that conference, i want to see how long those aluminum end zone seats stay filled, much less the rest of the 17,000 seats.  then where would we go from there?  i trust that Dr. Simmons and Billy Tubbs know what their doing.  if they stay FCS i will be happy, if they go FBS i will be happy too.   

  8. i dont normally agree with bob west, but i have to agree that Ronnie Thompson would have been a better hire than Ray Alborn. 

    You might be right, but if they had given Alborn one more year, they probably wouldn't have been able to kill the program. That last year, they were very competitive and just about to turn the corner.

    yeah, that's what a lot of LU fans say,  i wish LU would have never got rid of their football program.  :( 

  9. imo Deon Beasley was the greatest football player in WOS Mustang history.  i know thats saying a lot, but ive been watching wos football for 20+ years and ive seen some good ones.  but no one could carry a team on his shoulders like this young man.  anyone who saw him play would have to describe his playing ability in one word...Incredible!  im thankful i was around to see him go through the program.   i hope he has continued success. 

  10. i dont understand why everyone keeps complaining about the refineries.  if u lived here all or most of your life, where can u go in this area and not see or smell a refinery?  it's just part of life on the gulf coast.  i think cardinal stadium has potential to be a very nice stadium for football with turf and new consessions and restrooms.  i have always liked stadiums that have a sunk-in field to give it that "bowl" look, and cardinal stadium has that.  with the montagne center to the north and a hopefully a large field house to the south with maybe a large scoreboard and tv monitor for replays, i think it will look better.   i would love to have a new stadium too, but i don't think its going to happen.   

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