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Everything posted by smp83

  1. I agree. LCM played a good game and thankfully we stopped them when we needed to. Don't be like some who try to justify "why we didn't win by more points". We got the win which is what matters. Now let's just get ready for next week.
  2. Dayton fans, I said in another post that I was interested to see how you would do against Ned & PNG since you have only played the struggling teams since playing Lumberton. I guess I don't have to wonder anymore ;D I thought you would win, but, WOW!
  3. Freshman Lumberton 27 LCM 24 JV Lumberton 40 LCM 6
  4. Quote from Tam2121 Maybe because we have to hear something negative every week about our team all because other teams fans are mad because they got their butts kicked. Anybody can figure out who he was talking about... come on. Again, we don't care what any of you think..we are going to continue to do what we do.
  5. Uummm...ya'll are beginning to sound like what you have accused Lumberton posters of sounding like in the past ;D ;D Maybe ya'll still haven't proved you are a good team ;D ;D ;D
  6. Sounds like a lot of arguing going on if you ask me. And it isn't coming from just one person
  7. So, a team can't improve from one year to the next?? If I remember correctly, Lumberton wasn't blown out in every game last year. They were close in several of them, just couldn't pull off the win. They had some younger players and that year of experience payed off for them. That and lots of hard work. Not saying our district isn't weak...some teams are stronger than last year and some are not. I just don't think you can use Lumberton this year as an excuse for saying our district is weak. The potential was there just needed more work.
  8. Unfortunately there are bad/missed calls in every game. It's just more frustrating for the loser because who knows what could've been if the call had been called correctly or not called at all, whichever the case may be. Especially in a close game. I didn't see this game so I can't say anything about the refs...but if the score had been flip-flopped would PNG be using this as an excuse for not winning? I'm just saying that it's easy to use these calls as excuses when either you lost by a close margin or you didn't win by as much as you wanted to. We all do it. Like I said, it's frustrating because it takes things out of the players hands and put everyone at the will of the refs. And it's sometimes hard to remember that they are human and make mistakes. Too bad we don't live in a perfect world
  9. Since Dayton lost to Lumberton they have played the weakest teams in the district...not knocking those teams - they are just having bad years. It will be interesting to see what they can do against Ned and PNG.
  10. Without naming names, do you think we have many players in this area using steroids?
  11. I honestly was expecting you to try to score again, not even thinking about tie breakers. I forgot, how much time was left?
  12. I am really interested to see how Dayton does the next 3 weeks...see how good they really are.
  13. No, just replying to what the two of you wrote first. Not worth arguing over :
  14. No, you're not right. Tiebreaker rules aside, if the tables were turned I would've tried to score. You talk about Lumberton but you are determined to get something started.
  15. Please, this is getting really old. You are acting worse than the ones you are referring to.
  16. bhawk, don't get anything started here. The original poster seemed at first to point fingers at us, but he has since said he wasn't saying it was someone from Lumberton. Let's just leave it alone since it happened at both places and we don't know who did it.
  17. Good post bullet. I agree and PNG has been gracious winners. Not rubbing it in too bad ;D I think the reason we brought up the incident at our fieldhouse is because some people look for reasons to jump on us because of our "bad apples" and we were trying to stop it before it started. On a lighter note, right or wrong, didn't stuff like this happen "back in the old days". I seem to recall stories of teams doing things to each other the week they played, stealing mascots, etc. Do any of you remember these things?
  18. Like myself and others said earlier, it was also done at Lumberton sometime after the JV game was played there on Thursday night. No one knows who did it at either school.
  19. I think that it's great that Lumberton did not bring up this incident on Friday to try to get something started in here. No one know who did it at either place.
  20. No, we couldn't hear "Cherokee" because the fans on our side were too loud. And even though we lost, "Cherokee" and the noise didn't seem to bother our players like everyone thought. By the way, I do like watching your Indian, always have. Great game, no bitterness here.
  21. We should've could've had 2 more TD's ourselves but we didn't make them and that's the way it goes ( I'm not making excuses). Not all Lumberton fans didn't believe you about Hemmings. He is the only one I was really concerned about before the game. He is a big, strong player. Thanks to all the PNG fans for the good posts about our team. Great game tonight!
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