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Everything posted by TNTITANS

  1. I am with you 82 5A champs, I can't read half of what they posted!!!!!!!!! Move to Lumberton and get an education!!!!!!! No I am not talking about you 82 5A!
  2. Raiderpride-you are funny!!!!!!! Hopefully you all left a few cops around!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to come down on Tuesday and drive through later in the week to see how awesome Lumberton looks now!!!!!!! Big House I hope you are right about next week!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to be down to see that!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep the train rolling RAIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Watch out L-Train---I AM COMING TO JOIN YOU NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. RaiderFan 87, don't you find all of this AMAZING too??????? Who would have ever thought?? I am proud of the hometown!!!!!!!!
  4. I REALLLLYYY want for you to be right about next week!
  5. I wonder if the announcer is going to call this one like the fumble earlier?
  6. Fumble!!!!!! LUMBERTON BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do something with this break guys!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. The TRAIN has started again!!!!!!!! Glad I gave you the pep talk!!!!!!!!!
  8. COME OM RAIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't have a choice now, you HAVE to get the jitters out!!!!!!!!!!!! You have come this far come on, they are just another team, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, I should be there giving the pep talk!!!!!!!! Where are you PATITAN?????????? You PROMISED me you would help them take care of the Eagles this week!!!! HA!
  9. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this a Play off game??????????? HA!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go Broncos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Man I hope they calm down! There is so much emotion and they are so excited to be there but they need to settle themselves down! The D- seems to be ready though!!!!!
  11. Sounds like there was a lot of fan support for the Raiders!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Oh, I am coming PATITAN!!!!!!! I will be down with my son for Thanksgiving and you can't keep me away from that game!!!!!!!! No matter what, it will be a part of history and would have been a great run even if they don't win, which I really want them too. If nothing else, I will see a game where they are in the playoffs for the first time in history. Thanks for trying to take care of me though fellow TITAN!!!!!!!!
  13. Ya'll have NO CLUE how bad I wanna be on the L-Train right now!!!!!!!!!!! I am just sitting by this stupid computer waiting for the game to start!! And, by the way, this computer is brand new and the sound isn't working and my husband is out of town so PLEASE keep me updated as much as you can!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Good Post TechnoRaider! A lot of people (not just on here, but up here in Tennessee too), have asked me why in the world I would drive 756 miles to a football game? The honest answer is I wanted to see first hand all of the support and the fan base. My dad called me from one of the games and I could not hear him. I called my best friend from high school and told her and she said, "And he is at the Lumberton Game? Is it really LOUD?" I said, "Yeah! Surprising huh?" Lumberton has waited a long time to be in the playoffs and those boys DESERVE IT!!!!! I am proud to say I drove that far to see that night, I WOULD NOT HAVE MISSED IT!!!!!!!! And, after we win this week, I am bringing my 7 year old down there for Thanksgiving and taking him to the game to see even MORE history made!!!!!!!!
  16. Good luck, Dayton, Lumberton and P-N-G! We are all "friends" again! All of you played a very good season.
  17. Pull 'Em through for me this week guys, I will be there the next week!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!!! Good Luck Raiders!!!!!!!!!! Got my Raider Shirt on in Tennessee for you today! I will listen to the game tonight. Hopefully we can have another Tailgate Party next week!!!!!
  18. Thanks sox61fan! I am coming down for Thanksgiving weekend and we plan on being at the game---I am keeping my fingers crossed they win this week and will listen to the game Friday-my parents are going this week. I just hope that whoever we play next week it will be close by-I can't go any further than Houston because of time constraints and having to be back home the next Monday--you fellas down there work on that one for me and don't worry you will hear me yelling all the way from up here!!!!!!! I will have my Raider shirt on and have ordered the playoff shirt, can't wait to see it!!!!!!!! GO GET 'EM BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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