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Posts posted by Englebert

  1. 1 minute ago, SmashMouth said:

    Antagonistic Narcissism 

    Antagonistic narcissism is defined by a sense of competitiveness, arrogance, and rivalry. While all people with narcissistic traits can be overly concerned with how they appear to others, antagonistic narcissists are particularly concerned with coming out “on top."

    Someone with antagonistic narcissism may try to exploit others to get ahead. They may put others down in an attempt to gain the upper hand or appear dominant.

    Are you exhibiting "intern's syndrome"? Passive-Aggressive is just too obvious. Projection is right on the nose.

    You project arrogance. You get called out on it. So you resort to textbook self-defense mechanisms. You are too funny. But now just boring. Either up your game or bow out.

  2. 1 minute ago, SmashMouth said:

    Your being sensitive. "I will do my best to explain so everyone can understand" was simply meant to include both left and right points of view (everyone, not just conservatives or liberals). Now that I read it, possibly it was condescending. Not my intent. 

    The second point about the infraction du jour is meant to say just what I implied. All of us will defend "our" side through deflection and finger pointing. This is all my opinion, but it's what I see. 

    You: "Are you sure you want to continue dragging this down to the gutter? (I spelled it out for you.)" 

    Me: "You don't have to try to belittle me to make you better."

    Again, following your lead. You're welcome.

    Unless you have something else to say other than trying to defend your insensitive statements, this conversation has run it's course. But naturally, I will be on the edge of my seat waiting for your next reply. 

    I'm actually just waiting for CardinalBacker to rejoin. You were a surprise distraction.

  3. 9 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    Dragging? I don't think so.

    Whatever makes you feel special.

    Your first sentence in your first post on this topic today was "I will do my best to explain so everyone can understand". Can you get more condescending than that?

    Later in the post, you wrote "Stop trying to defend the infraction du jour and just be honest about it." So you are implying someone, both, all are lying, being dishonest, and you are playing morality police by calling out said posters. This was your first post. I ignored those quips and tried to let you explain your post. And your response was just nonsensical. So yes, you did the dragging.

    Are you sure you want to continue dragging this down to the gutter? (I spelled it out for you.)

  4. Just now, SmashMouth said:

    Look, it's the talking down crap like the above that I don't get. And believe me, I've done my fair share of it too. Using condescending language is a favorite tool of someone who wants to appear more intelligent or sophisticated or wiser than the one they are facing in a discussion or argument.

    You're a smart guy, one that in premise I usually agree with. But my disagreeing with something or pointing something out doesn't make you any more or less smart than me. You don't have to try to belittle me to make you better.

    I just followed your lead. You did the dragging.

  5. 3 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    That's what I would've said if I wasn't able to come up with anything better too...

    I was being nice. But I wouldn't expect you to understand.

    The hilarity came from you posting way off the current topic, then had the nerve to point to the name of the topic...in which you were off topic. Funny!

    You tried to play morality police in the same post that you disparaged two other posters. Hilarious.

    You went on a rant trying to explain a post that had no similarity to your explanation. Freaking hilarious.

    Carry on.

  6. 1 minute ago, SmashMouth said:

    It was just as relevant as the "current discussion" being discussed under the topic "House Passes Laken Riley Act". If "both sides do it so shut up" is all you can glean from what I posted, then I'm sorry I wasn't more clear, because that was definitely not the accentuated point. Read the last sentence of the post: "Quit calling each other names and pointing the finger and try to have a discussion that's meaningful."

    Wow. The hilarity came out of nowhere. I'll leave it at that.

  7. 26 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    It was more than just about the last few posts, or even this topic specifically. All I read on here is "Well, what about...(insert what ever deflection you want to come up with)". If you're missing something, then you are no different than most - me included. We become so polarized to "our guy" that we can't see the forest for the trees.

    @Reagan posts sensationalized articles about "what the left did this time" and @Big girl, God bless her, can't seem to make sense of what day it is. Both are extreme and the truth falls somewhere in the middle. But there isn't any middle ground thee days. There isn't any give and take these days. Between social media, mainstream media (which includes CNN, Fox, the Big 3, MSNBC, etc.), we are willingly being polarized. It's for a reason, both political & social. We are slaves to their thoughts. Most people can't admit that Trump is a narcissistic crook. I can. I'm still going to vote for him...because, in my opinion, it beats the alternative. 

    Quit calling each other names and pointing the finger and try to have a discussion that's meaningful.

    Wow, we were supposed to get all of that out of your post. No wonder I was missing something.

    It seems you went on a broad rant about a whole topic that was not being discussed. The discussion was meaningful. I'm sorry you didn't comprehend that. The name calling was a cheerful bonus. I'm sure you don't mind being lied about, as long as it is done in a gentlemanly manner.

    I'm still trying to comprehend how this post was relevant in the wake of the current discussion. You're "both sides do it so shut up" doesn't seem to fit in here.

  8. 5 minutes ago, SmashMouth said:

    I will do my best to explain so everyone can understand:

    • Trump took classified docs
    • Biden took classified docs
    • Everybody takes classified docs


    • Trump is a liar
    • Biden is a liar
    • Most, if not all, politicians are liars

    Stop trying to defend the infraction du jour and just be honest about it. 

    I will choose the lesser of two evils when it comes to voting for the POTUS. Trump gets my vote over Biden today, tomorrow & twice on Sunday (wait, that's voter fraud).

    Does something need explaining? 

    Who is defending the "infraction du jour"?

    The latest posts where discussing revisionist history, and then this pops up. I feel like I'm missing something.

  9. 5 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    Everything that you said can be disproven. When you’re worried about political witch hunts, you left out the Clinton Impeachment, or that Trump’s campaign slogan was literally “Lock Her Up.”  Trump and his minions are at best, no worse than the Dems on political persecutions. So which is it… either Trump couldn’t find any actual dirt on Hillary or he found it and did nothing?

    Trump destroyed our economy and exploded the debt, period. And if you want to blame the Dems’ plandemic… then you have to admit that trump was powerless to stop their evil plan, lol. 

    Trumpers worship their guy when he admits to sexually assaulting women as “locker room talk,” but then cry when he’s found responsible for sexually assaulting women as the work of “them dirty democrats!” 

    It should physically hurt when someone is that stupid. 

    More lies, and accusing me of lies. How long will you embarrass yourself.

    Obama weaponized the IRS against Conservatives. He spied on Fox News (and AP) reporters. Are you denying these facts? I'm sure he probably had something to do with Hillary's "Russia, Russia, Russia" dossier. No telling what else was done. Biden has a new attack almost daily. You even admitted it. So try to disprove these. And for bonus points, start listing those Trump political persecutions being done to Democrats. Maybe there are some. Otherwise, let's see if you must consider calling yourself a liar.

    Trump did not run on "Lock her up". It was a saying at his rallies that caught on. He did not go after her because it was against form and fashion to go after your political foes. Do you remember when Conservative had character? I wish he would have had her investigated. She would be rotting in prison right now...where she belongs.

    Trump fought against the spending bills given to him. He even shut down the government because of it. Do you remember that? Can't you get anything right?

    Again, you are horrible at revising history to fit your TDS filled criteria. You have proven that you cannot analyze other people. It is laughable when you try. And yes, you should feel physically hurt when you are this stupid...if you had character.

    What lies will you reply with now? Maybe get Big Girl to help you because you are doing a terrible job on your own.


  10. 14 minutes ago, CardinalBacker said:

    They aren’t “made up crimes” when he was moving boxes of classified docs around Miralax, then had his attorneys tell the feds that they’d given them all back-those same attorneys resigned immediately when they realized that trump had them lie for him. 
    We all heard trump in his own words/voice telling election officials to “just find him” the exact number of votes to overturn the free and fair election that was held. The fact that the DA is a joke doesn’t take away from the fact that we all heard what he did, and he shouldn’t need to be legally disqualified from ever holding office again-the voters should have enough CHARACTER to cut off support for him. 

    Theyre out to get him, no doubt. That doesn’t mean that he hasn’t done anything wrong.  

    I miss the days when conservatives had character. 

    Well, we can't call you a Conservative. You are definitely lacking character.

    Tell us some more lies about how bad the economy was during Trump's tenure. Tell us what you and the Democrats would have done to handle Covid better, especially after all the Blue State (and many Red State) governors shut down their state. We can all use another dose of your comedy routine.

    And again, made up crimes. Ask Bill Clinton what happened to him for doing worse. Do you even remember?

    We all heard Trump say in his own words find the votes. For someone to interpret that as "manufacture illegal votes" would have to be severely ate up with TDS. Thus...your post. You have also, on many occasions, accused Trump of instigating an insurrection for stating "march peacefully and patriotically to make your voices heard". So it is abundantly clear you have absolutely no credibility when it comes to interpreting one's speech. In fact, your interpretation is so bad that boisterous laughter can only follow.

    What is going to happen to this country when you, and people like you, allow the Democrats to persecute and prosecute their political rivals with zero repercussions. Obama did it. Hillary did it. Biden just took it to a new level. And you condone it. You would rather focus on Trump possessing documents that he probably had every right to have. How shameful.


  11. 7 hours ago, CardinalBacker said:

    In 2016 there were 16 candidates on the stage for the first debate, and Trump was better qualified than Carly Fiorina… the other 14 were without a doubt better experienced and would have served us more effectively. 

    The sensible argument to make is “so what about experience? He was the right guy, obviously, because he ended up winning.” Except he did a horrible job, then lost, then tried to start a civil war, is facing 91 felony charges, countless civil suits, and needs $545 million dollars just to appeal cases which he’s already lost. 

    By all means, let’s give the job back to that train wreck. 

    You have been spouting some revisionist history. Do you think people fully afflicted with TDS should be allowed to give their highly biased and highly inaccurate accounting of history? It is good for a laugh, but seriously...even you can't believe your own words.

    It is pretty disgusting that you seem to be in favor of a sitting president imprisoning and going after his political foes. Everyone can easily see that the charges brought against Trump are nothing but made up "crimes" to stifle a political rival. Even you can see it, just will not admit it...and seem to favor it. How do you live with yourself?

    You can reply with anything you like. I'm sure you will choose your proven path of spouting lies. Make me laugh some more.



  12. 1 hour ago, UT alum said:

    Posting to bring the topic back up top. Can’t let the little baby wannabe off easy. 

    You should have been embarrassed for posting this the first time. How incredibly more embarrassing that you would bring such negative attention to yourself again. You were better off hiding in the basement...like your messiah Biden.

    Would you like to discuss the disinformation you are trying to pass off as fact? The 3rd grade kiddos are on Christmas break right now, so you might be able to find one that can explain your propaganda to you...and why everyone is laughing at you for posting it. 

  13. 11 hours ago, 5GallonBucket said:


    Good post. And what is even more damaging to the Man Made Global Warming cultists is that carbon dioxide has never been shown to have an impact on the climate. It might, but not one study has ever shown that an elevated level of CO2 has the claimed detrimental effect. In fact, if CO2 does warm our planet, historical data has shown that the Earth has flourished in warmer weather.

    It is just laughable that the Climate nazis, when challenged, always say that they follow the science, when no science points to their beliefs. In fact, anecdotal evidence, i.e. common sense, points to the exact opposite of what these sheeple shout at you. So when a Man Made Global Warming nutjob tells you they follow science, it is assuredly certain that they do not.

    And even more laughable is that the Man Made Global Warming chicken littles will read this, but will not challenge it or offer any refutable proof. But they will undoubtably continue to follow the lies and even try to bully, admonish, shame, shout down anyone who dares question their lies. How long will it be before another science-challenged buffoon gets on here and says that the Earth is in peril due to Man (and will say it like it is a proven fact). I'm guessing we won't have to wait long, and I'm certain that they will shamefully scurry away when challenged.

    Sometimes I wish I would open up more as to how I feel about Man Made Global Warming fraudulent "scientists", and their sheeple. 

  14. 2 hours ago, UT alum said:

    For all you “free thinking revolutionaries” out there, I’m done with your fascist rhetoric and fawning after a chicken hearted wannabe dictator.  This is my last post. Choke on it.(though I reckon few, if any of you have the guts to watch all of it).

    I forgot to quote you. I want to make sure you get the notification that you have a reply that you don't want you to miss. 

  15. You need help. TDS is alive and thriving. No wonder you believe in Manmade Global Warming...your ability to ignore facts coupled with selective outrage and the ability to perform mental gymnastics with "disinformation" is a site to behold.

    I watched the first 30 seconds...and that is all it took. I don't know whether to laugh (some more) at you, or really feel sorry for you. Trump was referring to MS13 gang members. He said this right after news broke of many slayings by illegal MS13 gang members around the country. This was his vow to rid the U.S. of these animals. His language was spot on and appropriate. You think this is proof of him having issues...when it literally exposes your issues.

    You say we don't have the guts to watch it. Well your right. I, along with any other person with two functioning brain cells, can instantly see this nutcase propaganda for what it is worth. Only brainwashed Liberal sheeple would find this crap worth wasting time over.

    Have a nice life stewing in your hatred.

  16. This is just flabbergasting. How in the world can you not come up with one single accurate climate module? What is even more amusing is that among the somewhere between 80% to 98% of agreement amongst the leading climatologists, you know, the ones that depend financially on pushing this agenda to feed their family, not one has offered up their "accurate" module. Isn't it about time we give up on the man-made global warming hoax, and focus on real climatology? But as long as you sheeple feed their extravagant lifestyle, I don't foresee a change in the immediate future. Science is dead. Prove me wrong!

  17. 45 minutes ago, Kountzer said:

    The big oil companies back trump.  They also played a big part in climate issues.  

    Actually the right and left are. a lot a like.  The right, and everyone else, contributed to climate problems.  They could have built high speed rail systems long time ago, but they wanted interstate highways so they could line their pockets with cash.  

    The mega right and the christian nationalists hate the us constitution.  trump wants to be a dictator and a king.  The globalists hate the us constitution as well.  They want kingly, monarchal rule also.   Both the right and the left want to force everyone to worship on Sunday.  Only problem is Sunday is not the true sabbath.  

    When legislation is passed to force people to worship on Sunday that will be the mark of the beast.  Those that accept the mark of the beast will be burned up in hell fire.  Btw hell does not exist yet.  

    evil people, those that accept the mark of the beast will be destroyed in hell fire.  this planet will be burned up as well.  The Lord will built a new heavens and new earth.   

    All this will happen soon.  How soon? Only God knows.  but you can see and feel it being set up right now.

    What climate problems are you talking about? What is "big oil" doing that creates "climate issues"? What are the "right, and everyone else" doing that contributes to these so called climate problems? Please explain.

    This should be funny.

  18. 5 hours ago, UT alum said:

    If you view support for the rule of law as an attempt at embarrassment you need to move to Russia or Hungary.  It’s not flawless, but it has worked better than any other system of justice since its invention. Your cute little post is actually un-American. You seem to want someone else to tell you how to think awfully bad.  No wonder an autocratic wannabe like Trump enamors you so.

    Blah blah blah Everything is a threat to democracy for you liberals. Everyone who doesn't fall in line lock, stock, and barrel with the liberal agenda is "un-American". You sound like Chuck Schumer, which should be highly embarrassing for you. 

    I find it funny that you try to call me "un-American" when the phrase "Make America Great Again" triggers you. I can just imagine the rage you feel when hearing that phrase. I bet you crawl up in a ball, whimpering in your safe space until someone caresses your back while whispering in your ear "you are a big boy".

    Do you want to try to explain yourself as to how you can conclude I want someone else to think for me? I know where you pulled that out of...and it wasn't the air. You might want to get a sixth grader to help you out. I'm still laughing at the last sentence. I'm dumbfounded on how you suggest that Trump thinks highly of me when he doesn't even know me. Are you really not embarrassed with yourself? If not, you should be.

    I think I will go back to silently laughing at you people. It is just so degrading to have to resort to grade school level banter when interacting with you people.

  19. 3 hours ago, UT alum said:

    Your doubt doesn’t mean squat. A jury of his peers was convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that he murdered George Floyd. They heard ALL of the evidence, not just what gets cherry picked and fed to you in your little bubble.

    I agree. Our jury system is flawless. Nobody is ever wrongly convicted. Now, can you tell me where that sarcasm key is so I can turn it off?

    You seem to be trying awfully hard to embarrass yourself.

  20. 37 minutes ago, UT alum said:

    Speaker Mike Johnson wants to blur the faces of January 6th insurrectionists so that they can’t be further identified and charged with any criminal acts.  Soeaker Johnson is also an election denier.  If Antifa, BLM and Capitol police conspired with the FBI to either stage or instigate the invasion of our Capitol, wouldn’t it make sense to not blur but magnify the faces so that the “truth” would be known? The real actors caught?  Darned conspiracies!

    If I invite you into my house, then have the police falsely arrest you, have a DA falsely charge you with treason, have the media falsely claim you are a traitor to our country...shouldn't your identity be protected?

    This topic brought to us by a climate nazi who laughably claims the Capitol was "invaded" to overthrow our government, who brought no weapons, and walked through doors that were opened for them, who were escorted around the Capitol by the Capitol police, who did "slightly" less damage that the "Summer of Love" insurrections that unleased billions and billions worth of damage and caused an untold number of deaths. Facts don't seem to have an effect on you do they.

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