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Posts posted by LHSALLZONE

  1. dogfather, again someone posts a score and someone thinks there is a great conspiracy. im not a parent nor am i a coach on the white team. i just know the score and the young man from lunberton that got banged up. sorry for the young man from nederland getting hurt, i know this feeling, my son broke his arm in 2 places last year in his 3rd peewee game as quaterback against wos, nothing like seeing your son crying coming off the field with his arm bent at 15 degrees ,just a horrible sight and feeling. so dont think im bypassing a injury at nederlands expense to prop up lumberton teams, thats bull . i was not at the game when ned r lum boys got hurt, but seen a young man i coached for 2 yrs on the sideline, sorry i didnt get every play by play info man.
    my post was a post about a close ,hard fought game by two undefeated teams , not some intended slight . people are so ready to read junk into a simple posted scores. this no respect theme is getting old, nothing but respect from me, all my post is intended not to disrespect any team or person
  2. i think every situation  when a player quits, there is always more than one reason or issue. as for as talent cody has ran 4.6 -4.7 fortys. he does have
    good running back skills , the 1600 yds his sr. yr in 4a proved that. yes college is a superior grade of ball than high school, talent more physical,
    faster, larger,smarter,and coaches more trained.  cody had a group of running backs that he has been competing against, some faster, some bigger, some stronger, some just better. that does not deminish the fact that he is a good running back, wether its the #1,#2,#3. at first, i was told that he could walk on, compete ,earn some scholarship monies, other players had similar offers, most programs have the same thing, but in no way do any of
    us know everything that is going on. coach said that hussey was going to get his share of work ,said this on tv, cody was given a chance to work, compete,practice, to earn this playing time, but who knows what went on. imo, cody has the talent to go to a school like lamar,so i will not question that, now to be 1st r 2nd team i dont know, woodard is coaching for his and his coaches jobs, no other reasons, winning period. i know cody ,i know codys family, such quality people, and to be frank, im a little shocked to hear of this, with that said, there is more than one reason this has happend, being the players fault or coaches fault , or both .  if the fun  is gone, if no monies came his way, if he just didnt prove to the coaches he warranted  this, or if promises made didnt come to terms, i dont know, this i do know ,cody has never been a quiter,never, i just wish he would have worked harder and stayed the course, just a thought .
  3. though anthony will have the same acl repaired, there is no other knee problem /injury. anthony called me right before he got his results wed mid day, i explained to him that this early season setback does have a benifit, it could have happened late in season & rehab would have spilled over into the next season training. about an hour later anthony called me & said dr isabel told him the acl that was grafted 1 1/2 yrs ago tore into. he said a bigger sized acl graf would be needed. ac grew some more in length &
    doc said his large  bone & leg size  will have to take a much larger size graf, this surgery will take place tues anthony said. anthony said the doc, said no other damage that he could tell, just the other acl graft just could not support his leg ,bone,muscle size so bigger graft will be put in.
  4. tpriddy, babin is back but he never called plays the first time he was here & he is not calling plays this
    time either , coach c calls the plays , period. babin is a good coach though, im glad he is back, the time he spent in houston as head coach should have given him some good experience. talked to him at the game, houston job is just not very good for head coaches.
  5. lamar football is back & with the local talent thats going to be recruited , with the local talent that  mcneese ,sfa,shsu,  tsu, had total control over, now these young men will have a new top notch facility
    to compete in, to grow in ,lamar will be in great shape .  now lamar & mcneese.  lamar is better than
    i thought they would be. new team, new coaches, new program, this usually spells tuff times. no we didnt win ,but we did. one mcneese fan said & i thought that this was going to be a blow out, he said
    these guys are going to be good,they are going to get a lot of there local talent that we use to get.  its obvious what lamar needs to work on, but think about this. mcneese coaches have had yars of continuity. the system, they kow how to call both sides of the ball, they know strenghts & weeknesses,
    lamar coor. no games called with these players ,boyh sides of the ball, they did not know players in
    game time as a unit. ,im just saying lamar needs work but when u think of the newness of this first team
    in 20 + years im thrilled of the quality of player & coaches that lamar has put together.  practice is one thing ,but most of these players have not played college ball in  2 years wow. 
    things i like - the lamar football uniforms & coaches,band uni's where sharp,cheerleaders nice. lamar program sure looked good, just like there new facility,looks like lu is commited, good fan turnout & spirit ,cant wait for next week
  6. not to be repetitive, but his main reason for coming home is that he wanted to be home ,period. no hidden agendas.  he did ask his girlfriend that in the future, they could get married, this happend about
    2 to 3 weeks ago. he went to smu in late june a mandatory request by coach jones for all first year guys.  as i posted before , i talked to him every week ,several times a week, while at smu, his grades where good, his conditioning was good every coach i talked with at smu said he was doing fine, that he was awsome on the field (full contact ) then about  2 weeks ago anthony had a change of heart at the same time the coaches could see that change also. no wandering why guys, this is it.
    coaches called us, ad called us, press called us, ac had no problems other than home sick, its his decision, dont be confussed. u think we wouldnt like to see him at this college. he passed on full offers from ,arizona,wyoming,colorado,colorado st, sfa, missouri,ect., he thought smu was close enough home,
    he just wanted to be home. buy the way, his offer was closer to 380.000  . most of his offers was around 330,00. hope no one else has a second thought on this ,u would be worrying for nothing
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