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Posts posted by LHSALLZONE

  1. how can you turn your back on one of your kids ?  you cant!  how do you look at posts like this, with  an answer that reflects the other side of the story also.
    as a coach in several youth sports ,at several different levels i can truely say similar situations like this happen at a regular bases. trying to coach a football team
    with 20 -25 players, 3 times a week, 2 hrs per practice  , you will have issues.  while cruising home on monday tues ,thurs, leaving home before eating, stopping
    off to get fresh ice and water, preparring the field for practice is a start. answering 3 r 4 calls from parents and coaches about whatever, getting text about who is
    mad,whos going to be late ,whos sick, whos adhd meds were changed, the list goes on. this is just the tip  of the iceberg. so one might say, if its an issue just dont coach, no you deal with the issues the best you can , and you might please a majority of parents but never all of them. coaching a young man with an attitude
    problem like another stated, is tuff. the team concept  must take precedent over any individual. coaches do teach  TEAM work, its a must, responsability, control,
    self worth, ect. dad, coaches have children about 6 hrs of practice and about 2-3 hrs on game day, thats it.  that leaves  you and your school system 160 hrs a week
    to help your child with his attitude. as a coach ,if a child with a bad attitude reflects on my team  in a neg. way, after that child has been attended to about the same
    problem previously, you probably would not like me after the years end, because 24 players are more deserving of my attention than a young man that will not take
    take to heart our earlier talks, lessons given, ect. i will always try for a young man, always teach, always strive, even get my son to invite him to stay the night and come over and play, trying to get into his thinking , trying to solve the issue, but look at the time, volunteered time a coach has, looks like to me dad and mom need to step up and draw the lines, even taking sports away if disrespect,rudeness,not obeying parents ,making neg. comments,ect, at home r at school persists.  the time factor is a big issue, 8 hrs to 160 hrs, you decide :-\
  2. hey demons, ocho chew backa is no t all red , no way, i to have  insider trading going on, he definately not pee red. now ol
    smash mouth i think i got him pegged, but will stay his name. demons we know,lr 33 we know, lhsallzone we know, teamraider , ect ect ect. now ocho i believe is from lumberton, and by following his post and the time of his post,you know job
    related, he will eventually turn up , like a fish in tha water ::)
  3. ocho ,again its your question,post,you are asking, we are responding, i would love for lum-r to win it all, we could ,so 4 r 5 other teams could ,thats why you play the game ,you play to win, nobody  has given anybody the crown, itsa post that has asked who you got, im hoping for lum's win , but you play the game,somebody wins,somebody loses, thats reality. go  raiders
  4. ocho, you just dont know what you are talking about. after playing ,wos,bmt-g,pa, after watching png-g play pa, and after watching one other png-g game, these are by far the 4 best teams in peewee 2011. ive seen lum-w play  3 times this year and i hope ,wish they could win the super bowl if we ,lum-r dont do it. i promise you # 11 is probably the one of the top 3
    players this year, 23 is small ,but a fast kid with skills and both play a mean defense. # 3 is next in line ,big and fast, both
    sides of the ball , he will be a factor. # 9, is a defense guy who is solid, now im not anointing bmt-g or png-g one of the
    super bowl champs, but if i was a betting man that would be my pick, one of these 2. reallity sucks sometime, but until you play these 3 teams i mentioned,  its just air time we all have on here, this is fun. im not nocking all the other teams, not dogging all the others and lum-r still has png-g on our last game, so i can speak, feel , on the field with these guys, have video of our games and watched them 4 r 5 times each, this is why i say ,the schedule,teams you play have a lot to do with your sucess. png-g has beat pa,wos, these are some tuff teams.  next 2 weeks will sift everything out. so ocho, you asked :who you got, hoping in lum-w, go raiders, they are also undefeated, so they have put in their work,good lucklum-w
  5. 5  on  5 ,she was talking about holding him back in school DUMMY,  you know -k1 hello  ??? :o
    whether it was :-[ sickness,injury, grades, whatever the case might be, its about the young mans well being and status in school
    omg. yeh, she is trying to position him to dominate, read and understand what a person is posting before accusing one of ,who knows  what. she was asking by doing this ,does age or the grade one is in, determines the situation
  6. raider mom, stjfl is by age only, some kids play up : by choice and some play up ,older league because they are to heavy. if a kid was held back a year in school, he plays by age- flag-5-6 / peewee -7-8 / jrs -9 -10 / sr- 11 -12-note sr. league you must be 12 before aug. 1st, if a child was held back  he might have to sit out a year, being in 6th grade and 12 = yrs old if born after aug. 1 st., to  old for stjfl, but only in 6th grade, which does not have football this holding a child back will simply make him an older child in his grade, like a 19 yr old sr.
  7. ol smash beat me to it, but bmt -g is the most rounded team in my opinion. 3 of there running backs have the most speed that ive seen, not saying wos ,pa isnt fast because they are. wos def. to me is the best we faced,most team speed and they swarm the ball, but it still comes down to match ups, bmt to me be tuuuufffff to beat, hoping lum-w does it the last week, but png-g could
    win it all to, this is just my thoughts on the ? asked, no disrespect intended to anyone lol
  8. i watched png-g play pa and i was really impressed with png speed ,blocking, and defense. # 22 i think was lit up by # 98
    i believe of pa, but that dude didnt quit. he also had a long run for a td before half, he out ran pa to the endzone, so i for one give all the props to png-g, ive said all along ,they will probably be in the super bowl. good luck
  9. just wanted to congradulate bmt gold on the win they had today. this team deserves all the credit. they played solid defense, had 2 defensive td and they just handled my team on offense. ive seen png-g play pa and we played wos to a 6-0 game in
    bmt, this team has the players to win it all. coaches, players,and parents represented the bmt area well, very classy guys and good luck, from peewee red
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