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  1. 59 minutes ago, WOSdrummer99 said:

    This is the hidden content, please

    From the article...

    “I mean if we were to lock down really hard, I know I hate to even suggest it,” said Kashkari. “People will be frustrated by it, but if we were to lock down hard for a month or six weeks, we could get the case count down so that our testing and our contact tracing was actually enough to control it the way that it's happening in the Northeast right now.”

    Kashkari continues, “If we don't do that and we just have this raging virus spreading throughout the country with flare-ups and local lockdowns for the next year or two, which is entirely possible, we're going to see many, many more business bankruptcies, small businesses, big businesses, and that's going to take a lot of time to recover from to rebuild those businesses and then to bring workers back in and re-engage them in the workforce. That's going to be a much slower recovery for all of us.”

    Somebody here at work said the same thing 

  2. 4 minutes ago, gogo1734 said:

    While I can somewhat understand your frustration, this country needs to go on with life! Everything cannot be stopped or shut down due to fear, the consequences of doing that for the short time it was done are already devastating. Businesses are closing and many good people have lost their jobs, with no other jobs to be found. Where does it end? What will people have to go back to if the country is shut down again as you suggest it should be? The fact is, that in the long run, more lives will be negatively effected and lost due to the consequences of the shut down (or an additional one) that have been effected by the virus itself. At some point a line has to be drawn. 

    But the federal reserve said another 6 week shutdown mabe needed  to help the economy for some reason.

  3. 42 minutes ago, WOSgrad said:

    Well, think about it this way......every person on the IMG roster could start at North Shore.  Great as they have been over the last 2 years, North Shore can't make the same boast.

    Sorry mr grad but I'm thinking about it this way, the public school football team is the xbox and the private school football team is the playstation let's cross platform on some multiplayer and prove we kick playstation but anytime anywhere.  Since they we can't hold a candle to them. I'm standing behind my public school teams and the xbox.

  4. Just now, CardinalBacker said:

    Yup....  He was on a season of QB1, too.  You've got a whole season to enjoy his personality. 

    He decommitted from Washington before he decomitted from A&M.  The real problem is that at least two other kids decommitted around the same time because they didn't like the way that A&M's coaches and fans responded to Martell's decommitting.  

    This is the hidden content, please

    In QB1 Bishop Gorman had a game in Texas and Martell didn't even want to go to the state after all of the hubbub. He was supposed to be the next Johnny Football.  They have really enjoyed watching him flounder all over the place.  

    Yes Ive watched that on Netflix 

  5. 6 hours ago, navydawg31 said:

    I was reading a article maybe 2 or 3 years ago, Tate martell really drug that school through the mud and discouraged kids from attending that school. I saw where two studs elect not to enroll there after that Tate did what he did. I know BG got drilled by Mater Dei 42-0 a season or two ago... might be losing some steam but still a quality team.

    And hes paying for it got ran up outta Ohio state by just fields and riding that pine at Miami 

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