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Posts posted by texbuzz

  1. I like statistics.  Especially when looking at matchups.  The big problem at this point is the sample size.  Needville looks better on paper but that is certainly not the whole story.

    It's only two games in and I don't think there is much to take away from the season for either of these teams so far.  Needville has a better record but Huffman had better opponents.

    Strictly on bias alone....

    Huffman 28 - Needville 24

  2. Game Information

    Huffman Hargrave (1-1) @ Needville (2-0)

    Stadium Address - Blue Jay Stadium | 

    This is the hidden content, please

    Date/Time - 09/09  7:30PM

    Tickets - $8 at the gate.  (No online sales that I could find.  Needville's homecoming and the district only has a few tickets left at the HS for pickup.)

    Stream -

    This is the hidden content, please
     (couldn't find on TexanLive.com)



  3. On 9/6/2022 at 10:00 AM, 2wedge said:

    Huffman is in trouble. They don't look particularly prepared and Silsbee exposed them last Friday. Buchta has to get it corrected or the whispers are going to begin around town and the program. Everyone's happy with the hometown kid until the hometown kid starts 0-3, 0-4 or 0-5. I think they can right the ship, but it needs to start this week. 

    Silsbee didn't "expose" Huffman.  Nothing surprising happened Friday.  Silsbee is a good team and is better than Huffman.  That was the story before the game and certainly after.

    Everybody that has been watching Huffman knows this team is not as good as the teams in the last few years.  There is still some talent in a few spots but there aren't any "shockers" with 1-1.

    I would be happy with 2-1 after this week and not shocked if its 1-2.  I'd pump the brakes on the new head coach getting run out of town based on the play so far. 

  4. 2 hours ago, PrairieMan said:

    Me personally, I'd rather just see the below. 

    • Offensive pass yards
    • Offensive rush yards
    • Defensive pass yards allowed
    • Defensive rush yards allowed
    • Turnovers

    From just a user perspective of a single game,  If I have the pass yards / rush yards for both offenses, the defense allowed data is just the inverse.  

    Cumulative data can be captured and then sliced as needed. Avg passing yards per game, Turnovers +/- data, etc.

    There are already resources that do some of this but it is inconsistent at the HS level.  

  5. Just out of curiosity, what are the 3-5 stats that would be most important to readers here?

    I am thinking:

    • Offensive yards total.
    • Turnovers.
    • First downs.
    • TFL - Sacks.
    • Yards per carry.

    I know a lot of people would be interested in personal stats but that is a little harder to gather quickly.

    Things that a regular fan of HS Football would like to see the most at the end of a game?

  6. On 9/4/2022 at 12:13 PM, Silsbee92 said:

    I know...I know...

    This is one thing that Mike and Tim did exceptionally well, kept in game stats.  I try to bring a really great play by play calling to those who listen.  Unfortunately my stat game isn't up to par while doing that.  Our team is coming together but it may take a game or two to get it back down after changing staff this year.  Only our 2nd year so be patient, please.   

    Of course, if you wanna work for free and keep stats for us.  Let me know. 

    Just out of curiosity, what are the 3-5 stats that would be most important to readers here?

    I am thinking:

    • Offensive yards total.
    • Turnovers.
    • First downs.
    • TFL - Sacks.
    • Yards per carry.

    I know a lot of people would be interested in personal stats but that is a little harder to gather quickly.

    (This probably should be its own thread)

  7. On 9/1/2022 at 5:33 PM, texbuzz said:

    Ok, just finished.   

    Silsbee offense - The have some players.  Their line didn't show a lot of dominance but I don't think they needed to.  #1 out of the backfield with that I formation is nice.  They block it up well and huge holes.  Passing was good but those deep rainbow passes are going to be risky against that Huffman safety. Team so far revolves around #4, #1, and #40.  Going to be tough trying to stop all 3.  #16 is strong too.  Nothing to talk about after middle of the 3rd.  I think it was subs in for offense.

    Silsbee defense - Hard to take anything away from the game so far.  The defense for Vidor will always be custom made.  Silsbee schemed it perfectly:

    • Flow D-line hard slants to heavy side.
    • LBs to follow motion / move up to replace D-Lineman.
    • Boxing ends.

    Vidor Defense - Hagar, I feel you.  This was tough to watch.  On almost every Silsbee gain, 3-4 Vidor players got their hands on the ball carrier.  And not like the Silsbee player was high stepping out of tackles, All he had to do was not stop or trip.  DB's were tripping and running into each other.  They are not pursuing the ball.  Probably why they keep missing tackles

    Vidor Offense - When the linemen could get to the LBs, they were productive.  If you go back at look at Vidor's formation.  When they are balanced without motion, the D-Line goes to base and the blocking assignments get simple.  Vidor linemen at least get to the 2nd level and the ball can move.  The LB's lost their keys and had to read before attacking.  Lots of missed blocks for backs and pullers.  


    Matchup with Huffman - The Huffman defense should have a better game against Silsbee than what Vidor brought last week.  But, if the tackling from Huffman does not get better than against Spring Legacy, Silsbee is going to put up a lot.

    Falcon offense is better at moving the ball.  But the key is still about blocking those inside LBs.  I don't think Huffman can work outside without getting good performance from the inside.  Silsbee LBs are too fast and physical.  


    Score Prediction - I ain't doing it....I've got a feeling...Naw....I ain't doing it.

    Defense did not do any better than Vidor. Tackling…better.  But Silsbee was way better than Legacy. 

    Offense couldn’t handle the front 7. 

    Silsbee looked great. Penalties but still a great team. 

  8. 53 minutes ago, Silsbee92 said:

    If there was a hot mic it wasn't reported by the feed checks requested so we apologize for your discomfort during this free broadcast.

    No, I didn’t explain. The announcer at the game had his mic on between plays. Could hear him chatting, nothing bad. 

    I do a lot of online meetings and I get (unreasonably) anxious when someone leaves a mic on at a break. It’s just a weird thing I have. 

    announcers at the game were great, I was just whining. 

  9. 1 minute ago, BADSANTA said:

    Shows good sportsmanship and I don't see a reason why they would. Halftime is usually 30 min when its not Homecoming. 

    Oh absolutely. I don’t think anybody should ever do it. I’m a Father of a band kid myself. 

    Just curious if the halftime stuff (not the homecoming tonight, that’s a special thing) is tradition or actually a UIL thing. 

  10. So, just sulking during the half. Thinking. 

    I would never say it’s a good idea and a total jerk move, but…can a hosting school just say “sorry opponents band, we don’t allow the opponent band on our field.” 

    is there a UIL requirement to allow the opponent band to perform at the half. 

    (don’t attack me, just thinking out loud. And I think it is a horrible idea and nobody would do it.)

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