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Posts posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. I never said they were the only ones on welfare.  NEVER EVER had made such a reference.  You have simply stereotyped me into what you want me to be.  We have a system that makes welfare easy and profitable and there is little if anything done to discourage being on welfare.  It has become a generational way of life for some.  I have a close relative who was in the beauty shop yesterday getting her hair done.  She said she listened as one individual ( Caucasian) was talking loudly about how she could not spend too much money on that new car she wanted because she would have some of her "support" taken away from her.  Here she sits, while getting a manicure and a pedicure ( two real necessary items for anyone) and she paid for both of them with her EBT card while bragging how she is manipulating the system.  Let me give you a clue- this is not an isolated instance.

    Because on a "per-capita" basis minorities have a higher percentage of their population on welfare, that presents our most delicate problem that prevents actual meaningful change: to point out that abuses in the system and to propose change that might actually produce change and improve peoples lives makes you racist!!  So non minorities cower in fear and nothing changes and things just continue the same or get's worse.  It is a vicious cycle of political correctness and destruction!!

  2. I believe NewTobie that this could very well have been a factor.  I talked with one of the higher ups at the Port of Beaumont yesterday and he told me that this would be very beneficial to the PetroChem industry in our area.  Although the funding has not been put in place to start the project, kudos to the President for signing the bill.  Now if he would just sign the Keystone Pipeline bill.

  3. A couple of things.   i wonder if ExxonMobil waited to see what would happen and until the changes at BISD were made before they even announced that they were looking at doing this here in Beaumont.  Could have had a bearing on their decision to expand here.  Also, maybe they are betting that ultimately Keystone will come to area as it is planned to if our esteemed leadership at the federal government will get it's proverbial head out of it's proverbial arse!!!

  4. Well everyone will agree that the system is broke.  That's not the issue the issue is. Certain people trying to rattle their base calling everyone on welfare takers,lazy  etc. To truly fix this problem it will take brains and understanding. Simply calling people names won't change it. I've heard no reasonable fix to the problem from both sides. 

    So the system being broke and excessive abouse is not an issue, the only issue is poeple who are upset that is is broke and the abuses (conservatives)???  Calling names never solves anything and at the end of the day only deepens the divide.  Bad behavior by one group DOES NOT JUSTIFY bad behavior by the other group. 

  5. That's false.  When I was a bank teller, we had a customer who made TRIPLE what I made from govt. direct deposits. She drove a 2011 Tahoe with rims.

    I have banned myself from responding to a certain poster but in response to your post, one of the great myths being put out by the radical left is that the "truth" of what is really happening is "a myth"!!  Now does everyone on welfare abuse it!  No!!  Do enough abuse it that the system is broke!!!  YES!!!!  That is what is unacceptable and causes hard feelings!!!

  6. Interesting, you only have them winning against the newcomers to the conferece, no wins against the old members, which means that you are predicting no real improvement but more overall wins because the overall competition on the schedule is weaker!!  I would love to see real improvement!  Not sure that it will happen and I can't make a great case for more than 7 wins. I think that we will be competitive, just not sure we have the leadership to get over the hump to the next level.

  7. Although 2 years with the new board will be great, it would be much better to have a 5 year term.  That would be helpful to ensure the culture is changed within the district and the community before open elections would be held again!!

  8. Governments have been spying since the creation of governments.  The issue we have in the present digital and technological age is: what will the government do with all the data it is collecting on its citizens.  There is no doubt that the current Administration has shown a predisposition to try and use government agencies to harrass and punish its opponents!!  That is the problem, not the spying.  If we could trust our own government, then almost no one would oppose the collection of data.  Of course, you will deny/turn a blind eye to the fact that their is a great chance that this data will be misused to persecute and punish those that oppose the current regime!!

    EDIT:  The Obama Admin did not invent the "punish your enemies" philosophy, I am sure it has been around for a very long time and used by both Republican and Democratic Admins.  It has just been pushed to a whole new level by this group.  This is dangerous no matter which party occupies the White House!!

  9. Governments have been spying since the creation of governments.  The issue we have in the present digital and technological age is: what will the government do with all the data it is collecting on its citizens.  There is no doubt that the current Administration has shown a predisposition to try and use government agencies to harrass and punish its opponents!!  That is the problem, not the spying.  If we could trust our own government, then almost no one would oppose the collection of data.  Of course, you will deny/turn a blind eye to the fact that their is a great chance that this data will be misused to persecute and punish those that oppose the current regime!!

  10. Her only point is the same as her savior Yobama she hates the good ole USA that has provided her and him to be all they can be but the are soured from their past! Must be a miserable life holding all those grudges!

    No no no!!!  By this posters own written words in previous posts, she has another savior.  But she never posts much about HIm (only a few posts when it is convenient to respond in that fashion) but she posts obsessively about Obama!!

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