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Posts posted by NorthoftheBorder

  1. Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East, period.  I cannot have empathy for countries whose identities are based on their hatred for our country and what we believe in.  Their very existence seems to be rooted in hatred - whether it be for America or Jews (and almost always both).  Not to mention their abhorrent treatment of women. 

    The current occupant of the White House does not share your beliefs as stated above.  For anyone to say that he does plainly and maliciously ingores his very actions!!!

  2. We tried that when we all came together and approved a huge bond issue.  I think that is what has everybody so upset.

    I would say that it is much much more than facilities and school buildings.  They now have pretty good facilities accross the board now.  The coming together means lets do what it takes to greatly improve what happens in the classroom and the quality of education these kids get.  Lets have the kind of focus and drive at the administration and teacher level to ensure kids actually learn!!  And lets teach them the core subjects of Math, English (Reading and Writing) and the sciences that make a difference in innovation and job creation.  And I am all for bilingual education.  Teach english speaking kids spanish and spanish speaking kids english!!

  3. Those 2 schools are in the forefront of our minds because we are fans, but this is a nation wide problem. Schools all across the country are dealing with the same things.

    I don't think it's much different that it always has been with young athletes getting in trouble with the law. The diffence now is the twitter/social media era we live in, players have to be more careful. You do something stupid and 20 people are there with their cell phones to video and take pictures. Long gone are the days where to coach can call the local sheriff and get the kids out of hot water without anyone knowing.

    Not much different from the 80's 90's and 00's but I would say it is a lot worse than in our parent's and grandparents time. Several reason's one being the money involved in professional sports ( and by default college sports), another the general changes in society as a whole and also the increase in "worship" of the public of individuals who are athletically gifted and the special way they are treated from early youth into early adulthood!!  Add to that the flourishing of the media and you have a real explosive situation.

  4. I am no Phillip Klein fan. Anybody who's been on this board for any length of time knows that. His stories are often poorly researched and highly exaggerated.


    That said, he may be on to something this time. Something much bigger than Calvin Walker. But, I still want to see it before I believe it.

    I am no Klein fan either and he has a penchant for playing fast and loose with information (or the lack thereof).  Lets all be honest, the BISD situation is full of high emotion and has created a division of thought into two camps.  Now is not the time for hyperbole, name calling, stoking the fire and racial acromony!!  This will play out over time, and the hope of all of us should be that the facts and the truth will come out.  Those that are guilty of anything will be found guilty and appropriately punished.  Those that are innocent will be found so and exonerated.  No matter what side you are on, most likely you will be dissappointed somehow in the outcome.  What we need ( and I have little faith we will accomplish) is to all come together and do what is right for the public education of our youth so we give them a fighting chance to be as successful as they are motivated to be by giving them a quality education that will allow them to compete globally!!

  5. When are you guys going to tire of this very childish game that this poster plays every day!  Her MO is "Offense is a good defense!!  Since she doesn't have anything to rebutt Obama's devastating policies and their effects on the country, so she resorts to "so and so did this, and so and so did that and you supported them"!  No amount of facts, logic, or sound reasoning is going to have any effect on her beliefs!!!

  6. I follow Al Jazeera and BBC when it comes to world news, if that's work you're asking

    American news outlets are obviously going to be extremely biased when it comes to Israel (yes, both fox AND msnbc)

    Does anyone on this board need to no any more about ECO!!!!  Let's see, Hamas fighters hide behind women and children as they wage war!!  Then they scream about their civilians being killed or injured.  Real character!!!  They are gutless!!!

  7. If you are referring to the thread on blacks having crime genes or predisposed to committing crime, I removed it. 


    Not that the topic wasn't stupid enough however it could have stayed but when about 8 posts were about calling other members sexual preference into question. In fact 13 of the first 20 posts had nothing to do with topic but calling other people gay or loony. That not only violated the rules of this forum it also went way off topic...... which is also a rules violation. 


    I didn't feel like deleted 75% of the posts in a single thread so I chose to delete it. Apparently that was not good enough for some members as the offending posts were repeated. 

    the last thing I saw was his post.  there must have been quite a few garbage posts after that which deteriated the conversation to the pointo deletion.

  8. There weren't tens of thousands of minors streaming accross the border unaccompanied by their parents during those 16 years.  So, lets just clear the deck right now on all issues!!!  Let's just say right now that George Bush was the worst president ever!!  What now, with only 2 years remaining, will Barack Obama do to fix the economy, the border, and the ever growing multiple interational crisis that could throw the world into chaos.  Remember, George Bush is not president and he can do nothing about any of these things anymore.  Moreover, do not give the excuse that Republicans are preventing him from doing anything.  GREAT LEADERS overcome obstacles and galvanize the support of their opponents to get the right things done!!!  Now I will sit back and wait for the unsual morass of exuses and hyperbole!!!

  9. There is a very big and distinct difference in Judging a person as being "less than", unworthy or inferior so that you can feel "righteous" about mistreating them or worse; and observing their actions and making a judgement about their character and/or the decisions that they make and reacting appropriately.  Anyone who is a parent has made judgements about the kids that their children are around and has had the very audacity to limit or prevent their child from hanging out with or at least limiting the exposure they have to that child.  How dare you judge a person like that!!  Only God knows their heart and the fact that they are trying to convince your child to do something that is completely against your values is just plain mean and hateful!!

  10. The topic of this thread is a poll showing that Mitt Romney would win in a landslide if the 2012 election were held again today, not which voting base is more intelligent or less informed.


    Personally, I think this is evidence that a lot of moderates, independents and swing voters begrudgingly gave Obama their vote in 2012, and now wish they could go back and change it.

    I have personally banned myself from responding directly to a certain poster.  Although, as always your response was spot on, I wish you would have asked her to provide proof of here statement as to intellectual superiority of the democratic voting base. 

  11. Steve, I wonder if your favorite poster on this board will GOOGLE it????


    Seriously, this is just another example that most all of our citizens of every race and nationality can and would improve themselves if, like Dr. Ben Carson's mom did him, they were held accountable, not allowed to make excuses, and provided with the proper education that would allow them to succeed.  Now, you can bet that our best friends who are really radical left schills will come on here with their radical garbage trying to dispute and demonize this program!!!

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