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Posts posted by Tribesman

  1. Did you register on time ? I know there was a huge turnout of kids and not enough coaches. The president made numerous calls for coaching volunteers and had no takers. If some coaches step up, we may be able to field another team. You have to get each kid ten plays per game and if the numbers are too large, then it is almost impossible. Good Luck, I hate to see any kid that wants to play, not be able to...

  2. It is sad. I am one of the LC parents and I apologize if my anger at the plate umpire in game 2 seemed as a shot at anyone from PNG. We all hear different stories as to what went down at the plate. Who knows what was said. We heard the letters b.s. were used. Not the actual words. Regardless, the batter shouldn't have said anything.Yes we were mad he got kicked out, but don't you think #5 should have gotten the same treatment in game 1 for a blatant slide into the shortstop. That is why both players were called out. I'm sure that is what spilled over to the next game when our player got tossed.In our way of thinking, should an umpire that shakes hands with the opposing teams players before game 1 and puts his finger to his lips to tell someone in the stands to shush it, should be allowed to call a game behind the plate in game 2. Even the camera man, who we don't have a clue who he is, said he has never seen such a one sided game in all of his years of filming high school games. I agree a lot of the things I heard from our side of the field we childish and uncalled for. Here our 3 items you may not be aware of. Game 1 - When the shortstop was taken out in game 1, I heard one of the moms from PNG say, I don't know what the big deal is, he should have gotten out of the way.REAL CLASSY. Game 3 - The starting pitchers mom in game 3 threw her drink on the father of the boy who led off the game with a homerun. REAL CLASSY.  Now that I have that off of my chest, I just want to say you have one heck of a good baseball team. You have some very talented players coming back and some young and great pitchers. The seniors you are losing will do great in college ball. I hope we meet again next year and it will become a rivalry, but not a bitter one.My son pitched game 1 and if you know of anything he said or did I would like to know because he knows I won't tolerate it.By the way, #8's mom is one heck of a great lady.She went out of her way to look up my son between games 2&3 to talk to him. You probably won't see that too often. Once again I apoligize if I offended anyone but remember to stop and listen to what comes from your own side of the field sometime and realize what may sound funny to you, may actually be a slam against your opponent. Good luck in the future and GOD BLESS.

    Thanks for the reply. First I would like to say your son is a fantastic pitcher. I look forward to seeing him again in his senior season. I spoke to our AD/ head football coach Matt Burnett because he was approached about the incident with the drink. The story relayed to me was that the group of fathers in the immediate vicinity of the incident had been yelling directly at Harrington in Game 1, and were making derogatory comments directed at Mitch Todd in Game 3, commenting on his physique and other tasteless things. She confronted the man and told him that he needed to support his OWN players and not direct verbal jabs at these kids. THAT BEING SAID, the dumping of the drink was embarrassing to say the least. There is no place for that type of behavior on either side. About the slide, I can assure you that Kane Benoit (#5) was not trying to maliciously hurt anyone. Was he trying to break up a double play ? Yes. Could he have been kicked out of the game for the slide ? Yes. Did he slide with the intent to hurt the LC player ? No. I think each side had disagreements with umpires and that happens all the time. I think the most disturbing thing to me is some of the actions of the kids and the lack of discipline from your coach. How many times did that guy stop the ballgame for prolonged periods of time to complain ? He probably should have been sitting next to #2 in Game 2. I know for a fact that one of the kids was yelling and harrassing our first base coach during the ballgame with your head coach standing TWO FEET AWAY !!! A pitcher (#4) that had just been roughed up in the 11-1 game, stood in front of the PN-G stands taunting the fans after the homerun to start Game 3. I never saw him approached or reprimanded. According to coaches and players on the field it was CONSTANT chatter and comments throughout all three games and the PN-G kids were threatened by Coach Stone if they retaliated and opened their mouths. This is unfortunate. I've seen throughout the year how the parents in the stands act, but usually the kids on the field are the most sensible. I think there is a good chance that we could meet again next year and hopefully both fan bases will show better behavior. Good Luck to Brady and his bright future. Take Care and God Bless.

  3. I definitely think that the kids on this team reflect their new coach. I want to be careful in my choice of words, but you had to witness the three games to really see what kind of sportsmanship this guy teaches. The LC kids (and parents) were yelling directly at the PN-G players AND COACHES. The LC head coach complained to the umpire for throwing out a kid for arguing balls and strikes. After being told what was said, I can't believe that they let him play in the second game. I witnessed the PN-G/LC football game and now the baseball series and both programs showed a true lack of class. I spoke with the AD at LC and do know that many PN-G fans sent letters and e-mails following the football game and to his credit, he did call and issue personal apologies to all that he could find contacts for. It amazes me at how a team and fanbase can reflect a coach's actions and discipline. It was really sad. Go Brenham !

  4. Congrats to Coach Neumann for finally getting what he deserves. I want to ask a serious question. Do most of you think that he was really ever leaving ? Was it a business tactic ? The more I think about the few Lamarque games that I have witnessed,  I feel like there would have been a SERIOUS personality clash between Neumann and Lamarque. ???

  5. While everyone is talking about the play at first that people think went vidors way it was close and could have been called either way.There was also a play that went PNGS way at first that no one is talking about and that run from png scored.It occured when a ground ball was hit to third and the first baseman was pulled off the bag but tagged the runner on the way bye he was clearly out but was called safe.Green argued this call if you remember but the call stood and the runner ended up scoring.Close calls in games usually have a way of working themselves out.

    Congrats Pirates on a big win

    I totally agree.  I too was at the ball game and along the fence at the first base line.  Yes I was on the PNG side. Both calls at first were very close.  But thats not what bothers me.  When PNG was winning several of their fans were makeing rude comments about Vidor and really rubbin it in to the Vidor fans.  When Vidor won however the same fans, one in particular, turns around and point directly at a schoolboard member (of all people) and yells, "you Vidor people are trash and you Su*#.  Your umpires here in Vidor also Su*#."  When I showed him my badge however he took off to the parking lot.  Why do the people across the Neches have to be so ugly to us poor ole' Vidorians.  I guess we know who the trashy person was that night.

    Come on already...Good grief !!! Bottom line is that the atmosphere was intense, there were plenty of adults running their mouths and acting like children, and the kids on the field were playing their hearts out. I am making a final post on the game to let the people that weren't present in on a few details:

    * There were plenty of bad sports on BOTH sides. If you weren't there to see it, shut up and don't make stupid accusations on this board. Some of the Vidor fans probably couldn't see the group of ADULT MEN standing on the outfield side of PN-G's dugout yelling directly at the kids and harrassing them as they came off the field. It is important for everyone reading this to know that the childish behavior was coming from all directions.

    * The ump bashing doesn't necessarily stem from the one double play that everyone is talking about. This crew did  not handle this game well at all. The fans in attendance witnessed bad calls on double plays, foul balls, and some other issues from start to finish that went against both teams. I think anyone present would agree to this statement. It was truly sad.

    * The players are going to play another hell of a game in Port Neches. The fans need to step up and try not to ruin it !!!

  6. I agree on the call at first base. I think Spikes was out of position and off the base. They SHOULD NOT have let that run score from second after the teams left the field. Two things in closing: Some of our (PN-G) fans were acting foolishly, BUT if Vidor fans had those calls go against them at Home, there would have been an all out riot !!!! There's no denying that... And second, I personally saw the ump ask Green to have the press box guy turn the sound down, followed by Green motioning to him. No big deal, but it happened  ;)

  7. Aahh, can you smell that ??? A little' home cookin' covered by some sloppy defense equals a Vidor win. I for one will not blame the umps, (even though the guy at first was clueless), because if we catch a fly ball it's 3-1 and DONE ! Vidor is scrappy and I'm sure that PN-G will be MORE THAN HAPPY to welcome the Pirates back to the Reservation... The guys in the press box need to grow up ! From antagonizing the crowd, to announcing his interpretations of umpire calls, to Coach Green having to signal to turn the music down, those guys are a little over the top. Congrats Pirates!

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