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Everything posted by footballfan5261

  1. is deweyville just not in shape?? cuz they play a great first half with anyone and the later in the game it gets it seems like the more they start losin by.
  2. I am not "talking down" his stats nor am I dismissing that he is an extremely good player, but the original question was "could he walk on his college basketball team." My answer is no if you are talking about Arkansas. I am glad he had a perfect free throw percentage against Kountze since perfection is something we always shoot for. However, someone on here brought up the idea that he shoots "95% to 100%". If he took 200 free throws, he would have to make 190 to have a 95% FT percentage. If someone had said that he shoots 74%, that is more believeable. Going back to the comparison to DJ Augustin, he makes 78% while shooting in front of fans that wave towels, signs, and whatnot...that is why I gave the edge to him. Like footballfan says, it is a moot point because he is playing football and that is where his talent lies...he is one of the best 2A players I have ever seen on the gridiron. thank you highsky. good post
  3. sloppy passing decisions in the second half really hurt the lionettes. but congrats to EC
  4. Very good game from the bucs. the inbound ally oop to #1 (jacoby carrington?) took all hope of a comeback away with 2:30 left. EC played a good game. it seemed as if roman walker was the only one that could score for the lions in this game. congrats EC and Keep it up
  5. if you wanna talk about injury.. in the first meeting kountze had a player go down in the first quarter and another one out.. and they won by 30. this wouldnt have been a close game with or without your players.. and hardin only had one player on the bench injured. i guess the other ones just dont wanna be there anymore?? As far as I can remember, you only had one player hurt in the first meeting (Johnson) and yes Kountze won by 30 but they kept fast breaking all night. Not once did Ktz slow down in the first meeting...I did say I was impressed by your team and I did think that they would do well in the playoffs. However, even though I wasn't there for last night's game, the score leads me to believe that there was more of the same. Fast breaking all night, and I bet Ktz pressed a lot during the game. Don't get me wrong...Ktz has some good ones, especially Hargraves and the coach is a good one, but I was just calling for a little mercy on a team that is more than obviously having a down year. I agree that it wouldn't have been close if we had all of our players, but gee, if you know you can control the game, then control it...not let it get out of hand so bad. If you do that, I guarantee that anyone with a modicum of basketball knowledge would have said, "golly, that team is really good, they had their way with the other team, they controlled the game from start to finish...they could have blown them out, but they didn't. What a team!!!" Unfortunately, that wasn't the case last night. You do know that this Hardin team has won only 1 or 2 games in district. I can understand having the killer mentality when you play a team that you know is good as your boys did last night against the then district leader Hardin (you won by 21). on a more realistic note.. if the coach doesnt play his starters and get them in game shape, how will they be able to play a full game as they will have to in the playoffs.. The first part of district coach had the subs in basically the entire second half. now he has to play his starters to get them ready to actually play an entire game. It wasnt necessarily him trying to run the score up but condition his team for the future.
  6. starters didnt even play in the fourth and got taken out about halfway through the third. Hardin flat out couldnt make a shot, barely made any layups.
  7. w if you wanna talk about injury.. in the first meeting kountze had a player go down in the first quarter and another one out.. and they won by 30. this wouldnt have been a close game with or without your players.. and hardin only had one player on the bench injured. i guess the other ones just dont wanna be there anymore??
  8. didnt mean for that to come off wrong. i was only wondering.
  9. so you had coverage of a girls game?? how many boy's games??
  10. is it possible for anahuac to sneak in the playoffs?? like if Hardin loses a couple more?? or even if EC does??
  11. dont think he was blamin it on you, sounds legit how it started... wos was down pretty bad and im sure there tempers were flaring, sounds pretty legit..
  12. EC will be lucky to stay within five if someone besides TT doesnt step up.. they are nowhere as good as last year.. Tremain is a big time ball player and that is the truth, but one man cant beat five.
  13. very well said. The player that threw the ball at bray was Jordan Nolan.. seen him get cocky quite a few times this year.... but Devin did an excellent job of keepin his cool, just like he did last week against warren... seems like he is changin for the best, hope it keeps comin... but back on the typical poor sports comment after a loss(officiating) how bout when number 12 (patrick Day??) flat out tripped Devin Bray on a fast break of took his legs out when he dove under him??? dont pull that lame excuse of bad officiating, they let the boys play on both sides of the ball so just hush..
  14. thats correct in the first game Kountze couldnt make a shot for their life.. but tonight was a different story. played KOUNTZE basketball tonight and the scoreboard showed it. Kountze shouldnt have overlooked hardin the first time.
  15. totally different team than hardin faced just a few weeks ago!!! Kountze is ON FIRE. YOUNG and TALENTED. future is bright. Bray played a really good game and so did the entire defense!! SR, Evan page came off the bench and gave the team a spark as well scoring 14 and takin a couple of key charges.
  16. im pretty sure Gabe transferred to Texas State, I believe.
  17. coach 27, read the rule bout no bashing of coaches or players???? cuz that seems to be the only thing on your mind is how bad of a coach lumberton has.
  18. Foul count was takin out of balance??? that is RETARDED. look at the foul count in the first half. Kountze was definitly called for more fouls that Warren. In both varsity boys and varsity girls, and they still won big!!! a typical sign of a sore loser= someone who wants to blame the teams loss on anything besides the fact that they Just flat out GOT BEAT!!!!!
  19. Sims was ejected for goin to the Kountze Bench while Kountze was shooting their free throws for his Techinical!!! The coaches had to get between him, because Bray was sitting on the bench and sims was approaching him talkin trash. You dont have to come on here and bash a player because you lost, face it, your team played hard and lost. but that doesnt give your team the right to play that way or try and ag-on trouble. Bray didnt start this, warren was also called for a flagrant foul or two. and it was a 16 point game when sims lost his cool.
  20. i heard the district meet would be in kountze.
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