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Everything posted by RoschonsBigBro

  1. I hope so. I do not wish for injuries or B,S. like what Leday is going through but I do wish big fat L's. Juicy....fat...Nederland...L's.
  2. That's cool. Too many people fear culture in our country. My best friend is a dread head and a nuclear engineer out in Albuquerque
  3. I hear ya somewhat. Good coaches make adjustments though. It ain't like they throw the ball to put you off balance. They knew the run was coming every play and still did nothing to stop it. Those aren't D1 athletes. How do you get fooled by the same thing over and over? Say what you want, but what they did on that field was a textbook definition of the word domination.
  4. No but 500 yards from Vidor is all I need to know. Vidor has nothing in the backfield like Hines
  5. Not talented enough to score as much as they want but they are good enough for a 20 point win
  6. I asked him to sneak in and dress as McZeal sometime. I told him if he makes sure he drops every third pass, no one will notice.
  7. Well we di We are ranked, but it isnt like we are hauling in the votes. I believe Memorial would be too if they played full games
  8. Yeah a lot come from there now. Not initially. Their first group was like 8-10 black high school kids back in the 06-07 school year. The reaction to that was not good. Lots of racial tension between the transfers, the Sabine resident kids and parents (who were the school board and office staff) but that all smoothed over by the time I last saw it. Just two years later in 09 it was unrecognizable from 06-07. Again....don't ask.
  9. I don't know for sure, but I know that most of the kids families who grew up there have graduated. For it to be Sabine populated those people would have to enroll their kids. Dont ask how I know so much.....please...don't....ask
  10. Same kids he has beaten for years. Same kids he has never lost to, with the only possible exceptions being the seniors. Old Ned Head is right though, none of that matters anything can happen. I like how history don't matter here but all I have heard from Nederland fans is how they beat PN-G in previous years. Maybe it wasn't bigdog specifically, but that is the single counter argument of the Ned heads I have went back and forth with on.
  11. I ctouldn't care less about who PN-G couldn't beat in the past. Wasn't a fan then. it's 2016 and as long as baby bro is the QB there I'm all in. Presently y'all not what's hot. Now in all honesty I would love for Ozen to beat Vidor, just don't think it will happen...like most people
  12. Never said we would a state ring, but I did say that ozen is trash. Everybody seems to know it but you all. had we played y'all and beat y'all people would've still said we haven't beaten anybody good yet so I don't know where that point comes from. Who are yall going to beat for real?Livingston and Baytown? Get real, everybody Is trash sometime, your time is now. From what I remember your band is pretty entertaining, but we gonna destroy yall on the field
  13. To heck with Vidor, I am a PN-G fan. You can even see that from my profile pic. So damn whatever you was saying, Ozen is still piss poo trash. Beat ya'll soon, stay patient
  14. From what I hear he and the receivers are explosive, which i gues is to be expected from PAM . I wonder about the QB tho and the D if there comes a time they need to lean on either.
  15. Oxen is poo trash right now, any other year I would give them this game but I think Vidor strong arms then in this one 35-21
  16. Most kids probably want to stay with their friends who they grew up with and not be in the middle of nowhere with a place that has 15 families, 1 gas station and a restaurant.
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