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Everything posted by dav-joel

  1. Of course not!! What % of ANYTHING on here REALLY matters? Understand that this is just BS.
  2. That definitely comes across in the tirade, and I think Reid handled the demotion with class. I read the article again and still don't see it is THAT bad. Heck I've seen some of the local papers rip up High School players worse, but the Coach felt strongly and I respect that also. It seems like the reporter wanted Reid to sulk on the sideline and maybe get in the coach's face or something instead of taking his demotion like a man. Since he didn't call her up and give some trash on the program, she blasted off.
  3. Good point BadM.. I thought the same thing, but hey, maybe pollsters don't respect EC and think yall are weak. I think EC is pretty darn good. HF should be higher than Liberty? Is HF considered a MC? Just wondering.
  4. That's right - "There is no ME in team" ;D ;D
  5. There are moral and philosophical victories, yes. Usually when you are a tremendous underdog, totally outclassed on paper and your team plays WAAAAY UPPP and it doesn't get ugly. In YOUR example the team that has the most points on the board at the end of the game wins period. Bad calls are a part of the game. It just happens. Always has and always will.
  6. Yep, it takes at least 4 quarters, thats for sure. Its been a problem, but hey I think (hope?) after the whoopin EC put on them, they will learn a lesson and not parade around the opponents schools on game day. They got the talent. If they didn't learn the lesson , then of course they'll stay at home come playoff time.
  7. Sure why not - a top 10 just like everything else. A member's poll to decide? (Then we can argue , I mean DISCUSS, which are the more deserving classic posts.)
  8. I must be missing something ??? What game?? Paul Harvey wants to know - What is the rest of the story?
  9. I saw the coach's press conference and his tirade. It is great to see a coach stick-up for the team and call out the press when they cross the line. But after reading the article, I thought it was insulting and a little berating, but it wasn't at all what I was expecting. There must have been (obviously) a lot more brewing than just the one article. Way to go coach, you must have feel better now and hopefully the press will not make personal attacks on student athletes when they are down.
  10. The battle for 3rd IMHO includes the horns. (This is all speculation right??) After 2 victories, HF was a little overconfident with a kicka** East Chambers squad that could beat quite a few local 4A squads. They got a good woopin for 2 qtrs and roared back in the 2nd half. HF is a contender in my book.
  11. IH 10 - Vidor nothing --------- ;D ;D Sorry, Ned by 10
  12. 1.WOS 2.Kirby. 3.H-F 4.Jasper 5.Orangefield 6.Silsbee 7.H-J 8.B.C.
  13. Hamshire-Fannett In chronological order: 1. Ronnie Melancon 1970-71 Blinn & Lamar 2. Larry Spacek 1972,73 74 Lamar 3. Les Koening Jr. 1974-75 UT 4. a running back named Bell can't remember his first name. Last name is Bell 5. Wooch Graff 6. Robert Sanders 7. Felman Malveaux 1991 +- Michigan 8. Spencer George Early 90's 9. Bo Spears - Texas Tech, Drafted by Chic. 10. Johnson Brothers from late 80's early 90's A whole slew of honorable mentions for the horns - many Trahans, Melancons, Mahons, Craigens, Deshotels and Johnsons .............................
  14. Wow again - I've never heard of WOS ducking anyone. They would schedule Ned or PNG, Central etc. The 4A school has more on the lineby losing to a 3A than they have to gain. Probably TRAVEL is the main consideration if you really want the truth.
  15. KELLY ATHLETIC TRYOUTS FOR THE 2008-09 SCHOOL YEAR Kelly will have public tryouts for the next school year as follows: Please bring athletic attire and your own equipment. All tryouts are at Ford Arena and Athletic Complex on November 31, 2007-9:00 AM SPORT PAY Football $5,000 per semester + incentives & bonuses Baseball $1,100 (Lefty pitchers receive $2,000) Basketball $3,000 Golf $75 Tennis $1 Bring a highlight video on DVD (No VHS please) Please do not bring video recording devices or your agent. For academic requirements you will need to pass a spelin tess. (We will evaluate you very similarly to UIL schools such as WOS, West Brook etc.)
  16. I'm confused. Does the this storm "WOS" suck instead of blow because it is subtropical and rotates clockwise instead of counterclockwise. ????????? :-* :-* :-*
  17. How about a 3 way smack attack? Throw Lumberton in also. :D
  18. I heard HJ paraded around the EC campus on Friday morning like HF did the week before. That does it EC by 6. Just as long as EC doesn't have a "letdown week" after HF, #1 should do spread his own doom on the Hawk D. (Coach needs to rest him (#1) at least on special teams)
  19. To the MC's: Please give Mr. PATITAN his "due" respect. This gentlemen is obviously a football scholar and supports his team 100%. Deep down he respects (fears?) the Lumbertons, PNG's, Nederlands, Kelly and Barbers Hill programs. In turn they love him back. To PATITAN Yo my brother , dey be hatin on ya but we luv ya . Cougars will roll and PAM down but not out.
  20. Face it --- Public schools and private schools both recruit athletes in some from or fashion. They also receive new athletes based on the parent deciding they are not getting a fair shake and "moving" into the new district. Not sure that this is "recruiting". When public schools recruit the student is expected to spend the night at least 4 ?? nights per week at a residence in the new school district. I believe private schools students can live anywhere. It does makes for an interesting discussion. I think it is MUCH more often the case, that the parents become disgruntled with the current status of their star athlete and "move" into a trailer or apt in the new district or move in with the uncle. Then the new district is accused of recruiting. 2 cents
  21. I, for one, hope they continue the rivalry. Its good to see EC competetive with the Horns, and willing to schedule them. Years back it had gotten ugly. Good luck to both teams and continue the rivalry.
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