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JP greatest shooter

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Posts posted by JP greatest shooter

  1. Look out in da future for da central lady jags freshman team this group has shooters good defense team chemistry and heart. They play wit passion and as a family. Look out they are going to dethrone da lady panthers in two years if they stay healthy and together with da chemistry they have. Good guard play good shooters and defense is a remedy for success they can go deep into da playoffs wit this team as they mature and get bigger smarter and faster. Go lady jags Freeman team

  2. U can say da refs was to blame but it went both ways. Da refs missed a lot of off arm offensive foul calls all night against Lumberton. But guess wat da aggressive play is wat ur going to c n da playoffs so don't complain about da refs. Last thing lumbertons second best shooter missed two one n ones to ice da game. Don't complain about refs complain about making free throws wen it counts. God bless

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