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Everything posted by L-Train11

  1. Not as "funny" as you making such a big deal and trashing a towns reputation all over a high school football game.. Thought we were mostly adults, but I guess not.
  2. I don't think the players are overlooking us as much as some of the fans on here are.
  3. Thought Tyler had almost 2,000 last year?
  4. Hopefully the Silsbee TEAM will step up instead of individuals.. This team will be dangerous if they can get it together
  5. At least y'all can beat Lumberton. Thats his new goal according to his first post.
  6. Been saying that about the offense all year. Giving up 50 points a game is the problem
  7. I don't think anyone has said we have team speed, I did see a response to where speed can be coached. Which is true. Just gotta support our town and our team, which sadly hasn't got much support or success in the past 50 years. If we lose this week I'll continue to support. All we can do is hope for the best, and hope that our program is on the uphill climb. I disagree with you in one area, why move? Why not stick around and try to make our town better?
  8. I didn't know that.. That's pretty cool!
  9. Dang, why even play the game and risk injury?? Might as well forfeit and start looking to beating Livingston, if we can even do that..
  10. Class 99 is trying to make it 99 pages!
  11. Mott, Johnson, Ward, and Harrell will take care of that..
  12. 10 pages.. We are on BC vs WOS's level now
  13. Ask the coach, he knows... lol sorry I had to!!
  14. Man you need to focus all that energy into MCM lol your goal setting is way too low if your trying to beat Lumberton every year, right?
  15. His receivers are already looking better imo
  16. Apparently he knew enough to go from crappy to playoffs in one year...
  17. The biggest Lumberton hater has spoken...
  18. in bold, i'll take that any day over Crosby getting Lumberton lol
  19. I don't see it being a blow out, between Upshaw and Ward running the ball, we will control the clock and keep our D off the field as much as possible. And I've seen a few PNG people say their pass Defense is a little weak, so I'm sure Babin will test that as well.. Something I have been most please with this year is our passing, we've been fairly successful so far this year between scrimmages and games (for a Lumberton fan that's pretty exciting lol) We should be fine up front containing the qb and rb, just can't let someone beat us deep!
  20. Had to reread that a few times before I finally caught it lol
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