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Pepper Brooks

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Posts posted by Pepper Brooks

  1. Smh





    What's going on up there?? 



    I think it is a combination of a lot of things.


    The community still thinks they are a basketball power house school.( Hell!! They have not been a basketball school for 40 yrs)

    They have talent and the kids and the coaching staff work their tails off and deserve better. 

    Some of the football parents wanted a booster club for the football team and that was shot down by the AD almost immediatly.

    I honestly think the community and the higher up that are employed by HISD want the football program to die.

  2. Well, I just spoke to someone close to the situation who has confirmed that Cornel did mark the box claiming that he was moving for football reasons as Trey's dad told him that Trey needed to move to the Houston area to get more exposure to college recruiters.  That person also noted that he signed off with the kid who transferred to LC-M.   Cornel isn't going to lie and just let someone go if they are indeed moving for football reasons.  He can't that is under oath.


    And j, be careful what you ask for.


  3. Oh you don't bash Coach Thompson. Son, you do it at every turn. Heck, you didn't want him as head coach simply because he is one who will coach the team, not let the community coach it. So in turn, you have accused him of holding mail of prospective recruits, favoring another quarterback over his starting quarterback, throwing guys off of the team for no reason and finally, blocking the transfer of this young man.

    And speaking of quarterbacks, if he is so hot to block hot prospects playing somewhere, why did he not block the transfer of his STARTING quarterback, Dillon Sterling-Cole, who has received I believe at last count 11 D-1 offers.

    Man, just admit it! You don't like Coach Thompson and you won't stop this campaign of slander until he retires (because against you most fervent wishes, he is not going to be fired).

    Great post Grad! I am not a WO-S fan, but all this, is rumor and speculation and 1 man axe to grind.
  4. I've told people for years on here that the football in the DFW/East Texas region is on another level than what we play down here. They've won 11 of the 12 state title games the last two years in the three largest classes, even played each other in a couple of title games. While we may be on par athletically that's about all we're on par with them in. They lead in everything from facilities to compensation, and subsequently state titles. If it wasn't for Katy and Lake Travis it would be utter domination for the rest of the state when compared to the DFW. There are exceptions like Newton and WOS but that's in the smaller classes where one or two players can take you extremely far. We have a long way to go before we can compete those guys on a consistent basis.

  5. I am looking at all of these posts and I simply cannot believe all of the vitriol being directed at Chris Babin.

    First of all, this is not intended to be a shot at Larry Haynes as he is a good coach and just as good of a man. Folks, may be upset at Coach Haynes' dismissal, but how is that Coach Babin's fault? All he did was attempt to move up from a position at a 3A, Division I school to a 5A school. If folks are that mad at the Lumberton ISD, then they need to send them a message at the ballot box, but do not look for Coach Babin to fail (or even worse, wish him to). As whoever the coach is, the desires of Lumberton for a winning team, as well as the fortunes of several young men, are tied to that coach's success.

    I have also seen folks question Coach Babin's record while at Scarborough, Deweyville and Warren. Come on! Scarborough? Anybody who really needs to wonder what the problem is over there, I'll just send you the West Orange-Stark game tape. And while Deweyville and Warren are teams which are replete with kids who work their butts off, they both suffer the problem of being outsized both in student population and size on the field. Anyway, you cannot judge a Coach's record at another school. Heck, Cornel Thompson, coach of the 2014 Class 4A, Division II runner up, was 2-8 in his stint as in his first head coaching job at Palestine (Coach T, I am so sorry about the reminder and I know a Mustang Mile is in my near future!). But good coaches don't always have good records at every stop along the way!

    Finally, I hear the concern that Coach Babin is some sort of vagabond coach that will jump from job to job at the drop of the hat. He had a chance to get out of a bad situation at Scarborough and he took it. He had a chance at Deweyville to move to a bigger school in Warren so he took that opportunity and again took advantage of that situation in moving to Lumberton. PLUS, it was a chance for Coach Babin to return home to Lumberton. When Alvin Creduer did that a few years back, he was hailed as a conquering hero. Further, a number of coaches have jumped to the chance to coach at their alma maters. Why is it that Coach Babin is the one ridiculed for that?

    I can't promise that Chris Babin will have any more success at Lumberton than any other coach. But let's wait to hold off on the lynch mob before he has even conducted his first practice at the school!

    Great post.
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