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Everything posted by TheBoysMom

  1. Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry What type of people? I don't understand. Can you be a little bit more specific? hey Souja I bet you dont get an honest answer on this one! I know. that's why I asked it. 8) I took it to mean the "kind of people" who hang out at the mall, apparently stalking PN-G fans and passing judgment on people they do not know, based on which team they support. What did you take it as? ???
  2. I was thoroughly impressed with the new stadium, even though walking uphill to row 35 was quite a feat... I guess that'll teach me to buy my season tickets earlier next year! My issue was with the music. I understand that the boys on the team were very excited to finally have a sound system and stadium worthy of some impressive introductory music, like many other area teams use. They even had a song picked out and ready to go when "the powers that be" vetoed it and told them that they didn't like that kind of music (rock and roll) and it would never happen. They were also told the sound system wasn't ready for anything like that, anyway. I was quite surprised (and disappointed) to approach the beautiful new facility to hear country music blaring from the speakers. ??? Way to fire up the fans... NOT!!! Is this about the team or not? If they want to hear some fire up music as they take the field, why not give them what they want? I think our Indians could use a boost right now anyway. Just my .02, take it for what it's worth.
  3. If so, when is registration? If my son played as a 13 year old in the spring spring league, what will he play as during fall?
  4. Don't forget, as the GNLL 2006 all star team swept the competition at last years sectional tournament, they mercy-ruled the team from Northwest 45, whose league has also enjoyed a tradition of sending teams to the LL World Series and won the American Championship one year. As history shows, teams like the GNLL 2006 East Texas State Champions don't come around all that often, maybe every 20 years or so, as evidenced by the successes of Port Neches LL in the 60's and Port Arthur OSB LL in the 80's, then Groves in 2006. More power to whichever team is strong enough to break that cycle and bring the title back to District 32. If Tomball goes on to win State and reaches the regional quarterfinals as Groves did (or goes even further!), they will have shown themselves to be a team deserving of our accolades. It's a significant achievement attainable only by the very best, of course with the ultimate goal being the LL World Series. Good luck to Tomball, it would be a thrill to see a team from Section 2, East Texas go all the way.
  5. The field is off of Monroe, close to the spray park and the Groves pool.
  6. Didn't Pittman quit the team?
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