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Everything posted by TheBoysMom

  1. Thanks for your reply. I'm glad he was able to play too, and now graduation is over and done with and we're ready to concentrate on baseball. I know scheduling can be a bear (it's part of what I do at work), and I do appreciate everything the board members, sponsors and volunterers do to make the league a great place to play for kids all over the area. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks for the responses. No matter in the end, we worked it out. He was able to play a few innings of his game then head over to his brothers graduation just in time. Rules are rules!
  3. Does he have the discretion to make this an "excused" absence that won't count against my son, and the others affected? This issue will come again next week when Nederland holds it's graduation, so hopefully there will be a way to work this out that is fair to all. I'm just not clear on the rules and want to understand.
  4. I'm hoping someone from the Nederland Babe Ruth board can clear something up for me. This year, I understand that to be eligible to play all stars, a player has to participate in a certain percentage of games. Seems fair enough to me. At the same time, there are games scheduled this week and next week on the dates of PN-G and Nederland's high school graduations, so obviously some boys (and parents and coaches as well) will have to make the choice to miss a game, or to attend graduation. Will these games count against the boys records, should they miss? Earlier this week I know some games were moved for a Nederland middle school classes awards ceremony, it's too bad the same can't be done for these ceremonies. This way, no one would have to miss a game, or an important milestone in their community. Thanks for your assistance in this matter.
  5. This is awful news for the seniors... so many of them already have post-graduation trips planned. At PN-G, they've already had to cancel and lose deposits on a trip to Mexico due to the violence. Now this?
  6. Learning a complex offensive scheme will be more of a challenge than worrying about the talent. As far as Mid County did you attend the PNG - Nederland Freshman game this past season? ;D I was there, Nederland had like 300 yards of penalties, the best team don't always win, that was the case that night. The Nederland freshman class was the most talented group of freshman I saw play last year. Nederland had 5 sophs starting on varsity last year, they have some of their most talent laden classes coming through since Neumann has been there. The CO group hasn't lost in 3 years... we'll just play the games and find out. I believe the PN-G freshman B team played Nederland B three times.... for 3 wins. The future's looking bright for the Indians. ;D
  7. That's a ;D ;D ;D cute pic. I think Central and Ozen both won there right??? I think Lumberton and Livingston won there too. Has PNG won in their new stadium? Yes, thanks for asking! The freshman football A & B teams eached clinched district championships there this season. Watch out for these boys (and others) in the future. ;D
  8. Does that mean if PNG Doesnt get Stump then no one will show up to the games? I feel sorry for whoever your coach is going to be. He is not going to be given a "Fair" chance because of you guys that have this man-festation for Stump. I am all for you guys getting excited about a particular coach, but he hasnt even applied. If this was who the board really wanted, then why have coaches apply at all. At least let Stump turn the Job down and then have applicants apply. Instead you have Coaches apply and have them travel for interviews, but you want to hire someone that didnt apply? It doesnt make sense to me, but then again I never understood the obsession PNG has with itself anyway. First of all, only a couple of people on here are getting THAT excited about Stump as you say. Each of the applicants come with thier on credentials that should be given a 'fair' shot at the job. Could be Garrett, Faircloth, Danaher, who knows.....BUT one thing for sure.....THE STANDS WILL BE PACKED WITH THE FAITHFUL THAT BLEED PURPLE AND WHITE....THAT....YOU CAN TAKE TO THE BANK! PNG...."SIMPLY.....THE BEST !" To watch Football or Boxing in the Stands? Wow. Now THAT is classy, huh? :
  9. Do you recall who won district in football this year, A and B teams? : I do.
  10. Not true at all. PN-G is strong from now through the class of 2012, at least. You'll see.
  11. ??? I think you're addressing me, correct? Qualifying for a high level select tournament is not that difficult, although winning it is. I'm not talking about select ball, though, although several of the GNLL team of 2006 did play select as well. I'm talking about good, old fashioned Little League baseball, where the team faced elimination at every tournament they played in. Where Groves, who chose 12 all stars from a field of about 22 boys, eliminated teams from Houston and beyond who chose their 12 players from a field of up to 200. They made it to the Southwest US Regional Tournament before being eliminated in a true nail biter in the quarter finals. Dismiss it if you wish, it was a huge accomplishment and speaks not only to the baseball talents of the group, but to their athleticism. The same athleticism (and heart) which won them district football championships this year for the A and B teams. I personally cannot wait to see them compete at the varsity level. Hope to see you there.
  12. Hey, if Wikipedia said it, it must be right, huh? [Hidden Content] School Spirit PN-G fan school spirit is recognized statewide. PN-G fans are well-known for their pre-game parties and support of the school. Regardless of how far they have to travel, the communities of Port Neches and Groves and school alumni from across the state and nation recognize and support the efforts of the students and faculty. Large crowds have become synonymous with PN-G games. During the high school football playoffs, it's common to see crowds of 30,000 to 40,000 dedicated Indian fans at a game. Record attendances include the all-time Texas high school record and national high school record of 49,953 at Texas Stadium for the 1977 State Championship game against the Plano Wildcats. The Indians also hold the top high school attendance records for the Houston Astrodome. The 1999 4A State Championship game drew a crowd of 39,000 with 34,000 PN-G fans filling half of the Dome. The remaining top five PN-G crowds in the Dome are 38,570; 35,439; 33,836; and 33,000. Generations of PN-G graduates faithfully pack Indian Stadium, affectionately known as the Reservation, to watch the new generation learn and promote the school's purple and white pride.
  13. Now I'm confused. Are middle school and freshman records significant or not? Unlike other schools... Dayton doesn't squander talent. If I were a competing 4A school going against Dayton in the upcoming years... The 9th grade and 8th grade records are BAD NEWS for the opposition. The 8th graders have tons of speed and size. ps.... They have played two basketball games and have blown out both their opponents It's just that when I mentioned PN-G's freshman winning the district title this year, I got this quote from Texan: It kinda surprised me to see him boasting about the same not so long ago, ya know? I understand now. :
  14. Now I'm confused. Are middle school and freshman records significant or not?
  15. I can't speak for any of the other groups, but the classes of 2011 and 2012 have already proven their mettle. Witness the district championship wins by both the freshman A and B football teams this year. This is the same group of boys who came within 3 wins of competing in the Little League World Series a few years ago, as 12 year olds, so we should be looking good as far as baseball, too. It's a strong group. The Reservation will not lack for talent over the next few years, and in my opinion it's arguable that they lacked talent this year. Don't forget, this group of seniors won the district football championship as freshmen, too. Time will tell. that is the funniest thing that I have ever heard. Go freshman and little league give me a break. Their are 1000 different divisions everyone is 1 game away from being a champ. lmao The funniest thing you've ever heard? Dang, I'm more talented than I thought. : And a freshman championship is insignificant, huh? How'd your team do this year? Regarding Little League, advancing to the World Series is extremely rare, no team from this area has ever done it, in fact. Only two teams from this area have ever gone as far as Groves National Little League did a couple of years ago; one from Port Arthur in 1984, and one from Port Neches in 1969. [Hidden Content] It's kind've a big deal. Maybe you've seen it on ESPN and CNN? [Hidden Content] With all this talk about developing talent at the middle school level, these accomplishments are definitely relevant. Laugh all you want, then come and see these boys as well as some other significant talent that PN-G has coming down the pipe in the next few years.
  16. I can't speak for any of the other groups, but the classes of 2011 and 2012 have already proven their mettle. Witness the district championship wins by both the freshman A and B football teams this year. This is the same group of boys who came within 3 wins of competing in the Little League World Series a few years ago, as 12 year olds, so we should be looking good as far as baseball, too. It's a strong group. The Reservation will not lack for talent over the next few years, and in my opinion it's arguable that they lacked talent this year. Don't forget, this group of seniors won the district football championship as freshmen, too. Time will tell.
  17. Nah, it's not cursed. If it were, the PN-G freshman football team would have never clinched the district title. If I'm not mistaken, our JV team did, as well. The varsity Indians will be back, and soon.
  18. You go Ndns, I voted for Obama too. Just so happens I consider myself a CONSERVATIVE Democrat. I'm proud we were able to get past our own prejudices and elect someone other than a white good old boy. All people deserve respect directly in relation to the respect they are willing to give you. Black people make up less than 15% of the population of the United States. Obama would never have been elected if millions of white people had not voted for him. The "Real America" thread contains some of the most racist drivel on this board, in my opinion.
  19. If this is true and there are sanctions, how will it affect the Indians, since they're done for the year? Would they have to sit out the first game of next season?
  20. Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry What type of people? I don't understand. Can you be a little bit more specific? Trouble makers. Most of them have there parents drop them off and all they have to do is cause trouble. And this has nothing to do with race so don't try to turn this into it. We have as many trouble makers here in PNG as other places. When I was a teenager, I was dropped to the mall or rode the bus there. Me and my friends. We never caused trouble...I'm through trying to understand. You say this have nothing to do with race? But I believe it was you and your friends that call our boys 'thugs'. : : No matter how may examples we from Not so Real America site, those in 'Real America' with their purple and or black and gold shades on, won't see anything positive pass their borders..... There we go with that "those people" term again. I guess that card can be played from either side, huh? I'd say it's not nice to make generalizations about any group of people, regardless of what color they are, or what city they live in.
  21. Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry What type of people? I don't understand. Can you be a little bit more specific? Trouble makers. Most of them have there parents drop them off and all they have to do is cause trouble. And this has nothing to do with race so don't try to turn this into it. We have as many trouble makers here in PNG as other places. When I was a teenager, I was dropped to the mall or rode the bus there. Me and my friends. We never caused trouble...I'm through trying to understand. You say this have nothing to do with race? But I believe it was you and your friends that call our boys 'thugs'. : : Here is the definition of thug: [Hidden Content] hug (thg) n. 1. A cutthroat or ruffian; a hoodlum. 2. also Thug One of a band of professional assassins formerly active in northern India who worshiped Kali and offered their victims to her. [Hindi hag, perhaps from Sanskrit sthaga, a cheat, from sthagati, sthagayati, he conceals; see (s)teg- in Indo-European roots.] thugger·y n. thuggish adj. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. I don't see anything there about the word being reserved for black people. I'd say they come in all colors. Besides, Central is not a 100% black school, is it? I'm pretty sure I have seen representatives of every race at various UIL events. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  22. Superman? Now that's funny. If you actually knew me, you'd know how funny that really is! I'm still curious. What is the answer you're trying to get out of him? I hope he comes back and replies you as much as you do. I, too, would LOVE to know what this is really about.
  23. Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry What type of people? I don't understand. Can you be a little bit more specific? hey Souja I bet you dont get an honest answer on this one! I know. that's why I asked it. 8) I took it to mean the "kind of people" who hang out at the mall, apparently stalking PN-G fans and passing judgment on people they do not know, based on which team they support. What did you take it as? ??? Don't come in flying to his rescue. I want to hear what HE have to say. Insert foot in mouth? :) I'm not flying to anyone's rescue, I don't have a dog in this fight. I'm legitimately curious as to what you're so confused about. Your buddy won't come out and be a man and speak his mind, so nevermind. I see what type of person he is... He is Yellow. My buddy? ??? I have no buddy on this board, as you can see I rarely post and have no idea who anyone is on this site. I did not see the fight last night and logged in today to try and find out exactly what happened from those who were there. I have to say, I'm a little amazed that a forum moderator would resort to name calling. I moderate another local forum and it is our policy to maintain some semblance of respect and neutrality when it comes to posting. Geez...
  24. Sorry, don't let my kids hang out at the Mall due to the type of people that hang there....sorry What type of people? I don't understand. Can you be a little bit more specific? hey Souja I bet you dont get an honest answer on this one! I know. that's why I asked it. 8) I took it to mean the "kind of people" who hang out at the mall, apparently stalking PN-G fans and passing judgment on people they do not know, based on which team they support. What did you take it as? ??? Don't come in flying to his rescue. I want to hear what HE have to say. Insert foot in mouth? :) I'm not flying to anyone's rescue, I don't have a dog in this fight. I'm legitimately curious as to what you're so confused about.
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