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Posts posted by MYHOUSE

  1. So....I have been reading these posts and I am going to give my respects to the Deweyville Community as they have made no excuses for losing to Hardin.

    That being said....  nobody from Hardin seemed to mention the possible season ending injury to Kennedy Willis.  Young lady is a true athlete who continued to try and help her team even though it was obvious, supposedly, that she was badly injured.

    Again, congrats for the win Hardin.  Do not be surprised if next year, Deweyville with Kennedy Willis beats Hardin soundly.

    You will not see anyone from Hardin bragging about wining or giving excuses when they loose when it comes to the girls program. Hate the Willis girl was injured, she is a very good player. But I believe it was toward the end of the third game when she went down. 

    Im saying all this because I don't believe any of the previous post was from anyone from Hardin. And before we start talking about how bad someone is going to beat Hardin next year, they (Hardin) only has two seniors on that team. 

    I believe you said you have never seen Hardin play.  If you ask around you'll find out they're usually pretty good year after year. 

  2. You know, as we set here and go back and forth with one another we all hAve a love for football. I would hope that most of us are poking and jabbing at each other in fun. We are just men and women with no control or influence on the outcomes of these games we speak of. Unfortunately there will be some men that will act like kids on here, and some kids on here that want to act like grown men. At the end of the day this is about groups of young men out there on the field playing a game that they enjoy and love. Hopefully they cherish every minute of it because for most it over after high school. Then all they can do is get on these forums and join us. Lol. There's nothing like Texas in the fall during football season. Some of my fondest memories with my dad as a young kid, high school age and after I graduated was going and watching playoff games. Going to the Astrodome in the late 80s and watching Sugar Land Willowridge with Thurman Thomas running all over everyone. Man I miss those days and feel sorry for the ones that never had the opportunity to experience these things. I do a lot of business with folks from the Mid West, North East and they just can't understand our infatuation with high school football. I just hope there are other young kids out there that are getting to enjoy the same experiences that I had as a kid because I wouldn't become the man, husband and father that I am to today without my father sharing with me the love of high school football. 

  3. Sure seems like the Coogs faithful are spending a lot of time worried about what's going on over on the East side of the Trinity river. Maybe they might better be worried about what's actually coming for them from West of the other river. That's the San Jacinto, and that would be ol King and the TCU commit they have over there. Might be getting a little ahead of yourselves on that number one spot in the playoffs

  4. That's what they don't understand. When you're up 42-7 at half and your son is going to Alabama next year it's not a coincidence you closed the gap from 5 tds to 3 in a meaningless second half to your opponent. 

    I was laughing when I saw a Vidor fan post that "their defense struggles with the slot-t" and "Jasper's defense was as good as CV's". A jasper squad that just got beat 53-0, lol. It's whole different story with film. 

    Just think, if they had somehow scored again the narrative would be, "We gave them all they wanted". 

    I hope the QB goes on to Alabama has a great career. Whether or not CV was "pulling" back in 2nd half or not, 1st team D and O played the entire game. Mid way through the 4th CV was still passing downfield but not connecting. Now CV looked pretty good last night against us last night, not taking anything away from them. I guess we will all see how good they are once they start playing 6A schools. Now does CV defense struggle with slot-t, 268 yds rushing, 17 first downs, 4.79 yds per rush and forced 1 punt. 

    Now what you don't understand, being you where not at our game. Was that these young men could have very well just laid down and gave up but they did not. Being down 28-0 before they new it what happened, coach Mathews gathered every one of them up on the sideline and challenged them to be men and show some heart and they did that by not quitting. They played strong and kept there composure and made everyone in the stands proud to be a Pirate last night. So you can bash us from afar while you enjoy your winning season.  That's ok, someone has to win and someone has to loose. But one thing you or anyone else will never be able to say is that the Vidor Pirates are or will ever be scared to line up across from any team and play some football.

    thanks for your time!

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