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Posts posted by Jsmity

  1. That team you worked with isnt exactly the same... come on... take away Tony and Chris from that club team... and youv'e got exactly what you see on the field for WB now.... and Tony and Chris are both great players... and I think that John Coleman is playing in the field too... and John isn't a strong field player... so that team you worked with isnt even close to being the same that dresses for WB... Even Curtis produced some for the club team and he isnt there for WB eithor... this is def. the weakest WB team in a long long long long time...

  2. Both Dustin and Donnie are both very good strikers who can strike with power and accuracy... they are both beasts too... and I aggree that placement is great... but dude... speaking as a keeper... powerfull shots are sometimes alot harder to keep out than placed shots... If I had to pick who has the best shot in SETX I would without a doubt in the back of my mind go with Corona...

  3. Thank you... but that one was from the heart and truthfull... If there is one thing I can't stand... its disrespecting your team mate... thats not an attitude of a champion... and I think that all you guys that bust it and never let up are champions... b/c soccer isn't all there is in life... and the lessons and discipline you learn while playing are going to mold you into a man (or woman) you can be proud of... and I guarantee you with this attitude.. you can do anything... ANYTHING!!!!!!!

  4. Dude.. this is garbage... Everyone of you who have just dissrespected and maybe even humiliated some of your team mates on this board should be absolutely ashamed of yourself... and yes... they are your team mates... even if they do not step out on that field with you guys on Tuesday and Friday nights, they are still your team mates... you share the same common goal.. TO SUCCEEED... and believe or not... Every Freshman looks up to upperclassmen.. I guarantee you that every single one of those guys on your JV squads admires you for something(wheather it be how good you play or something else)... and with comments like that you make a mockery out of yourself and your program... I played on the Freshman team my freshman year and on the JV team my sophmore year... I sucked when I was a freshman and that drove me to work hard... I got better as a sophmore on JV and got some PT in a couple of Varsity games... I looked up to those guys that where on Varsity... I thought they where the epitamy of cool.. and you know what... they hated me... they never passed up an oppertunity to make fun of me... I cared then and it crushed me... but... it inspired me to get better... JV soccer was probably one of the most fun times of my life... I was playing soccer with some of my best friends who I grew up with, and buddies from High School that I'll never forget.. I wouldn't trade my experience for the world... This part of this message is to you young guys... Ive been in your shoes... probably worse... I was told almost every day that I was horrible.. and it was true... I was horrible... but I worked hard... I worked my @ss off... and I made All-District as a first year starter on Varsity my Junior year.... and I made All-District, All-Region, and I was a Region III Senior Showcase Allstar my senior year... I recieved a full ride scholarship to play at Coker College in South Carolina in one of tne best NCAA D-II conferences CVAC that has produced 4 Current MLS players... Im playing college soccer now... that had always been a dream of mine... and now Im doing it... and you guys can too... dont listen to this crap... Ive listened to people tell me I suck for a long time... and now... I just let my resume do the talking for me.... and you can too....

  5. there aint no way that a keeper is the most difficult position on the field.  maybe noticed because he gets blamed for goals and hardly no credit for shots saved.  the keepers that are great make the easy saves and stops some great saves.. too too many keepers can make the great saves becuase there is no pressure .. if they make the save hero.. if they dont . a great shot.. but way way too many keepers let in too many easy shots. thats not difficult in shape position thats all mental.  sweeper and on up the middle is the most difficult hands down.  if your that tired after a game at keeper than your team sucks are your diving way too much and not on your feet..  or possibly your picking up balls in back of the net getting some stomach crunches in..  and the kid from png striker..  i cant wait to take notice of you on the field tongith what number would i be looking for so i can see the monkey kicking crap player. .. thanks

    Well thats just my honest oppinion... Ive played every position on the field during my many years of playing... and Keeper is the most difficult in my oppinion... and whats this talk of no pressure???... there is more pressure on a goalkeeper than any other position... and I am sure any coach would attest to that... but whatever you think man.... so other than dogging on goalkeepers... can you pick a position???... other than your vague answer of positions through the middle... I would love to hear what other great insight you have for us ::)

  6. Hey now whats up with the hatred for the strikers we arent the most important player on the team and im sure you think that anyone can strike a ball but it does take some talent and with all do respect jsmitty, "I would love to shut you down!"

    I bet you would... your a freshman right?... Ill be back in BMT this summer... you can let me know then when you want to "Shut me down"... ::)HAHAHHAAHA.... j/k....

  7. GOALKEEPER!!!!!... It is by far the most demanding... and most people havent the slightest idea about how physically demanding being a keeper is.... true we do not have to run for 90 minutes... BUT... I dare you to claim that a goal keeper who has made 10 + saves in a game isnt nearly or just as tired as a field player... The wear and tear on your body is unbelievable... KEEPER TRAINING IS THE MOST TIRING ACTIVITY IN SOCCER.... if any of you feild players would like to come spend a 30 minute session with me this summer, I would be more than happy to show you just how insanely tiring diving around is... Good keepers are usually great athletes... quick reactions... athleticism... technique... there are so many different aspects to being a goal keeper too... Youve got to worry about not only keeping the ball out of the back of the net... but ball distribution and defensive organization as well.... also... most people dont realize that Keepers have excellent footwork.... Do some plyometrics with a keeper some day and you will know what I am talking about..... Goal Keeping is #1... not to mention that most of us are nut jobs and completely loony..... 8)

  8. Jlamar is the Kelly coach... Joe Fontana is his name.... and I can vouch for him that B.S. aint his game... Jlamar is in fact the coach from Kelly .... he is classy and doesnt make a "donkey" out of himself on here like some people... I hope you have the oppertunity to one day see a Kelly game and see what exactly he can do with a group of young players...

  9. Look man... the topic was who are the players to watch from each team... ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Matt Kirby is def. a player to watch... I really think that in a few years when you see what this kid is doing in soccer... you will understand.... trust me... it makes me sicker than anyone to aknoweldge Kelly's success... but to not is ignorant... and you know what... they actually have SEVERAL players to watch..... Corona is another great player.... and you know what makes me even sicker man... all these guys arent even Seniors!!!!!!!!.. so guess what.... next year... we are going to be hearing the same crap LOL... but Kelly has alot of players to watch... so lose the sour grapes... I know its a hard pill to swallow but Kelly is loaded with talent and they are a very solid soccer team...

  10. WOW... is this for real???... did a coach really just post on here telling people to "watch out" for a returning player???... and then did he really just sign his name for everyone to see???... WOW... Central... WOW... I dont really even know what else to say... nothing surprises me anymore... just a few words of wisdom regarding this issue... there are other coaches that post on this forum and they keep themselves unknown... thats probably the safest way to go about this... Politics are just as big of a part in High School coaching as the actual coaching part is... JMO

  11. I aggree.. its always been my oppinion that the Refs in teh Beaumont area arent really all that bad... in fact.. they are much better than decent... Houston area Refs I think are the worst... I like the Austin ones alot too.... every tournement I ever played in High School in the Austin area was awsome and the refs deserve some credit...  Stasinos, Halil, Tiger (gota love Tiger), Calvin.... those guys are my fav..... Calvin just b/c he always made games interesting at the Brook... hahaha... man oh man... I sure do miss me some High School Soccer :'(

  12. HAHA... If you came to the Carolinas... I dont know if the north would be to happy about the south tryin to succeed again n stuff... hahaha... dude.. there are soccer jobs GALORE up here... I say you make a lil road trip after you win the state championship ;)    ...  and lord knows I feel older by the minute... thanks for rubbin it in man..

  13. Nah.. you dont want any LOL... haha.. I get my wisdom from great teachers of a way that involves stars... 5 of them...  ;)  and one old wise man who once told me... "when you assume.... you make an AS_(fill in the blank) out of U and ME"... and he told me this many a time... probably to many a time lol...

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