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Everything posted by ladybug33

  1. Let's hope they play better tonight. I read an article that stated the Rockets are shopping Ty Lawson. (Good Luck with that trade) I hope thay find a suitor, it will be hard though. Getting tired of their excuses.
  2. Rockets need this win. GM should take a little time to make the best decisions when trading TJ. I wish that we would get another PG.
  3. It's hard to know what to believe in this story. The news reporter here reports that Howard said: "I came here because of Harden and we are both held accountable for our problems" They need to figure it out.
  4. I'm hearing more and more that DH is unhappy. Defense is not even on their minds and Bickefstaff is in over his head. I have to start watching college ball, because maybe they (The Rockets) have somebody on their radar coming to the draft that they want.
  5. Agreed DH, JH, and Do-Moe stays everybody else is tradable. I don't know what is worse tonight the Rockets so far or, the Debate.
  6. I don't know what to say about DH and JH not being able to get along. Howard has been hurt for awhile I think he owes it to the Rockets to give them a full season of play JMO. I do believe we need to make some changes. Beverly and Lawson both stink, it is weakness at the PG that's the problem now. With D-Mo back he is looking good. Now the problem is PG's. I would not trade the core of the team. We always do that and mess up chemistry, like the Charles Barkley trade, the wose trade the rockets could have ever made. We have never gotten a PG better than Sam Cassel, Stevie Franchise was ok but not better than Sam.
  7. I just heard about this, what is this world coming to. Devil get behind me. Put the nativity scene back.
  8. Cool it was a nice game. Tonight we need to take care of business against Denver. I expect a stronger effort between D-mo and the PF for Denver. Harden needs to keep finding his game. I think we are more focused as of late. Go Rockets!
  9. I wish I could put my finger on why Harden is so inconsistent, rich athletes don’t know when they have it made. His life took a turn when he got with KK, and the big shoe deal. I truly believe that Hardens problem is he lacks in maturity, he can’t handle success, and he is SPOLIED. We need a guy like Tibbs to strengthen out this bunch. As for trades the sooner the better.
  10. You are right it is time to let TJ go, I wonder why Josh is having issues with Clippers. The Clippers are not doing that well neither lol. Teams are not willing to trade players to help out other teams, Josh must be stinking up the joint-ha ha. I am surprised that the Rockets are not trying to make deals with the 76 ers for Embiid ,Joel, or Noel Nerlens kid they are stack with big kids up there. They (76 ers) may want a lot for these players tho.
  11. yeah me too, I think he is having trouble with his coach whom I believe has great character, was a heck of a player, and wants to win. This twin could be trouble. One thing we can say about TJ is that he is a good kid and does not cause trouble with his coach and team mates.
  12. [Hidden Content] Here we go, is he better than TJ, hum I think he plays with attitude and not timidness.
  13. OMG D-Mo is back! Jones's game should get much better now, D-Mo makes him better.
  14. That would be fantastic, I am such a Rocket's fan win or lose they are still my team.
  15. Guess what we won. Was a good night The Rockets won and the Mustangs. Love it.
  16. Yeah they have been trying much better lately, I wish the Rockets would relax and let the game come to them, and just have some fun. The team will have a tough time with Dallas tonight, but I believe they will win.
  17. What, Too much complaining, I could say alot but I won't. lol
  18. Good news help is on the way. D-Moe has been cleared to practice.
  19. Not his alone Cowboy88 I hvae stopped watching some of the games. Breaks my heart to see my team lose the way they are doing.
  20. I knew Morgan was up to no good, I hope the walkers get to him. Carol looks to be hurt badly, the way he (Morgan) bounced her back on his knee. The kid Sam needs an “A whipping”, all I need is 30 seconds, lol. The plot thickens. Andrea has really flipped (bye) girl. I can’t say this was one of my favorite episode.
  21. You are a ture fan ha, I cannot wait until Sunday.
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