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Everything posted by ladybug33

  1. Wow what a show the best awesome
  2. This is a big game tonight for the Rockets. Lets get a win.
  3. I read articles about this story today, and I am not sure why the Rockets would make this trade..., also if DH is frustrated about losing then he should keep his cool and not be baited in to mixing it up with other bigs in the league.
  4. Jones is struggling badly, the Rockets need to make a decision about him. He really needs a fresh start.
  5. It does not matter who they meet and when they meet them, if they do not make layups- jump shots and play defense they will continue to LOOSE.
  6. Josh Is looking good, and the team seems to be having a lot of fun since his return. I was happy about the Dallas win, we are gaining on their sixth place lead. 6th place is a very good spot to in because, it keeps them (The Rockets) away from the Spurs & GS in the first round. We do not need any let down in New Orleans tonight. Go rockets!
  7. Keep scrolling down you will see the Ty Lawson trade rumor to the nets, and there are others. These guys are creating senarios . But I did see the Josh Smith one that came true somewhere too
  8. This could be the end of Jones or Harrell via trade, JMO, I can not see the Rockets keeping all those PF. Each one of them are skilled, D-Mo could even be gone now that Smith is back. Rumor is Ty Lawson will be traded to Nets and maybe D-Mo or Jones. Would like to keep D-Mo. Time will tell.
  9. I never understood why Josh Smith left in the first place. I think he will help, however we need to address our point guard situation, PB has been injury prone the whole season. Ty Lawson is on the wrong team (The Rockets). James Harden is not himself this year, and I do not believe it is just the Kardashian woman. More and More I believe it is her in that relationship by herself Harden is a Player. I do not think he and Howard get along and that is the basis for the Rockets problems this year. Howard will not be a Rocket too much longer. If the Rockets are to have a chance at getting Kevin Durant next season, Howard must be gone, because Durant can't stand him, lol. It has been a disappointing season, however we will make the playoffs IMO.
  10. Cleveland is an elite team with better players than we have and it showed though out the game. I believe they win the East hands down, while I also, think that Morey is making some inquiries to move peole around. The problem that he is having is that teams want the core of our team for one of their players. Morey should hold fast and not trade our good players for some one who will not stay for the long haul i.e. Josh Smith. I expect trade to start around the first of Feb.
  11. No its not just you, I have noticed the same thing, is why I believe the Rockets are picking choosing their placement n the playoffs, they sure as neck should not want the 7th or 8th place because of the Spurs and Golden State.
  12. He has been out with back problems. Tonight is a big game, and a must win IMO.
  13. Even though the Rockets won in overtime tonight, it still seems as though they are not clicking as a team like last year. I don't believe it's all the players now, I think its more that they have tuned out this whole group of coaches. In the huddle I'm watching JH and he is not engaged with what ever Bickerstaff is saying and diagraming on his clip board. I bet he sounds just like Kevin lol.
  14. Yes DH has his moments where he plays well, however, I believe he wants out of H-Town. The Rockets have been after Ryan Anderson for awhile now, I think they get him this year. I do not think that giving DH another big contract makes good sense IMO . Another player whom I would not trade is Trevor Ariza. He has been very valuable to the team, and I'm not sure how long Thorthon will be part of the team because of playing time.
  15. I'm going to stay positive this year, I will give them a 50/50 chance to make the playoffs after they make some trades. I think DH will be in New York before February, and the Rockets will get Ryan Anderson , the center we had before Omir Asek. and then make the playoff. Jones will likely end up in New Orleans. JMO
  16. Congrats to all the Texas teams especially, West Orange-Stark!
  17. Coach should be more specific to whom he is speaking about, otherwise he is just talking hot air. Some articles are reporting that the Rockets are trading TJ for Cousins, I just do not know what is in the works with this team at this time. SMH!
  18. LA is doubling down on Jone's arse in the paint. Howard needs to work harder in the paint and move closer to the basket. I hate the Hack of whom ever... if SA is so good then why is Pop using this strategy its terrible. We have a lot of players who are bad ball handlers Harden, Capella, Jones, and Brewer. Jason Terry was awesome. Now go win tomorrow night.
  19. Last night was another loss, Rockets need a point guard who can deliver the ball to the right individuals at the right time. I noticed TJ did not play, there are a lot of rumors floating around about a trade involving him. The schedule does not get ant easier.
  20. Jones played good tonight in combination with D-Moe for some reason when D-Moe is current Jones plays well. His dribbling is not that good though. Harden and Thornton saved the day, the bench appears not to be as good as last years'. I'm still looking for the Rockets to spring 5 -6 wins in a roll. Tonight was a win so I will take it.
  21. Lin's hair cut is out of bounds lol, The ref's are controlling the game too much none of the starters are able to stay in the game. Too many fouls called in this game, the pace is slow and the Rockets are complaining too much, just play basketball and win the game.
  22. Rockets seem to have the Clips' number so far the hack of Howard is old, I wish they stop! Good win for the Rockets.
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