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Posts posted by Luvyablue

  1. Icewater - I'm sure that Jag means you no disrespect. All us BMT folks are on edge!!!! Every move we make is put under a microscope and we have no recourse.

    Our coaches aren't allowed to see evidence being used against them much less defend themselves. Their appeal (with evidence) wasn't even looked at - just denied 1 min after it was received.
  2. threads like this are entertaining and sad at the same time.

    a bunch of dads trying to live through their kids.

    at their age you should be teaching the kids fundamentals and developing all the kids instead of worrying about the score. yes it is nice to win but not necessary. no one really cares who won some youth league 2 years from now.

    what is funny is most the kids who are big stars in the youth leagues are early bloomers. once the other kids catch up to them or out grow them they are nobodies.

    only time winning matters is varsity ball. everything else is instructional league.

    This statement really drives it home for me..... What's really sad is that you consider winning in high school football the only time winning really matters...... That's funny!
  3. It seems to me that your team, BMT, PNG W and Ned W Jr are all doing the same when it comes to getting prepared for Sat and executing what your team is taught. So why BMT/ Ned W Jr team getting punished? You answered the question pretty much how I figured you would, regarding defense and what is that teaching a kid. Same goes for offense what is it teaching a kid who never runs the ball and has the chance to score but is being told not to score? I agree there are a number of teams that are all preparing their kids for the next level and when you see those teams playing on friday it shows. As you have stated in another post what has been done is done and hopefully those other STJFL Board members will come together for what do what is best for the league. Good Luck in your final 2 games and the playoffs.

    Marie - I can tell you the reason. WOS is in the small school division. It doesn't matter to the Lumberton STJFL president if they are 5-0 or 0-5 / in first place or last place. It has no bearing on his child's team (Lumberton W sr. )and the playoffs. And he's not mad at WOS for smack talking on a forum. He and other board members that post on here are unable to remain objective when it comes to BMT. One certain board member has a picture of himself on Facebook (for the world to see) holding a go pro camera so he can nip adult unsportsmanlike conduct in the bud. Maybe he filmed the bmt game? The comments under the photo and dates posted are kind of interesting as well. Facebook is a wonderful thing....

    In the coaches code of conduct it states that if a violation occurs the board shall decide punishment. Punishments include - verbal warning, probation, suspension, and a ban. I will be happy to post this document if anyone is interested. The Nederland coach was verbally warned and then suspended. I really have no idea why the STJFL did this other than a BMT team was the one Ned beat 65-0 and BMT is always accused of running up the score. I would guess it was for appearance sake.

    The coaches code of conduct nor the bylaws address the forfeiture of games. They do however address discriminating against players based on their ability.

    For those that think this isn't personal consider this : before the game was over the STJFL president (who's kid is on Sr lumberton W) was on the phone at halftime with our league president complaining!

    It's all really nice and neat for it to be handled this way. Funny how the "ethics" committee met twice without including the BMT board member. And she was a member of this committee. The STJFL president recused himself from the vote as did the bmt president. But it really doesn't matter because it was already decided before during the two meetings that were held prior to the board meeting.

    All this goes back to peewee football and a personal grudge. No one should think otherwise.

    You are kidding yourselves if you think this isn't personal. Another thing to consider when evaluating BMT's guilt or innocence. There is an email floating around from last year in which the STJFL president says if you think this isn't personal for him then you are wrong.

    Icewater/tea - it's hard to just let it go when there are things like the above going on. Just like you are teaching your players, we are teaching ours. Teaching them that right is right and wrong is wrong. And to stand up for themselves and more importantly others. This is just a game but somehow it's representative of so much more than that.

    Why is the assumption that BMT is guilty? There is no evidence - just supposition. I challenge one of the board members to post the video! The video that was used to suspend a coach!! I also would be interested to know who took the video? Is it clips or a complete game from start to finish? Just post it - After all the truth will set you free.
  4. I truly want to have a civil discussion / debate about the above.

    In my opinion the entire situation was handled wrong from the beginning.

    No one from the STJFL has ever talked to our coaches. Or been interested in hearing "our side".

    It's all he said / she said. Common decency would have been to give BMT the chance to hear what rule was violated and the chance to present a defense to the accusation.

    Given the seriousness of the 2 year suspension, having all parties involved sign an acknowledgement of the terms of the suspension, would have been appropriate.
  5. It's fine to say don't like it, leave - until it happens to you and your child.

    YOU didn't like little league, so YOU left. It feels just a tad different when you're name's drug through the mud and you're accused of numerous wrongs. Accusations you can't even respond to.

    No man should have to tell his 10 year old son he's been banned from coaching over one alleged infraction. An infraction that never occurred and even if it had, a 2 year suspension is overkill. That's like sentencing someone to death for a speeding ticket!

    I believe in standing up for what's right and in the end I hope my child will do the same.

    The STJFL board should right their wrong and reinstate the coach and give the BMT kids their games back.

  6. Marie - they are making it up as they go along. Since the bylaws are so open ended, they hand out punishment as they see fit.

    They also have different standards for different teams. They set precedent and then don't follow suit with other teams.

    Good thing for them they aren't an employer or business. They would be in big time trouble!

    I've served on several nonprofit boards and none operate the way this one does. They hold meetings and do not include all the board members. They don't establish a quorum before taking votes.... The list goes on and on....

    Some simple things would have prevented this situation:

    1. Official game film (not clips of a game and an assertion that a rule was broken)

    2. A document stating the violation, punishment and the date said punishment starts. The document should be signed by all parties involved.

    These two things would have prevented this whole fiasco.

    If it were up to me Bmt would join another league. I hope they will consider this.
  7. Nope. He did what he was he was told. Believe it or not, he followed the directions of his board.

    The BMT board was the only board to ever address him.

    This is what happens when the bylaws don't address punishments. The bylaws also are very open ended and open to interpretation.

    The STJFL never stated that the suspension was immediate. Past precedent was followed. Suspensions are handed out on a Tuesday and in the past coaches have finished out the week, which includes the Sat game. Then the suspension starts with practice on Monday.

    A simple email to the coach and the Bmt board following the STJFL board meeting would have taken care of all of this.
  8. Smash - I'm done arguing with you..... I've supplied facts. You don't agree with the facts. Therefore you claim that my arguments don't make sense..... And on and on it goes.

    It's as simple as that! Good luck with your life that revolves around youth football and your hostessing career.
  9. Marie - unfortunately the posters here decided long ago that BMT was wrong and unethical, etc.

    It wouldn't matter what evidence we had or what facts we supplied - their minds are made up.

    In fact there are several STJFL board members on here that participate in this nonsense and then go and cast votes - votes that determine people's future in the league and ultimately punish children. They are unable to separate smack talk from reality. Talk about ethics.....

    It's hard to argue with folks that aren't logical. And you can't fix stupid!
  10. Are you joking....

    I'd say reading comprehension isn't your strong suit! Maybe you should stand up - it's all over your head.

    Aren't you supposed to be at work anyway? Surprised you can be on the forum while you're asking people if they want fries with that!
  11. Hmmm. Ok I get it now. You're so right. I'm stupid. We are all just wrong and you are right. You know everything about our coaches and games and what happened in the board meetings. Yet you don't have a dog in the fight? We should just defer to your intelligence and the all knowing STJFL board.

    Peace out....
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