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Posts posted by Luvyablue

  1. So now you want to get back to football? What proof do you want? Our wide receiver started on the line and has all season. After the 28 point rule goes into effect then he moves to the backfield. And the backfield comes out or goes on the line. All legal.

    Jay was told by our board that the STJFL board informed them that he started his suspension on Sunday after the lumberton blue game. And he could coach, so he did.

    Anything else?
  2. Thanks Hippy and I wasn't implying you were. However there are several on here.

    And it does seem very silly for grownups to behave in this fashion. However, actions speak louder than words. And even though there is evidence of such things, I won't discuss it on a public forum. I will leave it at that.....
  3. I understand that hippy. Thanks for the brilliant non answer.....

    However, flapping on this forum should not be considered "evidence" of wrongdoing.

    Whisperer clearly stated the comments made here are the reason Bmt should be kicked out of the league....

    We all know board members participate in this forum.... Based on their statements here and at the boards meetings, it's pretty clear they can't remain unbiased after participating here.

    After all anyone can post anything here - just because it's posted does not make it fact!
  4. Folks like you? What exactly does that mean?

    What I find concerning is the fact that STJFL board members continue to post in this forum, become irate, and then use their position to try and oust coaches. Coaches that are volunteers and have absolutely no reason to cheat or break rules.

    Coaches that are great men and are only interested in coaching and teaching children.

    Why in the world has this become so personal for so many of you? Ultimately, all you are doing is punishing kids......
  5. Im great and your concern is touching.... I'm not the one obsessed with fairness and two little 10 year old boys and their dads.

    Let's give everyone a trophy! We're all winners here. Welcome to mediocracy...... STJFL keeping it fair.

    Oh hippy maybe you should use ol merrium to look up the spelling of the word definition. And after that you can go ahead and roll it up and smoke it..,,, as Bmt isn't worried about what someone that calls himself hippy thinks about our level of class!

    I'm not sure what you're implying with Legal action but they require damages..... Exactly what are yours?

    You sir are not very bright. Maybe you should join junior league as they seem to appreciate class!
  6. Even the select baseball and basketball kids play league ball....

    Maybe the Anderson's and River's don't want to drive to Houston every weekend. And it really doesn't matter anyway - it's just football. They live in 06,07, and 13 zip code. It isn't "illegal" for the "dynamic duo" to play in your league. Y'all wrote the rules and have continued to change them every year to penalize Bmt. Look back at the history of the league and the scores. Funny how "running it up" didn't seem to bother anyone until bmt started winning.

    This IS NOT school or a car - it's a game. AndYour precious baby from mid county or bobcat country or wherever will surely survive one loss in a season at the hands of the 2 superhuman football gods from BMT and hopefully go on to become successful adults.

    And if their "spirit" is just to broken to go on, well let's just say youth sports probably isn't the issue.

    Not everyone's a winner all the time and life is not fair. Quit setting your kids up for failure by protesting a loss every time you play a better team. Kids have to learn to cope. Do you protest their math grade if it's an F? Or do you have them study harder next time and pass? Is it never little Johnny's fault? Do you fix everything for him??

    This has everything to do with a bunch of small minded egotistical coaches reliving their glory days and nothing to do with the kids playing football. Deal with it and move on.

    Riddle me this: If the two "10" year olds playing Sr ball are unstoppable, then how in the world did PNG manage to beat them 2x last year?

    And for your information Bmt does rotate to 2nd and third string for O and D after the 2ndQ. However, we only have 18 kids..... Not everyone can take a seat.

    Oh and to address your ignorant car analogy, I'd say a corvette's not any where near adequate. I'd have to go with a Bugatti......

    And so the wussification of America is alive and well on this forum!
  7. JS Numbers please tell us what would make it better? And who needs to feel better? Is it the kids or the daddyballers?

    Please only beat little Timmy by 28 points. He'll feel so much better about defeat. Wake up and look at what you're teaching your kid.

    Daddy will take care of it.... They cheated, y'all should have won, ya da yada.....
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