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Posts posted by Luvyablue

  1. And IF BMT were to make it, they would have to beat PNG W! Let me remind you all, they are 0-4 vs PNG W!!! And still talking sh!t!!

    Hold up - PNG also has to make it there...... No one has forgotten the bmt losses to png.

    However, remind us of your season..... Are you undefeated?
  2. Hawk let it b u got screwed by the powers that b but it is too late to worry about . U better focus on nederland black once u get past but blue if u can stop there pass attack lol

    It's never too late...... What goes around comes around and all.....
  3. What about jasper and bmt g score today. 76 points scored by jasper. Hope they didn't break the spirit of a rule today!!!!

    Wow - Anyone wearing a go-pro? Hey Ethics committee when's the "skull and bones" meeting? This must be stopped. Jasper should probably play select ball - they are obviously too good to play in a rec. league.
  4. I'm talking about this year not years past. The question was asked regarding the "spirit" / running up the score rule. The coaches asked for a number. They were told it was a judgement call and they didn't want it defined.

    Are you joking about the rules being spelled out in black and white on the website...why even post them at all then? I have a copy of the coaches code of conduct. Same problem. So you want a scripted game?? Why even have coaches or a game with rules, etc? Rules shouldn't have to be explained in detail. They should be simple and applied equally to everyone. Football is a black and white game. You don't have these problems in baseball. It's pretty cut and dried. In fact, if a violation occurs you either speak up before the next pitch is thrown or you move on in the game. You don't analyze fan video trying to find violations....The game also ends when a certain amount of runs are scored.....
    Rules ensure an equal playing field not equal outcomes......
  5. Instead we have board members running around with cameras trying to catch people breaking rules. We have coaches saying they have no problem with the game just played and signing off on said game. Then low and behold here comes the board reviewing games for perceived violations.
  6. I don't agree with punishing volunteer coaches and kids based on spirit and intent. I also don't agree because any given person can interpret "spirit" in 1000 different ways. Why put yourself in that position? Define it - it's that easy.

    If a defined rule is alleged to have been broken then a defined process should be used to determine punishment.

    There should also be a chain of command used in reporting violations. Coaches should report infractions to their respective board member. The board member should then report it to the STJFL board. A vote should be taken after all sides have had a chance to be heard. If found to be in violation the head coach should be informed of this and his said punishment. This should be acknowledged by the signature of all parties involved.

    All of the Beaumont situation would have been prevented if all of the above or some form of the above had been adopted.
  7. I'm sure we do agree about some things and no offense taken.

    My problem is with the STJFL and the fact that they expect coaches to use their own judgement to interpret open ended rules and then they want to jump in and tell them oh no this violates the spirit of the rule. And my judgment supersedes your judgement.

    All this can easily be solved by having definitive rules and punishments. Then there is no controversy and everyone is held to the same standard. When it's simple and black & white there will be no questions.
  8. The board meets the first Wednesday of each month. The next meeting should be November 5th. I would find out location and have specific changes you feel should be made and present those respectfully.

    Thanks dad! I'll try to show them more respect than they have shown my team.

    I'm currently compiling all the times this STJFL board has broken their own set of bylaws to present at the board meeting. I'm also submitting bylaw changes. Like bobcat, I take my self appointed job as head of the bmt teams legal research very seriously.

    And since the STJFL subjects it's self to the open meeting act and Roberts rules of order, I should be in good shape!

    I hope they have every i dotted and every t crossed in how they run this organization.
  9. So why are the coaches told it's ok as long as it's held under 40? Why even open that can of worms? You ready to analyze every game and every team to make sure they upheld whatever YOU define to be the "spirit" of the Mercy rule?

    Define the rule!!!!! This a game. Make some definitive rules and let the kids play. Do it like baseball- . Have a true Mercy rule. End the game at 14-7 so everyone feels great. If it's 7 then it's 7. If it's 14 then it's fourteen. Quit trying police certain people and coach your kids.

    My kid suxs at soccer. It's ok. She's great at dance and school. When she complains about not scoring I tell her to work harder, practice more. And low and behold she scored the winning goal in her soccer game yesterday.

    I certainly don't make up crap about the other team and question their intentions for letting their kids score goals just to make her feel better. It's called life and raising successful adults who are able to cope with the real world.
  10. Mad - doesn't really matter if the ball is knelt or advanced. No rule is broken.....

    Board decisions should be made based on whether a rule was violated or not. Not how it makes you "feel" if someone wins by 14 or 20.

    Therein lies the problem with the bylaws....
  11. Well said Ndndad! What's that old saying, when you point the finger at someone else there is always 3 pointing back at you. I also thank STJFL for giving my son and his team a place to play.

    Just make sure don't make them mad with all that finger pointing..... You might point the wrong finger. Fear the GoPro! Big brother is alive and well..... Bobcat101 - making the STJFL a better, less angry place....
  12. Bobcat you gonna wear the go pro at ford park for baseball? You might be able to catch a lot of infractions there.... You can probably make some citizens arrests. You'll have evidence that you won't even have to edit to prove your case....
  13. Oh. And I apologize to thetragichippy if I was less than clear. Everything I write is based in fact. Can't speak for those that are so misguided on the Board.

    Ditto Tragichippy. I don't start or repeat rumors. Everything I have ever said can easily be verified. Most of it is on this forum or the STJFL board members Facebook pages. People should really be more careful what they post on social media....
  14. The use of the GoPro is to document the conduct of coaches that Are F'bombing 5/6 year old kids and refs.

    Today, we a very vocal parent/Fan on the sideline. As soon as this parent saw the GoPro as I appoarched them , the situation was immediate defused.

    These adults that conduct themselves in an unsportsmanlike manners have very short memories and 1,000 reasons to justify this conduct.

    I'm very hesitant to answer any questions on this board because those who are against the ones that spend 1,00 of hours away from their families and constantly are being bombarded with personnel attacks while having every word possible twisted to justify thier conduct.

    But your right, it's a shame that I have to take these step to insure that any situation is handled correctly And that STJFL survives as a league.

    So why would anyone be against all STJFL Rep wearing a GoPro to eliminate these adults that ruin such an event for children.

    Funny, you seemed to be referring to more than coaches behavior in the comments under the picture... It's also strange that you referred to a "skull and bones" meeting. What's really weird about this comment is the fact that it took place during the 4th quarter of the BMT vs lum w game. You know the game you talked about in your secret ethics meeting.... The same game you watched a bunch of clips about and decided to kick the coach out for two years without even having the decency to let him defend himself or show him the evidence you used to suspend him.

    Please, please explain to me why the four of you get to be judge and jury? And please tell me when and where the next board meeting is?

    And you think you're the only one spending 1,00 (whatever that means) hours away from your family?

    Maybe it's time to let someone else take a turn policing the rule breakers....
  15. need to give it a break! its real easy to sit on the sidelines and complain! Everyone needs to just be grateful that their kids have a place to play youth football. NO one is perfect but I sincerely think these people are trying to do the best they can! Everyone has options, you can either get involved by coaching, or running for a board position, or going elsewhere. Nothing or no one is perfect! That being said Thank you STJFL and PNGYFA for give me and my son the opportunity to play youth football!

    Please, please tell me why you think "these people are trying to do the best they can?"

    I would love to get involved on the board. But the fiefdom would just vote me out the minute I for disagreed with their treatment of others. They've already done it to the Beaumont rep. No one holds them accountable and they will just do it again. In addition to the bmt rep, two other members of this years board have quit as a direct result of the current leadership's behavior.

    Think about how awful it would be to be accused of something you did not do. Now, think about how awful it would be to know you are not guilty, have the evidence to prove it, and yet you have no recourse. Not once have you had the chance to defend yourself. Now go explain that to your son and his teammates!

    It's all fun and games until it happens to you....Will you give it a break then? Will you be so quick to thank them?
  16. Calm down. Now you want to talk about class? Ever since this mess started almost your whole team been on here calling out board members left and right. Luvblue should be thrown off the site for the things he been calling the league president up here for weeks. Nobody knows if any of it is true but they dont care about any of that as long as he can start a rumor and get a rise out of hawk5. Then he wants to come up on here yesterday talking about how much it hurts his feelings to be so personal when his names drug through the mud. SMH The board got a good league going and its not perfect but it is the best around here. I can tell you this much though. Yall had to give up a game or 2 but the coaches figured out how not to put up 50 with a quickness so it worked. Only problem is some coaches never learn and do the same thing every year. Everybody been on here for years talking about the same team and the same rules. I almost fell out my chair when yall came on here to say its a first offense. Even Butch Thomas would say thats messed up! Brings me back to the turd ball story and Im truely sorry if it hurts your feelers.

    Js - why don't you break away from watching shows about crap and check out the scores from this season. How long have you been on this forum again?? Funny how you know so much about Bmt but you've only been on here since Sept 14th 2014??? Which screen name were you before js992014?

    Try to comprehend this: The one game BMT scored 50 was due to a defensive score. Before that the score was 44-6. Same difference as the PNG game (39-0) earlier that day.

    The head coach for Bmt has never been in trouble before - it's a fact! Sorry you don't like it but it's true. However, the assistant coach has been on probation before. Maybe you're confused?

    And Board members deserve to be called out. The truth hurts..... How bout this don't abuse your position of power and you won't be subject to criticism. Don't brag about your secret meetings on a non private Facebook page.....

    Hope he doesn't run the school board the way he runs this league.

    Wow - you want me kicked off a forum about youth sports because I called out the board for all the crap they are pulling..... Secret meetings and such. I don't start rumors. Nor do I tell lies. And it's not my name being drug thru the mud - it's the coaches.

    Why don't you do a little research about score history and the STJFL. It's pretty crazy that 2 ten year olds are considered to good to be in this league and they score to many points yet somehow PNG has been able to beat them 3 times in the past two years. Maybe the rest of the league should figure out what PNG is doing and then you won't have to worry about beating Beaumont - you can win on the field.....
  17. [quote name="js992014" post="1553403" timestamp="1412881767"]

    Give it a rest already. Theres a few people on your side but most everybody know that the league has to do something to keep scores in check. Did the board do this exactly right? = No. Do they have the kids of the whole league at heart and not just the rights of a few? = Yes. I saw a show on tv the other day and a dung beetle was pushing a turd ball up a hill and everytime he was just about to the top it fell all the way back down and he had to start all over. Now I would of liked to see him get his turd ball to the top of the hill but it was sure funny to watch him keep trying with the same result. Good luck with your turd ball.[/

    This has nothing to do with keeping scores in check.....

    And suspending a coach for 2 years based on a video of clips spliced together is serving the best interest of the kids in the league how exactly?

    I don't have to give it a rest - And if it bothers you that much you can quit commenting and reading this thread and get back to watching your family on home video.
  18. Funny how the the people who think kids that get beat by 65 points are too stupid to care about the game is the same people that have kids who understand the whole playoff system. Quit crying about a loss and move on like you tell everybody else. If you that good it dont matter where you place.

    Trust me no one is crying! We are very mad and fed up. We've never cried or whined about a real loss! Go look at our posts after our loss to PNG Saturday night.

    This is about a personal witch hunt!
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