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Posts posted by dawgnut

  1. The truth is if you are into athletics only you will never see the side of the academics, if you are on the academics side you probably will never "get" the athletics side. But the reality is we need both. If you want to have a great educational system you need them all. I have been on teams that wrote system software that forced me to use all that I learned in school. The coaches taught me how to be a member of a team and how to work with people that sometimes I really didn't care about but to win I had to learn to get along with. Teachers taught me how to think logically and how to work with numbers. You use all that in programming. Who taught me the most important lessons? That's hard to say, because I still use them all to this day. We need them all and who should get paid the most is hard to say because life is not fair (learned that from a coach, the best team doesn't always win) some people get raises and some don't, but life has a way of equalizing everything in the end.

  2. Your darn tootin we'll be waiting.Waiting to pounce on a unexpecting Ned @ home.

    'unexpecting'? Look at the schedule we play the Raiders the last game. The only way you would get overlooked would be if we were 9 and 0 and everyone else in the district had two loses. Otherwise in this district one game can keep you out of the playoffs.

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