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Posts posted by dawgnut

  1. They tried to get something started, but someone needs to tell them when to talk trash and when not to hack of the other team to kick your butt worse than they are. We had three scores on 4 plays and LCM finally tackled Grogan for a loss and they wanted to jump in his face and talk trash. Go talk to your guys about how great it was to stop him but don't get in the guys face that already has 100 yards on you in the first quarter ;)

  2. Football today is more than just x's and o's. You can know all there is to know about football and never win a game. It's about being a motivator, salesman, and coach today. If you can't motivate your players, your success if any will be short lived. Next you have to be a salesman. If you can't sell your strategy to the players then you will have limited success. Everyone from the clerk at the Stop and Go to the message boards are experts in what the coach should do. If you can't sell them on your game then they will not follow you whole heartedly. There are not many coaches that can do all three well, that's why when you find one you pay them a lot of money to stay.

  3. We ran another play. It should have been 2nd and 20 instead of 3rd and 20. It really should have been 1st and 10 from 15 yards back of the run after Ned declined the holding penalty. If it was a great call, why did he not throw the flag until after the play was over? Watch the replay. He throws the flag after Wright has ran for 30 plus yards. Maybe he had trouble getting the flag out. Let's face it. There were several horrible calls.

    1. The fair catch / non fair catch when it was obvious we called a fair catch and the PN-G guy was hit.

    2. The PF on Gaspard when the WR was not even down when he dove for him.

    3. The actual late hit on Wright when he and the defender rolled out of bounds and Wright was drove back down again.

    4. The botched PF / holding call after taking 5 minutes to discuss it and still screw it up.

    But, that is not why we lost. We lost due to a lack of game changers (people who take one handed juggling catches 74 yards for a TD on 3rd and 13). A lack of people who can field a punt or kickoff. No pressure from the ends (that was key for us last year). We were outcoached and outplayed. The refs calls were like having dirt rubbed in your eyes after getting both of them blackened.

    1. The fair catch was bobbled which makes it open game.  It was bobbled or bothched right there all night, but our coaches insisted on leaving 33 in there to field it.........Our fault.

    2. I know the play your talking about and that was a very crappy call.  Gaspard was already in full tackle mode before the Ned guy even hit the ground....real bad call.

    3. The tackle on Wright on that play went all the way to the benches.....Unbelievable.

    4. The calls were not botched....just the penalization.

    1. I think if you watch the game tonight you will find that the NHS player was pulling up on the fair catch and was blocked into the receiver. You actually got away with one there, it should have been a penalty for hitting in the back!

  4. nederland was easy to stop last year... their the same team this year minus their amaaazing all american dravanti johnson lol. good luck.. see yal at the big show

    You don't even have a clue! Not the same team at all but you just keep on thinking that. And we have heard that greatest fans in the world before, but you guy's take a 'L' Saturday night and we will see how long it takes the fans to turn on the coach.

  5. I think some folks have a crow cook book from the food network. They just can't wait for the season to start so they can break out their favorite recipe and cook up a little crow to eat. After many years of watching HS football I think the team with the largest number on the board will win. With Hooks and Neumann on the sideline, don't go to the concession stand because you may miss something!

  6. Both teams will be well coached and ready to play. It should be a great 1st game for both. I wish they would play it on a Sat. bet alot of people that cannot make it on Friday night would show up Sat.

    I don't know where they would put those people. It will be a packed house on a Friday night. Who knows where we will all park. I hope I don't get towed.

    I wish I could remember the name, but there is a new security company across from First Baptist on Nederland Ave. A long walk for WO-S fans, but that is where we go for home games. I don't mind the walk and most of all you easily avoid traffic.

    Infrastruct Security, 1824 Nederland Ave.

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