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Posts posted by dawgnut

  1. Same on song and dance smitty but never any solutions just trash talk. Everything wears out, are you still driving the first car you ever bought. My dad has not worn out a set of tires in the last fifteen years, but they dry rot and you have to replace them. This just maintain what we have and we will be OK is not logical thinking. We will not be OK and it will cost us more next year to do the same work, why wait and spend more money? There is only one reason, that is that you don't want to improve the schools ever. As some have said you just want them to fail.

  2. Where are you going to get that money, from your magic money tree? Cut what fat? You guy's just want to stir up trash that's all. Nothing but trash! If these people are so bad then why haven't we heard anything before now? Because your just throwing mud because you don't want the bond that's all. If the bond would get defeated then we would not hear from you ever again. So why wait, we don't need to hear from you now!

    How come our roofs are in such terrible shape when we just went through many major hurricanes. Did we get screwed on roof repairs are what? If we can't maintain our buildings now what makes you think we can 20 years from now. Sounds like we need to cut fat at the top and put some more money in the maintenance budget.

  3. Hey, I am just a simple old (my daughters remind me often that I'm older than dinosaurs) football fan that has always thought that the best defense was a great offense. Get the ball and keep it, so why wait for their onslaught. Let's get four wide outs and line up and snap the ball! Hey if I can't watch a good game then why not have a little fun waiting for the season to start!

  4. Sports Junkie you must not have been a bulldogs fan long. they had a tougher district last year .Last season every team could beat each other.they also had a lot better pitching around the district.the 2006 team was better than this team and last year team was better Cody just didn't know how to play the kids.the 2005 was also better.you must have a child on this team.Oz en,Video and Central were a lot better last year because they had good pitching.Even Lumberton was better.We had Dayton in our districtand they were also better than Livingston.So you think about what you say before you open your mouth.

    WOW.....tough crowd ;D

  5. Again, read the bond.  It is on the NISD website.  I provided the link further back in this thread.

    What are you trying to do bigdog confuse me with the facts? It's a whole lot more fun to believe that something underhanded is going on in the District. We all love just the hint of a scandal even if it's not true! Any person that can't see through this smoke screen needs to watch politics a little more. The best way to keep the opposition from mounting an offense is to keep them on defense. Make them chase their tails all day trying to defend their positions. The only solution that has been brought up is to increase the maintenance budget. I would love one person to show me how. Show me a School District, City, or State that has excess money. There's not one. They all have more needs than they have funds. So how do you increase any departments budget, the only way is to take the money from someone else. If you look at most schools, salaries are the top budget items. So what are you saying, cut salaries and increase the maintenance budget. The only way to increase one budget is to cut someone else's budget. So if you believe the folks that say we can do all the repairs on our schools without raising taxes or passing a bond then who's budget do you want to cut? Teachers? Transportation (new wellness program, make all the kids walk to school, they will not mind a little rain every now and then)? What the anti-bong group is really saying is they don't want new taxes and they don't care who it hurts. They are totally selfish, it's all about them. If there was another way to do this without a bond or without raising taxes don't you think every school district in the USA would be jumping on it like a chicken on a June bug. You bet they would! Who wants to raise taxes? No one in their right mind. Look at the things that have been written about the board, the administration and the leadership in Nederland. Do you really think these folks would subject themselves and their families to this if it was not necessary? I don't think so! Would You?

  6. What about solutions smitty, or is slinging mud all you can do? You don't answer any questions either, so maybe your no better than the people you are trashing. It's easy to stand on the outside and throw rocks, but it is a little harder to do the job. Give me some solutions to the problem, but you don't have any that are viable, just trash talk that's all!

  7. Come on smitty, I have been denying just about everything you have been saying! You use just a little of the truth and twist it to your advantage. I have a question for you, what's the solution to our problem? You want to blame all of our problems on the Administration, but what you don't propose is a solution. Our schools will not get fixed pointing the finger at people they will only get fixed with solid solutions. Do you have a solution, or are you just part of the problem? You say we don't need a bond, OK fix our schools without one, enlighten me, show me how to do it, don't just talk trash give me some solid practical ways that we can bring our schools up to where they should be without raising taxes!

    by the way, I am not a lawyer that's why I hire good ones! Never get advice from someone who knows less than you do, find an expert it will cost you less in the long run!

    dawgnuts, I'll ask you again:  Can you deny anything I've said that you've taken issue with?  You've made quite a few statements, but you've still yet to deny what I've said is wrong.  Or do you just like to play lawyer?   ;D

    Not a threat at all, anything you say on any board can be taken in multiple ways and some ways you may not think about. smitty has made accusations about the leadership in the Nederland School System. If he can't back it up and someone takes exception to the accusations he may find a person knocking on his door some day with legal papers. I am not making any kind of threat, just a statement of what can happen when things get out of control. People have been terminated because of the things they wrote on the internet. You are not totally anonymous on the internet and if the legal folks want to find you, they can that's all I am saying.

  8. Not a threat at all, anything you say on any board can be taken in multiple ways and some ways you may not think about. smitty has made accusations about the leadership in the Nederland School System. If he can't back it up and someone takes exception to the accusations he may find a person knocking on his door some day with legal papers. I am not making any kind of threat, just a statement of what can happen when things get out of control. People have been terminated because of the things they wrote on the internet. You are not totally anonymous on the internet and if the legal folks want to find you, they can that's all I am saying.

  9. You say all this, but you could be the biggest story teller in the county. You just keep on slinging the mud, but then again that's about all I would expect for someone who has made the post you have. And by the way, I would be real careful about making accusations that you can't back up. You can be found and you can be held responsible!

  10. Every restroom in every school has ADA problems. Every school that has sprinkler systems doe not conform to State regulations on backflow prevention. Again you guy's are just throwing up trash, you don't really know, you just talk to your anti-bond friends and stir up garbage.

  11. It appears that all of our problems could be solved by hiring smitty and bondcrusher09 to work in the Maintenance Department. From their obvious expertise in maintenance technology they could probably keep the buildings in top shape and reduce the budget to boot. But all of this is a smoke screen you guy's would be against the bond no matter what package it was put in. All you can do is point fingers at everyone else, how bad they do their job, I would like to see anyone of you try and maintain the property with the budget they are given, then again maybe not we probably wouldn't have any schools left to rebuild. It's real easy to stand on the outside and throw rocks but it's not as easy to actually do the job. If you are not a member of the NISD Maintenance Department then you just think you know, you don't really know at all.

  12. Well, we'll see if the "shortsighted" taxpayer wants to be bled anymore.  As in all matter of taxes, the taxpayer will have the final say-so.  By the way, Dawgnuts, are you a taxpayer?

    smitty you must have been born during the Lincoln administration because buildings do matter today! If you try to upgrade any building you have this little matter of ADA to contend with, new fire codes, wind storm codes just to start with. It's cheaper to tear the building down and start over. Kid's today use everything visual, you can go back to the chalk board if you want your kids to be dumb and rocks, but if you don't then you better have some realy cool technology. As far as the cost of the stadium upgrades, go ahead wait a couple of years and you can pay 2.5 for the same thing. Simple math in construction cost you wait, you pay more like it or not.

    smitty I am not one of those folks that just talk trash. I pay taxes on multiple properties so I am not just going to get an increase one one house as most folks will! There is not any "shortsightedness" to it, some people can see beyond their own self indulgence and see what others need. My family has one more year in NHS so none of my children will benefit from the new buildings, I am not a contractor so I will not benefit from the buildings, but what I am is a taxpayer that can see if I don't do it now it will cost me more in the future.

  13. smitty you must have been born during the Lincoln administration because buildings do matter today! If you try to upgrade any building you have this little matter of ADA to contend with, new fire codes, wind storm codes just to start with. It's cheaper to tear the building down and start over. Kid's today use everything visual, you can go back to the chalk board if you want your kids to be dumb and rocks, but if you don't then you better have some realy cool technology. As far as the cost of the stadium upgrades, go ahead wait a couple of years and you can pay 2.5 for the same thing. Simple math in construction cost you wait, you pay more like it or not.

  14. Come on guy's face the facts, we don't have any pride, honor, or tradition in the pound! We are just mindless drones that don't have a clue what to do so we just copy the tribe. Everybody knows the only place talent can be located is on the sunny shores of the Neches. We must accept our fate and be assimilated into the common consciousness and listen to the backward mask LP's of old that said "fear the tribe" or was that "Paul is dead?"  Not sure any more because like they say if you say it long enough they will believe it!

  15. Woke up this morning,got my first cup of cofee,heard a commotion outside looked out the window,and there was a big black crow standing on my bar-b-cue pit,must have smelled his relative, I ate crow last night.Kudos to you DAWGS>Great game-all of you.

    That's a good one :D

  16. He's as good as Grogan in my book.  Need to give him more play time.  Good game Dogs!

    Good guy, but not as good as Grogan. If he was why would the coaches pull the best D-lineman we had and put him on offense? Lovelady did what he had to do when it was required of him and you have to give him credit for that, but one game does not make a career or a season. We need Grogan running the ball and we need Lovelady to knock a few RB's off their feet so that we can we can say one more week every Sunday morning!

  17. A whole lot of Nederland fans grew up in Port Neches, and a lot of PNG fans grew up in Nederland, that's the way it is. It' s like sibling rivalry, we can fight and bicker with each other and it's OK, but I wouldn't consider doing the same if you are not from MC because both groups will turn on you, because brothers will stop fighting each other to take on any outsider that may appear. I pull for PNG every game of the year except one when MCM comes it's time for the fun to begin.

  18. You ever thought that yall might go back to being the same team that stepped on the field with WO-S?  I believe the starting lineup was the same, with the same Grogan running the pill.

    Not the same team at all, we had 5 starters on the bench when we played WOS. Grogan thought he was just baby sitting the RB position till the #1 RB returned. Two hurricanes later the #1 guy quit football, Grogan was told he was the man and he hasn't looked back.

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