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Posts posted by dawgnut

  1. One of the problems we have in this area is not enough stable programs. When you have long-time coaches at a school it raises the competition level. If you have to bring your 'A' game every Friday night it will make you better. How many coaches have been at the same school for over 10 years, now look at how competitive that school is. Get some good coaches that stay for more than 2 years and watch the Gold come back to the Triangle!

  2. Well get ready, we have some nice size coming up and a couple of DB's that will hit you. One of the problem that we have had was low numbers of players, I think it was two years ago we had 35 on the side line. You have to have more players if you want to go deep in the playoffs. But I guess that is the DC's fault! I think our defense could improve but if you remove the DC you may not get anyone better you could do worse. We have a lot of talent coming up they should be a great group to watch, now how long did you say it was till week zero?

  3. Ahhh, a post I can live with. All games are decided on the field and all games are important, no matter the opponent or their past history. I think it will be a good series.

    bigdog remember we are from the poor old GT and the only reason we have four players batting 500 and better in the playoffs is because we are so poor that we have to share a field with the Tee ball league. You know anyone can get a hit if the winds not blowing and the ball will stay on the Tee. If we have to go to the big city and play we don't stand a chance, it will be like the Hillbillies moving to California ;D

  4. I am not a coach either but my strategy would be to let Dean start and if we had the game and he started to give up hits and it was in the 5th or later I would let Bellow finish and preserve the win then let him start game 2. If Dean could go the distance and get a win then I would love the odds because if you couldn't hit Dean life would not get better against Bellow.

    Dawgnut, you rephrased it like I should have said. I also shouldn't have used the word trust. I'll let coach decide what is best and go with that. He has done well all year.

    I hear you, it never comes out the keyboard like the brain thinks. One of these days they will have a direct link and make it easier to put your thoughts together. But on some days it would be better to stay away from the computer ;D

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