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Everything posted by AledoBearcatsCO2014

  1. Who do you guys think are the best in the state? Name your top 5 in order.   1. Baylor 2. Texas A&M 3. Texas Tech 4. Texas 5. TCU
  2. Aledo did this last week... I personally find it cheesy and non-effective due to the fact that everyone participating is a "hardcore partier".  I'm never going to drink alcohol so it really has no use for me personally, but if it saved one life I guess it's a good thing.
  3. I read a study version of the Bible and King James.  King James can be a pain to read but it definitely holds true to what the Bible really says.
  4. If kids grow up thinking being transgender is okay then... Just no. We shouldn't have to ask ourselves if a person is a man or woman... Is that what we have come to?
  5. Those verses are the reason I pray there's a place in heaven for them. Considering they never got the opportunity to follow Jesus for themselves, due to the fact that they had that choice revoked because of sin.
  6. They wouldn't be unwanted if people actually had morals... If you don't want a kid, don't have sex.
  7. I'm definitely not a Catholic, but I agree with what this is saying.
  8. Everything that proven science says supports the Bible. God told Abraham his descendants would be as numerous as the stars, and later he said his descendants would be as numerous as the grains of sand on the earth. There are 10^21 stars in the known universe, and there are 10^25 grains of sand. Once we are able to see every star the numbers will both be 10^25.
  9. I believe homosexuality is a sin, but God gave us all free will. So denying homosexuals the right to sin as they wish is trying to take away what God gave us. All we can do is be there for them, pray for them, and maybe try taking them to church? Instead of condemning them we should show them the love of Jesus Christ and hopefully once they accept him as their lord and savior they will choose to repent.
  10. This first sentence is actually a good argument. Although, it is a bit of a strong comparison, it proves a point.
  11. America is going to end up screwed over if we don't put on some big boy underwear soon and take off the diaper.
  12. The Prophetic Years | Bible Prophecy - Christian worldviews and commentary     The odds of Jesus coming back gets better and better everyday... Every single day is one day closer.
  13. Go to www.clarifyingchristianity.com. The website was made by scientists who originally set out to prove the theory of evolution and ended up disproving it. It has every answer you need as to how the world was made, dinosaurs, etc.
  14. My point is that we don't have much variety of opinions on things in Aledo; we don't have too many arguments or anything...
  15. The fact that we live in a world where this is even an issue blows my mind. Edit: (The fact that we even have to worry about cross dressers in our society.)
  16. What are you guys dealing with? At Aledo High School it is 89.9% white, and the majority of those are protestant.
  17. I don't know why no one else has responded to this... I appreciate people who are actually willing to talk about God. I haven't exactly made horrible mistakes in my life, but the ones I have made ended up molding me to be more like Jesus.
  18. I appreciate these posts a lot. I will be going to Texas State next year, and I am probably the most football crazy person you will ever meet.
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