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Posts posted by baddog

  1. This one is of the visitor's stands and where the football field used to be.


    This is the field house and where some of the home stands ued to be.


    From the survey stakes to the right of the trackhoe is where the home stands were.


    This is the end zone opposite the field house. You can see where the track used to be.


  2. Where the heck are the Ags? They should be on here congratulating UT for the arse whooping they witnessed. I guess they have problems handling losses.

    Way to go Horns....Hook 'Em

    Someone said Duke was overrated. I don't think so. They beat UNC and Maryland twice (I like that Vasquez kid). Wake Forest is always good in basketball and came to play. Plus, please list any other basketball game ever, where 5 players fouled out from the same team, and only one fouled out for the other. Duke didn't deserve to win this game anyway because Paulus and Sheyer were both cold. However, Duke is anything but overrated. You can't be as successful as Duke and be overrated.

  3. At least they were eating some prime rib crow burger.  Last I checked the DOGS died a couple of weeks ago of playoff starvation. :D :D :D  Way to go Raiders!!!! You did southeast Texas proud.  You guys had one heck of a run.

    You didn't have to take this opportunity to take a shot at my Bulldogs, especially when you are complaining about someone taking shots at you. Why he made reference to the Nederland game is beyond me. We understand what happened with our team, but we'll get over it. Actually, it's the Waller Bulldogs that Pain Train is referring to, not Nederland. Thank you very much.

  4. No North, it sounds like a post from the resurected PATITAN... or the other gooberhead who's been hatin' all season.

    It's ok...we can take it. After all, he/she did state some true facts in there: #3, 6, 13.

    Yep, we played those teams in pre-district. We DID have a community parade the night before the game, as opposed to having a community pep rally, instead. We DID have to big ol' goose eggs in the first half.

    I don't recall any of the Rookie Play-off Fans "running down a Bulldog team that has been to the play-offs 9 out of 12 years". We may have said "watch out Bulldogs, the train's a'comin". But to "run 'em down"?? NO, I don't think so. THIS ROOKIE never said it.

    It's all good. I can even handle someone calling me "Mama Drama" in another thread because I said something about the MASS exodus of fair weather fans, not someone who HAD to leave.  I said it, and dayum skippy, I'm not ashamed that I said it.

    So, yes PAIN in the BRAIN, we ARE disappointed...Why wouldn't we be??

    Eating crow?? Helllllllllllll NO! I'll take our little ol "Cinderalla Team from Podunk County" any day over some place with the likes of you.

    To the Waller ISD team, staff, and fans...nothing but respect for you. Your community showed as much encouragement and support for your team as we did ours, and even allowed us our time on the field after such a dissappointing loss for us. 

    For the Deer Park ISD: many, many thanks to you for ALL of your hospitality. DPISD gave Lumberton and Waller allowances beyond what they had to. I am grateful for those.

    CHOO CHOO L-TRAIN!! Just keep on chugging til next year!

    I don't think it can be PATITAN, he can't count past three.

    Lumberton, you had a great season and surprised lots of people, including myself. It will sting for a little while, but bouncing back from adversity is what high school football is all about. Take you time and look back over this season and enjoy it. You earned it. Crow should not be on the menu for you.

  5. At Galena Park, my wife blew an air horn with a deputy several feet away. We already knew we weren't supposed to have it and he just told her to put it away. This is not to say that they won't confiscate them. Stallworth has a no air horn rule also. I don't know how well they enforce it.

  6. We've had some games like that, Jacksonville comes to mind, where they were holding our ends and lbs so their RB could get the corner. It was so obvious that it wasn't funny.....no flag.

    On the play calling, I don't know why coaches everywhere can have something working, and then try and get cute and fakey with the play calling. I can't figure that one out.

    Congrats on a great season PNG.

  7. I want to take this time to apologize for picking against you in your last games. It was not a personal thing, it was simply siding with the reigning state champs or the #1 ranking. Both of you have excellent programs going and tremendous momentum after slaying the Goliaths of your respective classes. I was hoping for the upsets, but it was hard to pick differently. My sincerest apologies.

  8. I see no reason to get upset about looking to matchups down the road. Teams will concentrate on their upcoming games. If they don't, shame on them. If people didn't want to see their possible future opponents, then there would be no need for playoff brackets. The UIL could contact your coach after every game and let you know where to be the following week. It could be a secret.  ::)

  9. It's impossible to read all these threads, so if this has been mentioned, too bad.

    First, congrats to Lumberton on their big win. I hope you represent well and go deep.

    I wanted to mention the skydivers who landed in the stadium before the game. That has to be the most awesome thing I have seen in a while, especially at a local high school football game. I wish I had brought my DVD camcorder. Whose idea was that? That was truly awesome.

  10. Jake, it's hard to add much to what you posted. Everything you said rings true. I would like to add soem though. I hope no one ever thinks I am bashing or in any way trying to lay blame for the outcome of the season on any one player. I would never do that.

    1. I would like to see our defense leg tackle. We try to hit high and take down, or sometimes it appears we are doing nothing more than tackling the ball....trying to force a fumble. This just doesn't work at all. Guys like Hemmings and the RB for Dayton (both hosses) have to be hit low or they will drag you, which is what happened.

    2. The QB in a spread offense has to be more involved in the run game..a la Vince Young. This is a weapon that Sampere brought to the game. I am not knocking Bellow, just comparing the two styles.

    3. Our QB coach needs to teach the QB to look off his receivers. Telegraphing your passes makes it too easy for the defense to react when you eye one receiver from the snap. Also need to throw the ball away and not force a play. Give yourself another chance.

    4. (Already mentioned) A more experienced o-line next year will surely have more blocking schemes for the RBs.

    5. Other than that, I think we're perfect.  ::)

  11. Sports, created for the Olympic Games, was invented for combatants (enemies) to settle their differences with games, with the winner being proclaimed the victor. They thought it better than to kill each other. Although these game today are supposed to be played for the "sport" of it, you have to wonder when one team loses, the victors somehow feel they are "better in every aspect of life" than the loser.......NOT!!

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