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Everything posted by baddog

  1. I believe it was you who said Paul Roy would be a good Rb for us. You were right. He played last night and had 66 yards on 11 carries. Not a bad night for a rookie (varsity).
  2. titan picks against Nederland in every game. Do you know how many times that makes him wrong?.....a bunch. What a jerk! Bay City hasn't been good in a few years now. I don't know the problem, but it's true. If Waller still has that RB, he will be a problem for sure, but our defense has already shown that it can play against a lot bigger opponents (Brenham...avg 280# on the line, one guy 360#) and have success. I take no team lightly and Waller certainly isn't taking Nederland lightly either. Should be a good game. Nederland in a squeaker...
  3. You always think that people are afraid if they choose not to meet you. Have you ever thought that maybe they just don't care to meet you, you know, like not a high priority?
  4. Sarcasm is my middle name...I'm just full of it. (left myself open right there)
  5. Good luck at the dentist. Please keep the board informed of all future endeavors.
  6. titan, don't you own a phone? The board doesn't need to be informed about your every move. Use the PM device to contact your buds, it works really well.
  7. It's nice to see rankings. It kinda lets you know where you stand, but the only ranking that matters is the one at the end of the season.
  8. That would be during the Colbert years? I can't prove it, but I would surmise that everything you had to say about your Colbert led titans was on a positive note? I bet different.
  9. Excellent post. You hit the nail on the head with that one. One can always look back and say when their best teams were, but they weren't saying it during that time frame. Absolutely not fans at all.
  10. Never ducked anyone in my life. Ever thought that FB wants to play a quality program such as ours? Duhhhh Let's see...deep playoff run and trash in the same sentence. Makes sense to me. Duhhhhhh
  11. Exactly right. He will learn the tricks of the trade and be able to recruit the best. It's really tough having to go up against a powerhouse like OU, whose players have to take a pay cut to enter the NFL. ;D
  12. Forest Brook is so bad I think the titans/trojans could even eke out a win. I felt bad for the FB kids last time we played them. They were very poorly coached.
  13. Wuss? Me??? Not hardly. You're just a mouth. I'm so afraid. All in good fun moderators. Giving titan a dose of his own medicine and he doesn''t like the taste.
  14. What if I don't? You gonna threaten me little man? Please do.
  15. Like this whole board is waiting for titan to give his props. You really are full of yourself....."little man syndrome" all the way. Nobody cares what you think. How does that crow taste? You should be used to it by now.
  16. Anyone who starts threads about himself has an ego problem...probably a small man's syndrome.....all mouth. We (MC) don't need your cheesy insulting kudos. Fact is, your LM team looked Joe average. PNG moved the ball on your loaded DI team but just weren't able to take it in. PNG will make adjustments. LM and you can act like that game doesn't mean anything, but it will when you play Pearland. if you think LM can keep playing like that, Pearland will smoke you.
  17. Hey titan. Next time you pass down 69 on your way to PA, let me know. I will have all of Nederland out on the highway mooning you as you go by. We'll be on both sides so you can get the stereo effect. I don't think you need any crow pie, you need to start raising those suckers and have one slice per meal. The way you dog (pun intended) our community and players, I think you have lost all credibility on this board. You have proven you know absolutely nothing about our team, our people, or football in general.
  18. Sorry my superlatives don't rate high enough. Saying I 'think' (feel, believe...etc.) it looks good is in no way condemning it.
  19. No offense taken. No matter what is done, it isn't going to please everybody, so why try? I'm sure a lot of thought went into that mural. I think it looks good. Good one soulja (real bulldogs)
  20. This is the street side. I guess this does away with the scrolling marquee I was told about:
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