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new tobie

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Posts posted by new tobie

  1. 2 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:


    A term used by the democrats and mainstream media to insinuate something sinister about their ideology.

    Kinda like vast right wing conservative / conspiracy.

    Doesn't seem to be working, but carry on. :)

    You know what the alt right is!

  2. 2 hours ago, LumRaiderFan said:

    Not sure what you mean by "accepting" an opinion...we all have a right to an opinion, others may choose to disagree, that's OK.

    I agree folks should know the facts...my post was about the Democrat corruption, and it's factual...all you have to do is read the news.

    You do know we have the LYING KING as president right now

  3. 1 hour ago, stevenash said:

    For some reason, there is a segment of our society that honestly believes that anyone who is not Caucasian is not responsible for any of the ills from which they "suffer" and the responsibility for each  and every one of those ills is, somehow, attributable to the white man.  The words "white privilege" and " plantation mentality" seem to be the popular buzz words these days. 

    Wah wah wah

  4. Donald is an alarm clock for rasicm and hatred. Amd the alarm has sounded. The hatred has awakened and rose up from sleep. Haters are now empowered by this hitler type man. Even George W whom you guys used to love has spoken up against this vile man.

  5. 6 minutes ago, baddog said:

    .....and your first black president did what for Tobie in those miserable eight years? Wait a minute, you're not good at math. Was eight too high of a number? It's under the fingers and toes total.

    Won't make the mistake of electing the clown chump twice, his wife probably won't even stay around for another term . he is probably already cheating with wife number 4.

  6. A good unemployment rate
    Skye Gould/Business Insider

    Presidents inherit economic circumstances, including unemployment rates, which are a lagging indicator.

    Clinton took office at the tail end of a modest recession, while Bush came in at the end of the '90s boom. Obama's term began amid the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

    And Trump entered the Oval Office as the long, slow recovery from the Great Recession finally began to show signs of economic normality — the March unemployment rate, the most recently published in the first 100 days, was at a postcrisis low

    Thanks o for handing trump these low unemployment numbers and making him look good.

  7. 6 minutes ago, baddog said:

    A neo nazi 200 years ago? Nazis certainly weren't around, not even 100. Do you know what the prefix neo means? Be sure your brain is in gear before engaging your mouth.

    their the same both are hateful bastards. like i said before whites rioted and protested four little black kids going to school. sick terroristic crap right their

  8. 6 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    No - I am saying that Tobie says things that fit his narrative even though he has no idea about the accuracy.  The article I posted said nothing about the frequency with which Mr. Obama played golf.  It was simply an illustration that playing golf is not the exclusive province of Mr. Trump.  It also suggests that Mr. Obama's timing at playing golf was not particularly well received some times. I am pretty sure I know what your bait question was for.   Even though I didn't swallow, feel free to post your statistics about presidential golf frequency.

    If Obama would have given his daughter and son-in-law white house jobs or Bill would have given chelsea and his son-in-law white house jobs, you would have plenty to say about it. and you guys talked about O's golf trips continuously. 

  9. 8 hours ago, stevenash said:

    Would any of you happen to know how much Antifa and BLM have donated to the Pureto Rico cause?

    Probably the same amount as the KKK and neo nazi's

    4 hours ago, Reagan said:

    Come on, Steve, I can't wait: how much?  Or maybe our liberal brethren here can answer this!


  10. 9 minutes ago, six burg said:

    Anybody thats hits the wrong key this board is an idiot? Thats why people can't have a decent debate on this board. people like you and tobie. tobie says things you don't agrre with , so he is an idiot for misspelling a word. I guess the third graders in my wifes classroom are idiots when they don't make a hundred on their spelling test.

    Sixburg, to them you are no better than me! So don't call me out along with Nash. President Obama got less respect than Dylan Roof. These folks won't never call out neo nazi's but will call out kapernick or blm in a minute. The president say's neo nazi's are good people. 

  11. If you want Nfl players to repect the Anthem, start respecting people Donald. You represent the presidency of the United States.

    This is the hidden content, please

    Tell um George W. If Obama had given the exact same speech their would be problems with it. Ex presidents need to start speaking out more often, 

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