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new tobie

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Posts posted by new tobie

  1. 16 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    But Bill did a lot more than what you are outraged at Trump for. Such fake and phoney outrage. You should be ashamed. And you should be thankful to Newt Gingrinch for stifling Bill's wild spending agenda.

    Bill didn't disrespect people the way Chump has, Bill just disrespected his one wife. Chump disrespected all his wives, all races, both political parties, just to many to list

  2. 10 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    As usual, you are wrong...bigly. But that comes as no surprise to anyone. I guess since you can't answer the question you have to resort to the personal attacks then play the victim card. That is such a worn out tactic, and is just laughable. But I will play along.

    You are a on a message board, you are not a journalist, repeat....you are not a journalist

  3. 3 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    So no comment? And no one from the non-Liberal side tries to stifle debate. You can bring it up, along with any other news story. We will just hammer your analysis (which is sure to be blatantly bias) if you offer one. But I really don't see you giving a detailed analysis. I would be surprised if you even read the article.

    I give whatever i please, and you can't stop me. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Englebert said:

    Are you be controlled by FoxNews? After all, you must be a regular watcher to render such an informed analysis.

    If you think others are being controlled, please tell us who your master(s) are. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, Al Jezeera, BET, The Food Network, CMT? Inquiring minds want to know.

    We stopped havings masters a long time ago. we's free now

  5. 1 hour ago, stevenash said:

    Good for him- remember that most of the "bots" believe community organizing experience is an important ingredient when it comes to governing

    Lets just elect a reality TV star with no government experience

    6 Bankruptcys

    5 kids from 3 diffrent marriages, cheated on each women with the previous one

    11 charges of sexual assault

    4,000+lawsuits against him

    braggs on being rich, but ranks #248 on the forbes 400 list

  6. 41 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    I cant see the pic but I am guessing that the inference regards how much more compact and how much more inexpensive this hard drive has become.  I can absolutely, unequivocally assure you that this change came from competition in the free market and not from government "oversight"/interference.

    The gov. Controls more facets of our lives than the things you choose to be concerned with

  7. 16 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Will you show any post that leads you to believe that we have all posted something that would lead you to think we said blacks were the only ones committing crimes?  There will be no use to answer, because first of all you can't find it, and secondly you will run and not attempt to answer.

    I saw her running yesterday from the conservative message board mafia, very scary intimidating group

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