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new tobie

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Posts posted by new tobie

  1. 14 hours ago, Englebert said:

    I offered no rebuttal because you ran like a frightened schoolgirl the last time you were challenged to defend your statements. But if you would like a quick analysis of your flawed logic, I will be happy to oblige.

    You start off with a blanket irrational negative stereotype that you have zero supporting evidence. It's hard to take anything you say seriously after that gem. You then try to support that false narrative with flawed analysis. You said that "Hence why a white man walking by your wife in Parkdale Mall parking lot at night doesn't elicit much of a response from her, but a black man walking by at the same time will cause her to tense up and ensure she has her gun in her purse." You must have been fed that crap by the Liberal media. If a Black man is walking by me in Parkdale Mall, I might tense up a little...if he is dressed out in gang clothing. If he is dressed in a 3 piece suit I wouldn't think twice about it. If a White man walks by in gang clothing, I would tense up a little. If he is dressed in a 3 piece suit I wouldn't think twice about it. But you have to interpret that as racism/bigotry. You seem to have an irrational fear of Wlhite people having an irrational fear of Black people...these same White people that passed and support Civil Rights legislation, passed and support Affirmative Action and countless other minority targeted agendas, the same White people that passed and support trillions of dollars targeted to minorities. Who do you think the irrational one is in this all too real scenario?

    The Vegas shooter was probably dressed really nice as he hauled his arsenal of weapons to his hotel room.

  2. 1 hour ago, BS Wildcats said:

    You still scream about Trump cheating on his wives, but yet you say nothing about the past potus', of your party, that have done the same.  But when grab um is what you come up with the majority of the time, we shouldn't really expect to much else from you.  The laughter is deafening!

    Slavery and racism,  you guys say leave that in the past. Trump is the present.


  3. 2 hours ago, baddog said:

    Its all about rights. You have the right to spit on the graves of people who laid down their lives for you and me, and he has the right to call you SOBs

    Thats not what kneeling is all about and you know it. The divider in chief just wants you all to believe that. The man that has cheated on all his wives and lies every day of his life

  4. 7 hours ago, Englebert said:

    And your point is? Oops, I just read the name of the author of this post. This is even too low for me to reach. Maybe a third grader will jump in the fray and give a free educational lesson. Naw, even those kids are laughing. Carry on.

    Very trump like post. Message boards give folks like you the opportunity to express yourself.

  5. 4 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    I prefer Christmas, but it seems you have been liberalized to take Christ out of it.

    Ok republicans are out to really screw more Americans for christmas. For CHRISTMAS they will take more from the poor and middle class and give to the rich! For CHRISTMAS!

  6. 8 hours ago, BS Wildcats said:

    Why, because he doesn't agree with the perceived oppression and dishonoring the flag and the anthem?  You claim to have lawyer money, but you jump on the Kaepertwit bandwagon of oppression.  I would argue if you are so oppressed, you wouldn't have lawyer money.  Instead of screaming racism and oppression, you should hit the streets of the 'hood and tell everybody there is opportunity out there.  Maybe it is to easy to let the gangsters and drug dealers be.  Thank goodness Kaepertwit wasn't oppressed by the white family that raised him.

    Pencstitution  and Grab um wipe there rear ends with the constitution so who cares

  7. 6 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    How can that be? That administration was so insightful, so forward looking, so sophisticated, so compassionate, so engaged, so civil.  It's gotta be Bush's fault.

    I miss George W. right now!

  8. 11 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    Tobie- You probably can't grasp this but that would be known as "selective outrage".   And it certainly is no surprise.

    The idiot president trys to take down anyone that doesn't agree with him. you make excuses for every idiotic thing this man says and tweets

  9. 6 minutes ago, stevenash said:

    The discussion is NOT "ifs".   You and Mr, Kaepernick are protesting something that is pretty darn rare but you can't/won't admit that.  You have stated essentially that innocent unarmed black men are being killed at an alarming rate by police officers.  My contention is that it is a fairly infrequent occurance.  Please prove me wrong.  By "prove", I mean something centered around facts.

    Im protecting my unarmed son ahead of time. I have experienced a bad cop back when i didn't have lawyer money. now i do.

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